Campylocentrum mattogrossense Hoehne (1941: 62)

Pessoa, Edlley & Alves, Marccus, 2018, Taxonomical revision of Campylocentrum sect. Campylocentrum (Orchidaceae, Vandeae, Angraecinae) in Brazil, Phytotaxa 362 (1), pp. 1-20 : 11-12

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.362.1.1

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scientific name

Campylocentrum mattogrossense Hoehne (1941: 62)


6. Campylocentrum mattogrossense Hoehne (1941: 62) View in CoL .

Type: — BRAZIL. Mato Grosso: São Luiz de Cáceres, Lava Pés, August 1911, Hoehne in Comissão Rondon 4473 [lectotype: R!, designated by Pessoa & Alves (2015a)]. ( Fig. 3K–O View FIGURE 3 , Fig. 4 View FIGURE 4 )

Campylocentrum cuyuniae Szlachetko & Kolanowska (2013: 265) View in CoL . Type: — GUYANA. Cuyuni-Mazaruni: Cuyuni River, Kauri Creek, Mora Forest, 17 May 1933, Tutin 118 (holotype BM!).

Pendent herbs. Roots 1.5–2.0 mm diameter, cylindrical. Stem 3.5–34.0 cm long. Leaves 3.2–11.3 × 0.9–2.0 cm, usually dark brown when dried, oblong-elliptical, oblanceolate, or widely elliptical, lobes obtuse to rounded. Inflorescences 1.2–2.5 mm long, congest, peduncle 0.1–0.3 cm long, glabrous; rachis 1.1–2.2 cm long, glabrous; floral bracts 1.0–1.5 × 0.7–0.9 mm, deltoid, margin minutely denticulate, the apex acute. Flowers 11–22 (per inflorescence), pale orange, pedicellate ovary 0.8–2.0 mm long, glabrous; dorsal sepal 4.9–5.1 × 1.0– 1.2 mm, oblong, 3-nerved, adaxially glabrous to sparsely pilose, the apex acute; lateral sepals 5.0–5.1 × 1.0– 1.1 mm, oblong, sub-falcate, 3-nerved, adaxially glabrous to sparsely pilose, the apex acute; petals 4.5–4.8 × 0.8–0.9 mm, oblong, 3-nerved, glabrous, the apex acute; lip 5.0– 5.2 mm long, 2.2–2.3 mm wide between the lateral lobes, 3-lobed, 7–9-nerved, margin entire, producing a spur at base, lateral lobes 2.2–2.3 × 0.4–0.6 mm, oblong to oblanceolate, the apex rounded, mid-lobe 3.2–3.3 × 0.9–1.0 mm, narrowly lanceolate, the apex acute, glabrous, spur 5.0– 5.2 mm long, 1.0– 1.2 mm diameter, cylindrical-clavate, straight, pale orange, glabrous to sparsely pilose, the apex rounded; gynostemium 0.7–0.8 mm long, anther cap apex truncate. Capsules 7.0–9.0 × 2.0–3.0 mm, glabrous, pedicel 0.8–1.0 mm long.

Distribution and Habitat:— South America ( Bolivia, Brazil, French Guyana and Guyana, probably also in Surinam), in Brazil (states of Amazonas, Goiás, Maranhão, Mato Grosso, Pará, Rondônia, and Tocantins). It grows in lowland forests in the Amazon basin and gallery forest in Cerrado vegetation.

Conservation status:— Based on its wide distribution, this species falls under the Least Concern (LC) category.

Nomenclatural notes:— Campylocentrum mattogrossense was included for a long time under C. micranthum ( Pessoa & Alves 2015a) . Recently, Szlachetko and Kolanowska (2013) described C. cuyuniae based on a specimen clearly conspecific and neglecting the existence of the previous name. Pessoa & Alves (2015a) provided a reestablishment of C. mattogrossense and synonymized C. cuyuniae under it.

Similar species:— It belongs to the “ C. micranthum complex”. Species of this group are unrecognizable based on vegetative organs and the perianth parts are very similar. However, it is easily distinguished by its straight spur (against the curved, inflexed or slightly curved spurs of the other species). (Table 1)

