Episcapha (Ephicaspa) yunnanensis, Li & Ren, 2006

Li, J. & Ren, G., 2006, One New Species Of Episcapha (Subgenus Ephicaspa Chûjô) (Coleoptera, Erotylidae, Megalodacnini) From China, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 52 (3), pp. 313-317 : 314-316

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12585811

persistent identifier


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scientific name

Episcapha (Ephicaspa) yunnanensis

sp. nov.

Episcapha (Ephicaspa) yunnanensis sp. n.

( Figs 2–13 View Figs 2–13 )

Description. Body elongate, length: 8.2–9.0 mm; width: 3.5–4.0 mm (bl/bw = 2.35–2.52; average = 2.43); general color black, slightly shining; mouthparts and tarsi dark brown to reddish brown. Each elytron with 2 orange bands; anterior band extending from lateral border to the middle of the second elytral interval, reaching the shoulder at lateral border, with 3 teeth on anterior and posterior borders; posterior band at seventh from base of elytron, almost quadrate, extending from the suture to near the lateral border.

Male ( Fig. 2 View Figs 2–13 ). Head ( Fig. 3 View Figs 2–13 ) strongly and sparsely punctured on vertex, with distinct depression at each side along inner border of eye. Clypeus finely and closely punctured, with anterior border nearly straight, with a fovea on each side of the base. Eyes large, prominent laterally; interocular distance 0.74 times as long as width of head. Antennae ( Fig. 8 View Figs 2–13 ) long, extending a little behind posterior border of pronotum; antennomere III about 1.4 times as long as IV; antennomere VIII slightly wider than VII, as long as wide; antennomeres IX and X semicircular; antennomere XI pentagonal, slightly constricted in middle; relative lengths of antennomeres II–XI: 8.5: 12.0: 8.5: 8.0: 9.1: 9.0: 9.0: 8.8: 9.0: 11.5. Mentum ( Fig. 5 View Figs 2–13 ) broadly pentagonal, pointed apically, with fine punctures; submentum sparsely and roundly punctured.

Pronotum ( Fig. 4 View Figs 2–13 ) widest at base (pl/pw = 0.68–0.73; average = 0.70); sides slightly curved, gradually narrowing in basal half, then strongly so in apical half. Pronotum distinctly punctured on median area; strongly and closely punctured on lateral areas; punctures near lateral margins fine and nal sac in anterodorsal view.

close. Anterior angles projected; posterior angles obtuse. Prosternum ( Fig.6 View Figs 2–13 ) strongly and closely punctured on the lateral areas, strongly and sparsely punctured on median area, covered with golden hairs. Prosternal process moderately dilated apically; anterior border almost straight with narrow margin; prosternal lines sinuate.

Scutellum broadly pentagonal, with fine and spare punctures.

Elytra (el/ew = 1.59–1.64; average = 1.61), widest at basal fourth, then gradually narrowing to apex; each elytron with 8 striae; intervals with fine and sparse punctures, which are relatively finer than those in striae.

Mesoventrites ( Fig. 7 View Figs 2–13 ) finely and sparsely punctured, with a median obtrapeziform depression.

Aedeagus ( Fig. 13 View Figs 2–13 ) strongly curved; median lobe narrow, with apex hooked in lateral view; median strut short, as long as median lobe. Anterior end of internal sac as in fig. 13.

Female genitalia ( Figs 11–12 View Figs 2–13 ) with narrow styli at apex of coxite; proctigeral lobes rounded apically; female spermatheca as in fig. 10.

Type material. Holotype male, CHINA: Yunnan Province, Gengma County, N23°34’ E99°25’, 26 August 2004, Jing Li and Cai-Xia Yuan leg. ( MHBU) GoogleMaps Paratypes: 5 males and 2 females, same date as the holotype.

Etymology. The specific name derives from the type locality: Yunnan Province.

Diagnosis. This new species is closely allied to Episcapha (Ephicaspa) lewisi NAKANE , but differs from the latter in the characters listed in Table 1.

Distribution. China: Yunnan Province.


Acknowledgments – We are grateful to PhD PAUL E. SKELLEY and Prof. RICHARD A. B. LESCHEN, for their help during this project. Our thanks are also to Prof. MASAHIRO OHARA for generously providing some reference material. This project was supported by a National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 30170117).













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