Ephysteris sporobolella Landry, 2010: 710

Betancourt-Cargua, Lenyn, Román, Andrea C., Vilema-Ramos, Bryan & Pinto, C. Miguel, 2024, First catalog (1964 - 2024) of type insects in the Invertebrates Collection of the Charles Darwin Research Station (ICCDRS), Galápagos Islands-Ecuador, Zootaxa 5551 (3), pp. 479-511 : 494-495

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5551.3.3

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scientific name

Ephysteris sporobolella Landry, 2010: 710


Ephysteris sporobolella Landry, 2010: 710 View in CoL ( Fig. 48 View FIGURES 37–48. 37 )

PARATYPES [24]: ( ICCDRS 47278 ) good. Ecuador, Galápagos, Isabela, NE slope [Volcán] Alcedo , near shore, S 00° 23.829’, W 91° 01.957’, 292 m elev[ation]., 30/III/2004, U[ltra] V [iolet] L[ight]. Bernard Landry and Patrick Schmitz; ( ICCDRS 47279 ) GoogleMaps good. Ecuador, Galápagos, Santa Cruz, littoral zone, Tortuga Bay , 29/I/1989, M[ercury] V [apor] L[amp], leg. Bernard Landry; ( ICCDRS 47280 ) partially damaged. Ecuador, Galápagos, San Cristóbal, pampa zone, 18/II/1989, M[ercury] V [apor] L[amp], leg. Bernard Landry; ( ICCDRS 47281 ) good. Ecuador, Galápagos, Santiago, Aguacate [camp], 520 m elev[ation]., 6/IV/1992, M[ercury] V [apor] L[amp], leg. Bernard Landry ; ♂ ( ICCDRS 47282 ) partially damaged. Ecuador, Galápagos, Santa Cruz, Conway Bay , 30/ VI /1999, Criada en Sporobolus virginicus , leg. Lázaro Roque ; ♂ ( ICCDRS 47283 ) good. Ecuador, Galápagos, Española, Bahía Manzanillo , 29/IV/1992, M[ercury] V [apor] L[amp], leg. Bernard Landry ; ♂ ( ICCDRS 47284 ) partially damaged , ♂ ( ICCDRS 47295 ) good. Ecuador, Galápagos, Santa Cruz, C [harles]. D[arwin]. R [esearch]. S[tation]., [El] Barranco , 11/XI/1999, M[ercury] V [apor] L[amp], leg. Lázaro Roque; ( ICCDRS 47285 ) good. Ecuador, Galápagos, Isabela, [Volcán] Alcedo, lado NE, camp[amento] Pega-Pega , 400 m elev[ation]., 15/IV/2002, U[ltra] V [iolet] L[ight], leg. Bernard Landry and Lázaro Roque; ( ICCDRS 47286 ) good. Ecuador, Galápagos, Pinta, Cabo Ibbetson, N 00° 32.819’, W 90° 44.229’, 8 m elev[ation]., 15/III/2006, U[ltra] V [iolet] L[ight], leg. Patrick Schmitz and Lázaro Roque GoogleMaps ; ♀ ( ICCDRS 47287 ) good. Ecuador, Galápagos, Floreana, close to Las Palmas [farm]., S 01° 17.049’, W 90° 28.305’, 154 m, 15/IV/2004, U[ltra] V [iolet] L[ight], leg. Patrick Schmitz GoogleMaps ; ♀ ( ICCDRS 47288 ) partially damaged. Ecuador, Galápagos, Genovesa, Bahía Darwin , 25/III/1992, M[ercury] V [apor] L[amp], leg. Bernard Landry ; ♀ ( ICCDRS 47289 ) good. Ecuador, Galápagos, Genovesa, Bahía Darwin , 10/III/1992, M[ercury] V [apor] L[amp], leg. Bernard Landry ; ♀ ( ICCDRS 47290 ) , ♀ ( ICCDRS 47292 ) good. Ecuador, Galápagos, Wolf , N 01° 23.380’, W 91° 49.201’, 7/II/2002, U[ltra] V [iolet] L[ight], leg. Lázaro Roque and Charlotte Causton GoogleMaps ; ♀ ( ICCDRS 47291 ) good. Ecuador, Galápagos, Pinzón, plaja Escondida , 20/IV/2002, U[ltra] V [iolet] L[ight], leg. Bernard Landry and Lázaro Roque ; ♀ ( ICCDRS 47293 ) good. Ecuador, Galápagos, Isabela, Tagus Cove , 13/ V /1992, M[ercury] V [apor] L[amp], leg. Bernard Landry ; ♀ ( ICCDRS 47294 ) good. Ecuador, Galápagos, Santa Fe, Tourist trail, 28/ V /1992, M[ercury] V [apor] L[amp], leg. Bernard Landry; ( ICCDRS 47296 ) partially damaged. Ecuador, Galápagos, Marchena , no precise locality, 23/III/1992, M[ercury] V [apor] L[amp], leg. Bernard Landry ; ♂ ( ICCDRS 47297 ) partially damaged. Ecuador, Galápagos, Santa Cruz, [Charles] [Darwin] [Research] [Station], [El] Barranco , S 00° 44’ 34’’, W 90° 18’21’’, 10 m elev[ation]., 26/I/2000, M[ercury] V [apor] L[amp], LR # 2000-01, leg. Lázaro Roque; ( ICCDRS 47298 ) GoogleMaps good. Ecuador, Galápagos, Seymour Norte, Arid zone, 23/I/1989, M[ercury] V [apor] L[amp], leg. Bernard Landry ; ♀ ( ICCDRS 47299 ) good. Ecuador, Galápagos, Fernandina, Punta Espinosa , 12/ V /1992, M[ercury] V [apor] L[amp], leg. Bernard Landry; ( ICCDRS 47300 ) good. Ecuador, Galápagos, Pinta , arid zone, 15/III/1992, M[ercury] V [apor] L[amp], leg. Bernard Landry ; ♀ ( ICCDRS 47301 ) good. Ecuador, Galápagos, Isabela, [Volcán] Alcedo , lado NE, low arid zone, bosque [de] palo santo, 18/IV/2002, U[ltra] V [iolet] L[ight], leg. Bernard Landry and Lázaro Roque.

Remark: The collecting locality of plaja Escondida is properly spelled Playa Escondida.


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


Mykotektet, National Veterinary Institute


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile














Ephysteris sporobolella Landry, 2010: 710

Betancourt-Cargua, Lenyn, Román, Andrea C., Vilema-Ramos, Bryan & Pinto, C. Miguel 2024

Ephysteris sporobolella

Landry, B. & Roque-Albelo, L. 2010: 710
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