Additional specimens examined:— BOLIVIA: Pando: Manuripi, Puerto America , 10 Sep 1994, Jardin 1061 ( MO) ; BRAZIL. Amazonas: Lago Cauaçu , 16 Jun 1965, Richter s.n. ( HB) ; Alto Rio Negro , Jul 1972, Richter s.n. ( HB, M) ; Baixo Amazonas, Lago Cauaçú , 15 Jun 1965, Richter s.n. ( HB) ; Goiás: Paraúna, Ponte de Pedra , 10 Jan 1993, Batista 375 ( CEN) ; Maranhão: Rio Maracaçume , Jul1958, Fróes 34394 ( IAN) ; Mato Grosso: Chapada dos Guimarães, Manso , 12 Aug 1999, Macedo & Gonçalves 7095 ( UFMT) ; Cláudia , 1 Mar 2015, Pezzini s.n. ( CNMT) ; Cuiabá, Coxipó , Dec 1978, Lima 50 ( HB, M) ; Between Cuiabá and Rondonópolis, Serra de São Vicente , 17 Nov 1977, Lima 01 ( HB, M) ; Jaciara , near BR-364 road, 11 Apr 2015, Petini-Benellii 986 ( CNMT) ; São Luiz de Cáceres, Lava Pés, Sep 1908, Hoehne in Com. Rondon 570 ( R) ; Pará: Altamira, Rio Iriri , 18 Aug 1986, Vasconcelos et al. 08 ( MG) ; Belém, Boa Vista , 22 May 1968, Pires & Silva 11740 ( IAN) ; São Félix do Xingú, Serra de Campo , 12 Aug 2001, Salles et al. 2178 ( HEPH) ; Tucuruí, Vila Santa Rosa , Apr 1981, Bastos & Motta 420 ( MG) ; Rondônia: Abunã, Madeira-Mamoré , 13 Jul 1968, Prance et al. s.n. ( INPA) ; Presidente Médici , 31 May 1985, Maciel et al. 1476 ( MG) ; Tocantins: sine loco acurato, 16 Aug 1978, Mileski s.n. ( RB) ; Araguaçu, estrada para Alvorada, 16 Feb1997, Batista et al. 686 ( CEN, UB). FRENCH GUYANA. Lieu de Récolte : Inselberg Mont Chauve , 19 Apr 1997, Villiers & Sarthou 6126 ( P) ; ibid., 11 Apr 1997, Cremers & Crozier 14860 ( CAY, P). GUYANA. sine loco acurato, 1898, Thurn 92 p. part. ( K) ; Takutu-U: Essequibo, Kamoa, Kassikaityu , 25 May 1997, Clarke 4952 ( US) .

7. Campylocentrum micranthum (Lindl.) Maury (1889: 273) . Angraecum micranthum Lindley (1835 : t. 1772). Aeranthes micranthus (Lindl.) Reichenbach (1864: 901) . Epidorchis micrantha (Lindl.) Kuntze (1891: 660) . Mystacidium micranthum (Lindl.) Durand & Schinz (1895: 54) . Campylocentrum micranthum (Lindl.) Rolfe (1903: 245) .

Type: — SURINAM. sine loco acurato, s.d., G. Loddiges s.n. (holotype: K–L!). ( Fig. 5A–D View FIGURE 5 , Fig. 6 View FIGURE 6 )

Pendent herbs. Roots 1–2 mm diameter, cylindrical. Stem 8–47 cm long. Leaves 2.6–9.0 × 0.9–2.2 cm, oblong-elliptical to oblanceolate, lobes obtuse. Inflorescence 1–3 cm long, congest, peduncle 0.1–0.3 cm long, glabrous; rachis 0.8–2.7 cm long, glabrous; floral bracts 0.9–1.3 × 0.5–0.8 mm, deltoid, minutely denticulate margin, the apex acute. Flowers 8–21 (per inflorescence), white-greenish, pedicellate ovary 2–3 mm long, minutely papillose; dorsal sepal 3.8–5.0 × 1.0– 1.5 mm, oblong, 3-nerved, glabrous, the apex acute; lateral sepals 4.0–5.5 × 0.8–1.1 mm, oblong, subfalcate, 3-nerved, glabrous, the apex acute; petals 3–5 × 0.7–1.0 mm, oblong-elliptical, 3-nerved, glabrous, the apex acute; lip 3.5–5 mm long, 1.8–2.0 mm between the lateral lobes, 3-lobed, 9-nerved, margin entire, producing a spur at base, lateral lobes 1.5–2.0 × 0.5–0.6 mm, oblong to oblanceolate, the apex acute to obtuse, mid-lobe 2.3–3.1 × 0.5–0.9 mm, narrowly lanceolate, the apex acute, spur 2.5–3.5 mm long, 1.0– 1.5 mm diameter, cylindrical-clavate, inflexed, greenish, the apex rounded; gynostemium 0.8–1.0 mm long, anther cap apex rounded. Capsules 7–11 × 2.0– 2.5 mm, glabrous, pedicel 0.8–1.0 mm long.

