Campylocentrum kuntzei Cogn. ex Kuntze (1898: 298)

Pessoa, Edlley & Alves, Marccus, 2018, Taxonomical revision of Campylocentrum sect. Campylocentrum (Orchidaceae, Vandeae, Angraecinae) in Brazil, Phytotaxa 362 (1), pp. 1-20 : 10-11

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.362.1.1


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scientific name

Campylocentrum kuntzei Cogn. ex Kuntze (1898: 298)


5. Campylocentrum kuntzei Cogn. ex Kuntze (1898: 298) View in CoL .

Type: — BOLIVIA. Rio Juntas, 500 m alt., 13 April 1892, C.O. Kuntze s.n. [lectotype: BR!, designated by Pessoa & Alves (2015a), isolectotypes: F, photograph!, NY 8632, photograph!, NY 8631, photograph]. ( Fig. 3F–J View FIGURE 3 , Fig. 4 View FIGURE 4 )

Campylocentrum flavum Kolanowska & Szlachetko (2013: 233) View in CoL . syn. nov. Type: — COLOMBIA. Antioquia: Between Frontino y Nutibara, 14 October 1989, L.A. Escobar & F.X. Roldán 8631 (holotype: HUA, photograph!).

Campylocentrum bonifaziae Dodson (2003: 191) View in CoL . syn. nov. Type: — ECUADOR. Los Rios: Hacienda Clementina, s.d., J. Cornejo & C. Bonifaz s.n. (holotype: GUAY, photograph!).

Campylocentrum colombianum Schlechter (1920: 205) View in CoL . syn. nov. Type: — COLOMBIA. Vale del Cauca: sine loco acurato, s.d., M. Madero s.n. [holotype: B, destroyed, neotype here designated: Schlechter’s drawing of the holotype, AMES-26788, isoneotype: Drawing of the holotype in Mansfeld (1929), Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 57: Tab. 131 n. 514].

Campylocentrum puyense Dodson (2003: 195) View in CoL . syn. nov. Type: — ECUADOR. Sucumbios: Caño Zancudo del río Aguarico, 8 October 1991, C.H. Dodson & G.A Romero 18906 [holotype: transfered to MO! (originally in RPSC)].

Pendent herbs. Roots 1.5–3.0 mm diameter, cylindrical. Stem 11–35 cm long. Leaves 4.5–9.0 × 1.4–2.7 cm, oblong-elliptical to oblanceolate, lobes obtuse. Inflorescences 1.5–4 cm long, congest, peduncle 0.2–0.3 cm long, glabrous; rachis 1.2–3.8 cm long, glabrous; floral bracts 1.5–2.0 × 1.0– 1.5 mm, deltoid, margin minutely denticulate, the apex acute. Flowers 14–30 (per inflorescence), pale green or cream-colored, pedicellate ovary, 0.8–1.2 mm long, glabrous; dorsal sepal 3.8–5.1 × 1.0– 1.2 mm, oblong, 3-nerved, base adaxially sparsely pilose, the apex acute; lateral sepals 4.5–6.0 × 1–1.5 mm, oblong, sub-falcate, 3-nerved, base adaxially sparsely pilose, the apex acute; petals 3.5–5.0 × 0.8–1.0 mm, oblong, 3-nerved, glabrous, the apex acute to obtuse; lip 4.0–6.0 mm long, 1.3–2.0 mm wide between the lateral lobes, 3-lobed, 7–9-nerved, margin entire, producing a spur at base, lateral lobes 1.5–2.1 × 0.2–0.4 mm, oblong to oblanceolate, the apex obtuse, rounded to truncate, middle lobe 3.0–4 × 0.8–1.0 mm, narrowly lanceolate, the apex acute, spur 4.8–6.2 mm long, 1–1.3 mm diameter, cylindrical-clavate, slightly curved, cream-colored, occasionally sparsely pilose, the apex rounded; gynostemium 0.6–0.8 mm long, anther cap apex rounded. Capsules 7.0–12.0 × 2.5–3.2 mm, glabrous, pedicel 0.5–0.8 mm long.

Distribution and Habitat:— Widespread in South America ( Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, and Peru), in Brazil (states of Acre and Goiás). It probably also occurs in the Brazilian states of Mato Grosso and Rondônia (Northern and Central-western Brazil), as cited by Pessoa & Alves (2015a). It grows in lowland to montane forests.

Conservation status:— Based on its wide distribution, this species falls under the Least Concern (LC) category.

Nomenclatural notes:— The taxonomy of this species was treated by Pessoa & Alves (2015a), but here we expand this concept to include several names once treated under C. micranthum besides recently proposed species. Among the features used to distinguish the species are: “Sepals externally provided of small trichomes”, “size of the perianth”, “form of the spur apex”, and “size of the middle lobe compared with lateral lobes” ( Schlechter 1920, Dodson 2003, Kolanowska & Szlachetko 2013). Morphological analyses of flowers show a continuous variation of characters often used to recognize some of the species here synonymized, plants with smaller flowers occur in southern countries, with larger flowers in northern countries, intermediate ones are widespread. These tiny morphological variations are expected due to its wide distribution as observed in other species of Campylocentrum ( Pessoa & Alves 2016a, 2016b).

