Lucasioides digitatus Li & Wang, 2024

Wang, Jin, Yao, Chong-Hui, Jiang, Chao & Li, Wei-Chun, 2024, Integrative taxonomy reveals exceptional species diversity of Lucasioides from China (Isopoda: Oniscidea: Agnaridae), Arthropod Systematics & amp; Phylogeny 82, pp. 527-549 : 527-549

publication ID 10.3897/asp.82.e113041

publication LSID


persistent identifier

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Arthropod Systematics & Phylogeny by Pensoft

scientific name

Lucasioides digitatus Li & Wang

sp. nov.

3.3. 3. Lucasioides digitatus Li & Wang sp. nov.

Figures 6 D View Figure 6 , 9 View Figure 9

Type material.

Holotype. CHINA • 1 ♂; Jiangxi Province, Yichun City, Jingan County, Sanzhualun ; 29.0490 ° N, 115.2611 ° E, el. 220 m a. s. l.; 19. vii. 2012; W. C. Li leg. (DNA no. SZL 2002 , Prep. slide nos. L 17309 - L 17314 ) GoogleMaps . — Paratypes. • 3 ♀♀; same data as the holotype (DNA nos. SZL 2001 , SZL 2003 and SZL 2004 ) GoogleMaps .


Cephalon with arched median lobe; pereonite 1 with blunted postero-lateral corner; pleopod 1 exopod with finger-like outer lobe, inner lobe inconspicuous.


Body length of males 6.2 mm, of females 6.3-8.0 mm. Color in alcohol blackish brown or yellowish brown, dorsum granulated, bearing irregular white muscle spots (Fig. 6 D View Figure 6 ). Pereonite 1 sinuous on posterior margin of epimeron, postero-lateral corner blunted. Noduli laterales on pereonites as in Fig. 9 A View Figure 9 . Telson triangular, width about one and half times as long as length, lateral margin slightly concave, apex blunted round; uropod exopodite about twice as long as basipodite (Figs 6 D View Figure 6 , 9 A View Figure 9 ). — Cephalon with arched median lobe, median lobe nearly as long as lateral lobes (Figs 6 D View Figure 6 , 9 A View Figure 9 ). Antennula with several aesthetascs on distal tip and antero-lateral margins of third article (Fig. 9 B View Figure 9 ). Antennal flagellum with second segment twice as long as first one (Fig. 9 C View Figure 9 ). — Pereopod 1 with brush of long setae on carpus and merus (Fig. 9 D View Figure 9 ). Pereopod 7 ischium with deep depression on rostral surface, carpus slightly expanded near middle on dorsal margin (Fig. 9 E View Figure 9 ). — Pleopods 1-5 exopods with Protracheoniscus - type pseudotrachea (Fig. 9 F-J View Figure 9 ). — MALE: pleopod 1 exopod slightly concave at posterior margin, outer side with finger-like lobe, inner lobe inconspicuous, endopod with broad basal part, narrowed towards beak-shaped posterior tip (Fig. 9 F View Figure 9 ); pleopod 2 endopod styliform, nearly as long as exopod (Fig. 9 G View Figure 9 ).


Latin “ digitatus ” = finger-like. The new species name refers to the male pleopod 1 exopod with a finger-like lobe on outer side.


The new species is very similar to L. isseli ( Arcangeli, 1927) in having the cephalon with an arched median lobe, and the first pereonite with a blunted postero-lateral corner. But it can be distinguished in having the pleopod 1 exopod with an undeveloped inner lobe (Fig. 9 F View Figure 9 ). In L. isseli , the inner lobe of pleopod 1 exopod is well-developed ( Kwon 1993: fig. 168). In the mounted appendages, this species resembles L. nudus Li, 2017 and L. schmidti sp. nov. Furthermore, the molecular data recognized both species as distinct taxonomic entities (Fig. 5 View Figure 5 ).