Distribution and Habitat:— Antilles ( Cuba, Dominican Republic, Guadaloupe, Haiti, Jamaica, Martinique, Puerto Rico and Trinidad & Tobago) and South America ( Brazil, French Guyana, Guyana, Surinam and Venezuela), in Brazil (states of Alagoas, Amapá, Amazonas, Bahia, Ceará, Pará, Pernambuco and Roraima). It occurs in Antillean seasonal forests, and also in dense, and humid lowland forests in Amazon basin and northern Atlantic Forest.

Conservation status:— Based on its wide distribution, this species falls under the Least Concern (LC) category.

Nomenclatural notes:— The name C. micranthum ( Lindley 1835: t. 1772) Rolfe (1903:245) has been erroneously applied because Maury (1889) previously proposed a new combination ( Bogarin & Pupulin 2010, Pessoa et al. 2015b). Many names have been treated under the synonymy of C. micranthum , while others have been reestablished and recognized as distinct species ( Pessoa & Alves 2015a, Pessoa et al. 2015). A study of the type specimen in addition to specimens from the type locality ( Surinam) provided a better understanding of its real morphological identity and excluded several synonyms, most of them are now under C. kuntzei .

Similar species:— Among the “ C. micranthum complex” in Brazil ( C. huebneri , C. kuntzei , and C. mattogrossense ), Campylocentrum micranthum is the species with the shortest spur (up to 3.5 mm). The most similar species is Campylocentrum antioquiense Kolanowska & Szlachetko (2013: 223) , described from Colombia and characterized by the inflexed spur, but it differs by its vegetative portion (leaves and stem) much smaller than C. micranthum , and the apex of the lateral lobes of the lip rounded (vs. acute to obtuse). (Table 1)