Similar species:— Campylocentrum kuntzei is a morphologically variable species. Among the Brazilian species, it is similar to C. mattogrossense and C. micranthum , by their relatively shorter, glabrous and congest inflorescences and flowers with 3-nerved sepals and petals. It differs from C. micranthum by the longer and slightly curved spur (up to 6.2 mm long vs. up to 3.5 mm and inflexed) longer than the sepals (vs. shorter than the sepals), and from C. mattogrossense by its pale green or cream-colored flowers (vs. pale orange) and slightly curved spur (vs. straight). Campylocentrum lansbergii (Reichenbach 1959: 316) Schlechter (1919: 100) , described and restricted to Venezuela is also morphologically similar but it differs by the pendent inflorescences and shorter perianth and capsules. Campylocentrum panamense Ames (1922: 88) from Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador and Panama is also similar, but is easily distinguished by the shape of the lip (obscurely 3-lobed vs. 3-lobed). (Table 1)

Additional specimens examined:— BOLIVIA. La Paz: Sud Yungas, Santa Rosa, Alto Beni, 18 May 1999, Kromer & Acebey 417 ( LPB not seen, GOET) ; San Carlos: Mapiri, Sep 1907, Buchtien 1284 ( HGB). BRAZIL. Acre: Alto Juruá , Reserva extrativista, Nov 1993, Bernacci 3181 ( IAC) ; Senador Guiomard, Rio Iquiri , 17 Apr 2010, Medeiros et al. 374 ( RB) ; ibid., 19 Mar 2011, Terra-Araújo et al. 651 ( RB) ; Tarauacá , 18 Sep 1968, Prance et al. s.n. ( INPA, HB, NY, K) ; Goiás: Alexania, lago Corumbá , 7 Jun 2005, Pereira-Silva et al. 10114 ( CEN) ; Corumbaíba, Córrego Lobórea , 14 Nov 1997, Silva et al. 730 ( CEN) ; Pirenópolis, Santuário de Vida Silvestre Vaga Fogo , 27 Nov 2002, Fonseca et al. 3856 ( CEN, IBGE, SP). COLOMBIA. Antioquia: sine loco acurato, Jul 1891, Lehmann 7623 ( K) ; Betania, Vereda la Italia , 25 Jul 2013, Fajardo & Zapata 893 ( COL) ; Caquetá: Florencia, Corregimiento San Martín , 30 Sep 2011, Estudiantes 7136 ( COAH, HUAZ not seen) ; Casanare, Aguazul, Finca Namaste , 11 Apr 1995, Jaramillo & Alvira 26 ( COL) ; Chocó : Between Quibdó & Tutunendo, 23 Mar 1958, Uribe 3116 ( COL) ; Río Atrato, Quibdó , 2 May 1975, Forero et al. 1471 ( COL, MO) ; Cundinamarca: Sasaima, veredas La Herradura y Palacio , 13 Feb 1993, Betancur et al. 3911 ( COL) ; ibid., Margen del rio Namay , 20 May 1989, Barrera & Torres 312 ( COL) ; San Luis , Vereda de Manizales, 12 Oct 1981, Orozco et al. 654 ( COL) ; Vale del Cauca: sine loco acurato, 23 Aug 1884, Lehmann 1614a ( BM, G). ECUADOR. Esmeralda: Esmeralda-Santo Domingo Road , 1 Aug 1980, Sauleda et al. 3834 ( L) ; Guayaquil : sine loco acurato, 6 Aug 1878, Lehmann s.n. ( W) ; Las Juntas: sine loco acurato, s.d., Lehmann 8585 ( K) ; Los Rios: Jauneche, Quevedo-Palenque, Canton Vinces , 23 Mar 1980, Dodson & Gentry 9801 ( MO) ; Manabi: Pedernales, Cerro Pata de Pájaro , 26 Aug 1998, Neill 11318 ( MO) ; Napo: Reserva biológica jatum Sacha, Rio Napo, 17 Feb 1990, Christensen 88248 ( C). PARAGUAY. Guairá: Colonia Independencia, 17 Mar 1966, Esser 14519 ( B, HEID). PERU. Cuzco: Quispicanchis, 24 Jul 1991, Núñez 13846 ( MO) ; Echarate: Puyentimari , 25 January 2008, Valenzuela et al. 10837 ( MO) ; Junín: San Ramón , Aug 1923, Schunke A 66 ( US) ; Loreto: Iquitos , August 1937, Klug 10132 ( US) ; Madre de Dios: Tambopata, Cuzco Amazonico , 14 Jun 1989, Núñez et al. 11020 ( MO) ; San Martín: Juan Jui, Alto Huallaga , Apr 1936, Klug 4317 ( BM, K, U, US) ; Tumbes: Zarumilla, Matapalo , 2 Nov 1992, Diaz et al. 5531 ( MO) .


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Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro


Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia


Herbarium Bradeanum


Royal Botanic Gardens


EMBRAPA Recursos Geneticos e Biotecnologia - CENARGEN


Reserva Ecológica do IBGE


Instituto de Botânica


Universidad Nacional de Colombia


Instituto Amazónico de Investigaciones Científicas SINCHI


Universidad de la Amazonia


Missouri Botanical Garden


Bristol Museum


Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève


Nationaal Herbarium Nederland, Leiden University branch


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Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Zentraleinrichtung der Freien Universitaet


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Campylocentrum kuntzei Cogn. ex Kuntze (1898: 298)

Pessoa, Edlley & Alves, Marccus 2018

Campylocentrum flavum Kolanowska & Szlachetko (2013: 233)

Szlachetko, D. L. & Kolanowska, M. 2013: )

Campylocentrum bonifaziae

Dodson, C. H. 2003: )

Campylocentrum puyense

Dodson, C. H. 2003: )

Campylocentrum colombianum

Schlechter, F. R. R. 1920: )
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