Rasopone subcubitalis, Longino, John T. & Branstetter, Michael G., 2020

Longino, John T. & Branstetter, Michael G., 2020, Phylogenomic Species Delimitation, Taxonomy, and ‘ Bird Guide’ Identification for the Neotropical Ant Genus Rasopone (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), Insect Systematics and Diversity 4 (2), No. 1, pp. 1-33 : 27

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Felipe (2020-05-14 13:22:24, last updated 2024-11-26 03:50:06)

scientific name

Rasopone subcubitalis

sp. nov.

Rasopone subcubitalis New Species

( Fig. 10 View Fig ; Supp Fig. S32 [online only]) (u r n:l s i d:z o o b a n k.o r g:a c t: DAC5 2 8 6 6-D D2 0-4B9 0- 8 4E F - DC01811CB9A3)

HOLOTYPE: 1 worker, Honduras, Comayagua: PN Cerro Azul Meambar, 14.87137 −87.90032 ± 20 m, 1,120 m, 20-v-2010, ridgetop cloud forest, ex sifted leaf litter, LLAMA,Wa-C-04-1-02 [ CAS, unique specimen identifier CASENT0615367 ] GoogleMaps . PARATYPES: same data as holotype [1 worker, JTLC, CASENT0644540 ; 1 worker, UNAM, CASENT0644539 ] GoogleMaps ; same data except 14.87112 −87.89938 ± 300 m, 1,100 m, Wm-C-04-1-01 [1 worker, DZUP, CASENT0644538 ; 1 worker, UCD, CASENT0644537 ] GoogleMaps ; 14.8712 −87.90011 ± 20 m, 1,120 m, Wa-C-04-1-08 [1 worker, MCZC, CASENT0615252 ; 1 worker, USNM, CASENT0617285 ] GoogleMaps .

Geographic range. Mexico (Chiapas) to Honduras.

Diagnosis. Mandible striate; anterior clypeal margin truncate; side of head with evenly distributed short erect setae; face sculpture of dense, minute puncta overlain with larger, more widely spaced puncta visible in particular orientation and lighting; petiolar node subcuboidal. Three species are within geographic and size range of R. subcubitalis :

Rasopone ferruginea ( Fig. 11 View Fig ; Supp Figs. S12 View Fig and S 13 View Fig [online only]): anterior clypeal margin sinuous; petiole more scale-like.

Rasopone guatemalensis ( Fig. 8 View Fig ; Supp Figs. S14 and S15 [online only]): mandible smooth; petiole more scale-like.

Rasopone politognatha ( Fig. 9 View Fig ; Supp Figs. S28 and S29 [online only]): mandible smooth and shining.

Measurements, worker: HW 1.25 (1.21–1.30, 9); HL 1.40 (1.36– 1.44, 9); SL 1.06 (1.03–1.09, 3); PTH 0.94 (0.90–1.00, 8); PTL 0.52 (0.50–0.55, 8); CI 89 (88–90, 9); SI 84 (84–85, 3); PTI 55 (53–60, 8).


This species occurs in a range of wet to moist forest habitats, with records from 390 to 1400 m elevation. Only workers are known, all from Winkler or Berlese samples of forest floor litter and rotten wood.


UCE and COI data support this species delimitation.

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Fig. 10. Distribution map,face view, and lateral view of petiole of Rasopone costaricensis form b (worker,Costa Rica,INB0003223929),R. JTL047 (worker,French Guiana, CASENT0645960), R. panamensis (worker,Costa Rica, CASENT0644252), and R. subcubitalis (holotype worker). On distribution maps,red dots are sites with UCE sequence data. Red boxes are type locality.

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Fig. 11. Distribution map, face view, and lateral view of petiole of Rasopone ferruginea (worker, Nicaragua, CASENT0644264), R. JTL040 (worker, Colombia, MCZ-ENT00716609), R. JTL041 (worker,Colombia, MCZ-ENT00716614),and R. costaricensis form a (worker, Costa Rica, INB0003659312).On distribution maps, red dots are sites with UCE sequence data. Red boxes are type locality (type locality for R. ferruginea is ‘Mexico’).

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Fig. 12. Distribution map, face view, and lateral view of petiole of Rasopone JTL030 (worker, Panama, CASENT0633075), R. JTL037 (worker, Guatemala, CASENT0625283), R. mesoamericana (holotype worker), and R. JTL029 (worker, Panama, CASENT0633053). On distribution maps, red dots are sites with UCE sequence data. Red boxes are type locality.

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Fig. 13. Distribution map,face view,and lateral view of petiole of Rasopone cubitalis (holotype worker),R.titanis (worker,Mexico,Chiapas,MCZ-ENT00716640), R.breviscapa (holotype queen),and R.rupinicola (worker,Colombia,face view MCZ-ENT00716589,petiole CASENT0217567).On distribution maps,red dots are sites with UCE sequence data. Red boxes are type locality.

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Fig. 8. Distribution map, face view, and lateral view of petiole of Rasopone lunaris (worker, Brazil, Minas Gerais CASENT0644556), R. guatemalensis (holotype worker),R. costaricensis form c (worker,Costa Rica,INB0003659307),and R. JTL027 (worker,Panama,CASENT0633216).On distribution maps,red dots are sites with UCE sequence data. Red boxes are type locality.

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Fig. 9. Distribution map, face view, and lateral view of petiole of Rasopone costaricensis (holotype worker), R. politognatha (holotype worker), R. JTL035 (worker, Mexico, CASENT0640453), and Rasopone JTL049 (worker, Colombia, CASENT0644557). On distribution maps, red dots are sites with UCE sequence data. Red boxes are type locality.


California Academy of Sciences


Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico


Universidade Federal do Parana, Colecao de Entomologia Pe. Jesus Santiago Moure


University of California, Davis


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History











