Stomis, Clairville, 1806

Sciaky, Riccardo, 2024, Review of the Chinese Stomis, with description of nine new taxa and a new key (Carabidae: Pterostichini), Zootaxa 5523 (1), pp. 1-34 : 31-32

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5523.1.1

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Key to the Chinese species of Stomis View in CoL

Since the species described after my revision (1998) are quite numerous, and therefore the key proposed at that time is widely insufficient, I would like to propose here a new key to all the continental Chinese Stomis , so as to allow everybody to determine the material that hopefully will be collected in future.

1 Head very large and rounded, with collar constriction very evident; mandibles very slightly arcuate, shorter than the rest of the head, the right one almost straight; pronotum very broad, almost rounded, with sides markedly constricted towards base. Margins of pronotum with one or several lateral setae ( vignai -group)............................................ 2

- Head not very large and rounded, with collar constriction absent or scarcely evident; mandibles from moderately to markedly arcuate, usually longer than the rest of the head, the right one evidently arcuate at apex; pronotum of variable shape, with sides markedly sinuate before base. Margins of pronotum constantly with only one lateral seta............................. 5

2 Basal angles of pronotum right, obtuse or rounded at tip, sides of pronotum with change of convexity before basal angles. Sichuan, Yunnan, Gansu, Shaanxi ........................................................................ 3

- Basal angles of pronotum completely rounded, sides of pronotum in continuous curve, without change of convexity before basal angles. Western Sichuan ........................................................................... 4

3 Elytra without humeral tooth. Median lobe of aedeagus in lateral view evidently sinuate before apex. Gansu ........................................................................................ vignai ssp. vignai Lassalle, 2003

- Elytra with a small but evident humeral tooth. Median lobe of aedeagus in lateral view not sinuate before apex. Shaanxi ....................................................................... vignai ssp. taibashanensis Lassalle, 2003

4 Mandibles longer and curved; elytra less short and broad (El/Ew = 1.37). N. Sichuan, SW Shaanxi. vignai ssp. maior sp. nov.

Mandibles very short and very feebly curved; elytra very short and broad (El/Ew = 1.26). Hubei ................................................................................................ vignai ssp. megacephalus sp. nov.

5 Right mandible with a deep notch ( chinensis -group).......................................................... 6

- Right mandible without notch.......................................................................... 12

6 Length short (7.2–10.4 mm)............................................................................. 7

- Length long (12.1–14.1 mm)............................................................................ 9

7 Antennomere 3 almost constantly with sparse pubescence on apical half, sometimes only with few additional setae. Color black, frequently with greenish hue. Sichuan, Chongqing ...................................................... 8

- Antennomere 3 completely glabrous, except for the large fixed setae. Color black with bronze hue. Yunnan ................................................................................................... farkaci Sciaky, 1998

8 Antennomeres narrower, maximum width of pronotum in the anterior half. Apical blade of aedeagus in dorsal view longer and thinner. Western Sichuan .............................................................. facchinii Sciaky, 1998

- Antennomeres thicker, maximum width of pronotum almost in the middle. Apical blade of aedeagus in dorsal view shorter and broader. Jinfu Shan (Chongqing)....................................................... chinensis Jedlička, 1932

9 Elytra rather flat, body reddish-brown with weak metallic hue. Eyes markedly reduced. Elytral striae superficial and feebly punctate. Western Sichuan ............................................................................. 10

- Elytra convex; body black with evident metallic hue, legs blackish. Eyes quite large. Elytral striae deep and evidently punctate. Western Sichuan, Northern Yunnan ...................................................................... 11

10 Elytra feebly but perceptibly convex on disc; body reddish-brown with very weak metallic hue, legs reddish-brown with blackish femora. Eyes very small but slightly convex. Elytral striae deeper and more evidently punctate.......... titanus Sciaky, 1998

- Elytra markedly flat on disc; body reddish-brown with weak metallic hue, legs reddish-brown. Eyes extremely small and flat. Elytral striae very superficial, the external ones indicated by rows of punctures only..................... davidi sp. nov.

11 Body more robust and with more evident greenish hue on elytra, pronotum broader (Pw/Pl = 1.17), with sides abruptly constricted towards base, elytra broader (El/Ew = 1.51). Western Sichuan .............................. wrasei sp. nov.