Additional specimens examined:— BRAZIL. Alagoas: Ibateguara, Coimbra. 15 Jun 2002, Oliveira 975 (UFP); Murici, Serra do Ouro, 18 Feb 2004, Pinheiro 245 (MAC); Amapá: Amapá, Rebio Lago Piratuba, 4 Jun 2006, Rocha et al. 529 (HAMAB); Calçoene, Rio Cassiporé, 18 Sep 2005, Costa-Neto 2158 (HAMAB, MG); Mururé, Rio Araguarí, 22 Aug 1961, Pires et al. 50426 (NY); Oiapoque, Clevelândia. 23 Apr 1960, Egler 1402 (HB, MG); Rio Jari, Cachoeira Macacoara, 27 Aug 1961, Egler & Irwin 46685 (NY); Amazonas: Caserío Natividad, Quebrada las Flores, 22 Sep 1977, Morales 34 (COL). Humayta, Rio Madeira, 14 Sep 1934, Krukoff 6539 (NY); Manaus, Reserva Ducke, 13 Apr 1998, Ribeiro 1972 (INPA, K); ibid., 23 Jun 1998, Assunção & Silva 851 (INPA, K); Presidente Figueiredo, Reserva Biológica Uatumã. 6 Jul 2007, Carvalho-Sobrinho & Mesquita 1534 (INPA); Bahia: Canavieiras, Transoricana, 15 Nov 2002, Jardim et al. 4067 (HUEFS); Ipiaú, Estrada a Ibirataia, 30 Oct 1970, Santos 1242 (CEPEC); Santa Cruz de Cabrália, Reserva Biológica Pau Brasil, 1 Oct 1971, Eupunino 12 (CEPEC, HB); Serra de Sincorá. s.d., Martius s.n. (M); Ceará: Maranguape, Trilha da Rajada; 23 Apr 2013, Pessoa et al. 1120 (RB, UFP); ibid., Pedra do Derretido, 25 May 2005, Lima-Verde et al 2491 (EAC); ibid., 4 May 1991, Felix 4391 (EAN). Pará: sine loco acurato, 15 Jun 1908, Baker 423 (BM, U); sine loco acurato, Apr 1896, Rand s.n. (K); Ananindeua, Mar 1991, Silva & Silva 56 (MG); Belém, Reserva do Guamá, Nov 1980, Braga 3600 (INPA); Barcarena, Rio Tauá. 26 Aug 1985, Lins et al. 310 (MG); Castanhal, 2 Jun 1995, Silva 17 (MG); Lageira, Rio Maicuru, 28 Jul 1981, Strudwick & Sobel 3639 (NY); Marabá, Serra Norte. 24 May 1982, Secco et al. 319 (MG); Vigia, Campina do Palha, 12 Jun 1966, Pabst 8969 (HB); Pernambuco: Olinda, 30 May 1925, Pickel 970 (SP); Igarassu, Usina São José, 21 Jan 2014, Pessoa et al. 1217 (RB, UFP); Jaqueira, Reserva Particular Patrimônio Natural Frei Caneca, 30 May 2012, Pessoa et al. 952 (RB, UFP); Roraima: Alto Alegre, Serra dos Surucucus, 14 Oct 1991, Silva 256 (MG); Caracaraí, Rio Anauá, 25 Aug 2012, Pessoa et al. 1001 (INPA, RB, UFP). CUBA. Cuba Orientali, Sep 1859?, Wright 1619 (W); Guantánamo: Baracoa, Río Toa Valley, 18 Jun 1997, Ackerman et al. 3077 ( US); Macuriyes, 1824, Poeppig s.n. (W). DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. Loma Isabel de Torres: Puerto Plata, 25 May 1969, Liogier 14575 (NY); Santo Domingo: Península de Jamaná, 1 Aug 1930, Ekman 15804 (K); ibid., 27 Jan 1971, Wright et al. 572 (W); Santiago: Marcano, Arroyo Gurabo, 9 Oct 1954, Jimenez ( US). FRENCH GUYANA. Cayenne: s.d., Poiteau s.n. (G, W); Montagnes Plomb: 7 Dec 1993, Bordenave 624 (CAY, P); Nouragues: Basin de L’Arataye. 16 Mar 1989, Sarthou 498 (CAY, P); ibid., 23 April 1992, Larpin 1045 (CAY, P); Oyapock: Crique Gabaret, Mar 1976, Fily 05 (P); Pays Indien: 18 November 1976, Veyret s.n. (HB); Saint-Elie: May 1989, Larpin 330 (CAY, P); Oyapock River: Mar 1976, Fily 05 (P). GUADALOUPE. Vernou: 10 Jun 1936, Stehlé 963 (P). GUYANA. Sine loco acurato: 1898, Thurnefort s.n. (K); Sine loco acurato: 1898, Thurnefort 92 p. part. (K); Sine loco acurato: Jul 1824, Poiteau s.n. (K); Aruka River: 8 Mar 1945, s.col (K); Mabaruma: 9 Nov 1990, Polak et al. 178 (U). HAITI. sine loco acurato, 15 Aug 1903, Nash 455 (NY). JAMAICA. sine loco acurato, Nov 1881, Morris s.n. (K). MARTINIQUE. Grand-Riviére: 10 Jun 1982, Sastre 7544 (P). PUERTO RICO. Florida: Barrio Perol, Sector Los Caños, 30 Jun 2001, Trejo-Torres et al. 1241 (C). SURINAM. Sine loco acurato: s.d., Vriese s.n. (BM, G, L, K, P); Sine loco acurato: s.d., Loddiges s.n. (K); Sine loco acurato: 1846, Hostmann 682a (P, W); Anansitabbetje: Gran Holo Soela, 2 Aug1973, Teunissen 1138 (U); Beekhuizen: Paramaribo, s.d., Wullschlagel 532 (BR, W); La Recontre: May 1830, Splittgerber 955 (L, P, W); Meerzorg: lower Surinam River, 15 Nov 1974, Mennega & Koek-Noorman 910 (U); Nassau: Marowijne, 29 Mar 1949, Lanjouw & Lindeman 2968 (U); ibid., 1 Sep1965, Jones 129 (K); Surinam River: 12 Dec 1971, Teunissen & Teunissen 1139 (U). TRINIDAD & TOBAGO. Tobago: Adelphi, 13 May 1913, Broadway s.n. (BM, G, NY); Widow Forest, 20 Feb 1912, Broadway 3915 (K); Trinidad: Sine loco acurato, 4 Feb 1927, Broadway 7382 (BM); sine loco acurato, 1877, Fendler 792 (E, NY); Caroni North Bank Road, 21 Mar 1920, Britton & Mendelson 822 (NY); Valencia, 13 Mar 1925, Broadway s.n. (K). VENEZUELA. Amazonas: Watchica Ridge, San Carlos de Rio Negro, 14 Apr1979, Liesner 6623 (MO); Cerro Copey: Isla Margarita, 18 Apr 1983, Sudgen 1163 (K); Lower Orinoco: sine loco acurato, 18 Sep 1896, Rusby & Squires 397 (K), Monagas: Naturin, 20 Oct 1965, Breteler 4668 (U).


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Campylocentrum mattogrossense Hoehne (1941: 62)

Pessoa, Edlley & Alves, Marccus 2018

Campylocentrum cuyuniae Szlachetko & Kolanowska (2013: 265)

Kolanowska, M. & Szlachetko, D. 2013: )
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