Palhinhaea camporum (B.Øllg. & P.G.Windisch) Holub, Folia Geobot Phytotax.

Øllgaard, Benjamin, Boudrie, Michel & Cremers, Georges, 2020, The Lycopodiaceae of Guyana, Suriname, and French Guiana, Phytotaxa 433 (2), pp. 101-134 : 107-108

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.433.2.3

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scientific name

Palhinhaea camporum (B.Øllg. & P.G.Windisch) Holub, Folia Geobot Phytotax.


1. Palhinhaea camporum (B.Øllg. & P.G.Windisch) Holub, Folia Geobot Phytotax. View in CoL 26: 93. 1991.— Lycopodiella camporum B.Øllg. & P.G.Windisch, Bradea 5: 24, fig.3. 1987.—Type:— BRAZIL. Minas Gerais: Mun. Santana do Riacho, estrada Lagoa Santa-Conceiçao do Mato Dentro, Serra do Cipo, 1150 m, J. Prado 69 (holotype HB; isotypes AAU, RB, SP [SP003801], F). Fig. 3A View FIGURE 3 .

Plants with arching-looping runner shoots, with to 1 m tall, stiffly erect, aerial dendroid branch systems, these with several, subdecussate to alternate, often densely aggregated, stiffly ascending, 5–10(–20) cm long lateral branchlet systems. Ultimate branchlets 2.5–7 mm in diam. incl. leaves, stiffly ascending to erect, only the strobiliferous ones rather sharply recurved at the tip. Branchlet leaves usually borne in densely crowded, alternating low spirals or oblique whorls of 5–7, 2.5–4 × ca. 0.3–0.5 mm, acicular, terete or angular (dried), sometimes flattened in the lower half, with often slightly acroscopically adnate and long decurrent leaf bases, patently arcuate-ascending to arcuate-appressed, entirely smooth to densely hairy on leaf bases, rarely with soft hairs on leaf margins. Strobili usually numerous, sessile, terminating tips of ultimate branchlets with a sharp bend, to 2.5 cm long, 2–3 mm in diam. Sporophylls borne in alternating whorls of 5–7, broadly ovate, short to long cuspidate, 1.5–2 × 0.6–0.9 mm, with scarious, coarsely erose-laciniate margins. Sporangia globose, ca. 0.6 mm in diam., strongly anisovalvate.

Distribution:— Colombia, Savanna region of Venezuela (AM-BO), Guyana, Suriname, Peru, Amazonian Bolivia, and Paraguay, Argentina, campos vegetation in Brazil.

Habitats: —Swamps, moist grasslands, on peaty or sandy soil, often in the light-open vegetation adjacent to gallery-vegetation at rivers, often subject to flooding during the rainy season; 100–650 m elev.

Specimens examined:— GUYANA. Parabaru savanna, Watershed between Rupununi and Kuyuwini R., A.C. Smith s.n. (GH, K, MO, NY, P, S, US); Itè swamp, 12 mi. N of Manari Cr., Rupununi, 100 m, Goodland 883 (COL, M, US); Cuyuni, Mazaruni region, near Chinoweing Village, 650 m, Pipoly 10457 (AAU, CAY, FDG, NY, P, US).— SURINAME. Sipaliwini savanna, foot of hill, Donselar 3609 (BBS); Boven-Lawa, Palaime-savanne, Geijskes s.n. (GH, U); W Sipaliwini savanna area on Brazilian frontier, N of 4-Gebroeders’ creek, 260 m, Oldenburger et al. 75 (BBS, U); Small Sipaliwini savanna on brazilian frontier, 280 m, Oldenburger et al. 722 (U); Boven Sipaliwini, kamp XIX, Morro Grande, Rombouts 476 (U); River Sipaliwini, rivulet Palaime, Palaime Savanna, Wessels-Boer 773 (U). Apikollo savanna, Hulk 65 (U).














Palhinhaea camporum (B.Øllg. & P.G.Windisch) Holub, Folia Geobot Phytotax.

Øllgaard, Benjamin, Boudrie, Michel & Cremers, Georges 2020

Palhinhaea camporum (B.Øllg. & P.G.Windisch)

Holub 1991: 93
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