- Body less robust and with very slight greenish hue on elytra, pronotum narrower (Pw/Pl = 1.10), with sides feebly sinuate towards base, elytra narrower (El/Ew = 1.64). Northern Yunnan ................................. gigas Sciaky, 1998

12 Length constantly longer (10.1–15.5 mm); elytra proportionally shorter and broader (El/Ew <1.5). Median lobe of aedeagus very broad and depressed, without apical disc. Distribution: Yunnan ( collucens -group)............................. 13

- Length variable (7.0– 13.3 mm); elytra proportionally longer and narrower (El/Ew> 1.5). Median lobe of aedeagus of various shape, but never broad and depressed, often with a small apical disc. Yunnan, Sichuan, Gansu, Shaanxi ................ 15

13 Length shorter (10.1–13.1 mm)......................................................................... 14

- Length very long (14.0– 14.5 mm). Habashan........................................ habashanensis Lassalle, 2007

14 Eyes large and convex, distinctly protruding from the temporal convexity. Elytra rounded at sides, striae impunctate. Yulongshan................................................................................. collucens ( Fairmaire, 1888)

- Eyes small and flat, hardly protruding from the temporal convexity. Elytra weakly rounded at sides, almost parallel-sided, striae feebly punctate. Zhongdian area................................................... politus Ledoux & Roux, 1995

15 Elytra with metallic hue, aedeagus of medium or large size, with apical lamella more or less developed ( deuvei -group).... 16

- Elytra black, without metallic hue; aedeagus very small, with very short apical lamella ( robustus -group)............... 22

16 Apex of aedeagus in dorsal view broad and rounded, without small denticle on the left side; in lateral view evidently bent downwards. Body length 9.1–12.9 mm ................................................................... 17

- Apex of aedeagus in dorsal view markedly constricted, with a small denticle on the left side; in lateral view almost rectilinear. Body length 6.9–11 mm ............................................................................... 19

17 Body slender, with narrower elytra (El/Ew = 1.67) elytral striae more superficial and less strongly punctate............. 18

- Body stouter, with broader elytra (El/Ew = 1.55) elytral striae deeper and more strongly punctate. Shaanxi .................................................................................... exilis ssp. exilis Sciaky & Wrase, 1997

18 Color lighter, pronotal base more widely punctate, elytral striae deeper and more evidently punctate. Apical lamella of aedeagus shorter. Sichuan, Gansu, Shaanxi .................................................. exilis ssp. brivioi Sciaky, 1998

Color darker, pronotal base less widely punctate, elytral striae more superficial and less evidently punctate. Apical lamella of aedeagus longer. Sichuan ............................................................ exilis ssp. pauli ssp. nov.

19 Legs and antennae pale red, contrasting with the dark body; elytra bright metallic green. Length rather short (6.9–7.2 mm)... 20

- Legs and antennae dark brown or blackish, not contrasting with the dark body; elytra black or with faint metallic hues. Length longer (7–11 mm).................................................................................... 21

20 Pronotum less dilated anteriorly, almost not sinuate towards base; elytra longer and distinctly slender. Gansu, Northern Sichuan .................................................................. deuvei ssp. deuvei Marcilhac, 1993

- Pronotum more dilated anteriorly, evidently sinuate towards base; elytra shorter and distinctly stouter. Shaanxi .......................................................................... deuvei ssp. shaanxianus Sciaky & Wrase, 1997

21 Base of pronotum raised laterally, basal angles obtuse; basal foveae of pronotum broad and sparsely punctate. Elytra rather long (El/Ew = 1.51); lateral elytral striae obsolete. Northern Sichuan ............................... romani Dvořák, 2001

- Elytra very short and broad (El/Ew = 1.47). Southern Sichuan ................................ sehnali Lassalle, 2007

22 Sides of pronotum not or extremely shortly sinuate towards base, eyes of normal size. Sichuan, Shaanxi, Hubei ......... 24

- Sides of pronotum with long and evident sinuation towards base, eyes reduced. Yunnan, Southern Sichuan ............. 25

24 Elytra parallel-sided, pronotum feebly constricted towards base, mandibles shorter than rest of head. Sichuan, Shaanxi .......................................................................................... bousqueti sp. nov.

- Elytra oval, pronotum markedly constricted towards base, mandibles longer than rest of head. Hubei ..... magrinii sp. nov.

25 Maximum width of elytra in anterior half or at middle, size on the average larger (10.2–13.3 mm).................... 26

- Maximum width of elytra in posterior half, size on the average smaller (8.2–10.4 mm)............................. 27

26 Length shorter (10.2–12.1 mm), elytra feebly rounded at sides, shoulders well marked, color dark brown or black but not iridescent. Yunnan ............................................................... schoenmanni Sciaky, 1998

- Length longer (12.1–13.3 mm), elytra markedly rounded at sides, shoulders rounded, color black, strongly iridescent. Southern Sichuan ............................................................................ robustus Sciaky, 1998

27 Basal foveae of pronotum almost reaching the middle of pronotal length, elytra proportionally shorter and more convex. Length shorter (8.2 mm). Ailao Shan (Yunnan)..................................................... dilaticollis sp. nov.

- Basal foveae of pronotum slightly longer than one third of pronotal length, elytra proportionally longer and more depressed. Length longer (10.2–10.4 mm). Jinfu Shan (Chongqing)............................................. jani sp. nov.











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