Czernyola fumialula, Rafael & Marques & Limeira-De-Oliveira, 2023

Rafael, José A., Marques, Dayse W. A. & Limeira-De-Oliveira, F., 2023, Insect (Hexapoda) Diversity in the Oceanic Archipelago of Fernando de Noronha, Brazil: Clusiidae (Diptera), Zootaxa 5353 (4), pp. 332-350 : 334

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5353.4.2

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scientific name

Czernyola fumialula

sp. nov.

Czernyola fumialula View in CoL sp. nov.

( Figs 1–11 View FIGURES 1–11 )

Diagnosis. Postcranium black. Scutum black; mediotergite yellow; laterotergite black. Mesopleuron yellow with anepisternum black. Wing light yellow basally, dusky from the level of the r-m vein to the apex of the vein. Alula brown infuscated. Terminalia black.

Description. Holotype ♂ ( Fig. 1 View FIGURES 1–11 ). Body length 2.8 mm; wing length 2.4 mm. Head. Frons yellow, brownish on dorsal half and black ocellar triangle ( Fig. 2 View FIGURES 1–11 ). Face and gena gray pruinose ( Figs 2, 3 View FIGURES 1–11 ). Frons with five pairs of setae ( Fig. 3 View FIGURES 1–11 , arrows). Postgena and postcranium margin yellow ( Fig. 3 View FIGURES 1–11 ), with postcranium otherwise black.Antenna yellow with distal margin faintly infuscated ( Figs 1–3 View FIGURES 1–11 ). Thorax ( Figs 1, 4 View FIGURES 1–11 ). Scutal setae yellow to light brown. Notum black with postpronotum lobe light yellow and brown notopleuron basally light yellow. Acrostichals multiseriate, posterior pair slightly stouter. Scutellum and laterotergite black. Mediotergite yellow ( Fig. 4 View FIGURES 1–11 ). Mesopleuron yellow with anepisternum black ( Fig. 1 View FIGURES 1–11 ). Legs light yellow with coxae and trochanters white, hind tibia with black median band ( Fig. 4 View FIGURES 1–11 ). Wing ( Fig. 5 View FIGURES 1–11 ) light yellow basally, dusky from level of vein r-m to apex with a clear spot after vein at dm-m level, and alula brown. Setae along a basal section of Costa lighter in color. Length of cross-vein r-m shorter than the length of cross-vein dm-m. Abdomen ( Figs 1, 4 View FIGURES 1–11 ) tergites 1 and 2 yellow with one pair of dark lateral spots on tergite 2; tergite 3 to terminalia black. Sternites 1–3 yellow basally turning darker posteriorly. Terminalia. Annulus black, well developed ( Fig. 6 View FIGURES 1–11 ). Epandrium 2X longer than high in lateral view ( Fig. 6 View FIGURES 1–11 ), C-shaped in dorsal view ( Fig. 7 View FIGURES 1–11 ). Cerci and surstylus yellowish, distinctly setose. Surstyli somewhat symmetrical with small tubercles apically on the inner face; in dorsal view, slightly inward curved ( Fig. 7 View FIGURES 1–11 ). Cerci fused, shorter than the surstylus, shallow emarginated apically, somewhat heart-shaped, with a pair of longer distal paramedian setae ( Fig. 7 View FIGURES 1–11 ). Subepandrial sclerite wide with short bacilliform sclerite ( Fig. 8 View FIGURES 1–11 ). Hypandrial arm ( Figs 9–10 View FIGURES 1–11 ) upward directed, fused dorsally, articulated with wide concave subepandrial sclerite. Hypandrium with arm loosely attached ( Fig. 10 View FIGURES 1–11 ) fused to pregonite. Pregonite with three slender ventrolateral setae. Postgonite, epiphallus and lateral lobe of distiphallus absent. Phallapodeme is somewhat y-shaped, half-length of hypandrium length. Ejaculatory apodeme ( Fig. 10 View FIGURES 1–11 ) caliciform at distal end. Phallus ( Figs 9–10 View FIGURES 1–11 ) is somewhat cylindrical and membranous, with well-defined basiphallus and distiphallus, the latter slightly more sclerotized and irregularly shaped.

Female. Unknown.

Material examined. Brasil, PE[= Pernambuco], Fernando de Noronha, Tr. [=trail] Golfinhos, 3°51’17”S – 32°26’26”W /–7.vii.2019, Malaise Gd [=Grande; =6 meters Malaise trap], J.A. Rafael, F. Limeira-de-Oliveira, L.C. Castro / Holotype ♂ Czernyola fumialula ( Fig. 11 View FIGURES 1–11 ) ( INPA).

Holotype condition. Good, pinned, and mounted on card point. Left wing mounted in a microslide; abdomen dissected in microvial.

Etymology. From the Latin fumus = smoky, infuscated, and alula = alula, which refers to the alula brown infuscated.

Remarks. Characteristic of other Czernyola , the mid tibia has two dorsal preapical setae and the hind tibia has one; the ejaculatory apodeme is wide and flared at one end; the distiphallus is large, membranous and sac-like. Characteristic of the Czernyola transversa group, this species has five subequal fronto-orbital setae, of which the third is proclinate, the base of the costa has paler setae, and there is one pair of acrostichal setae. The male specimens from Fernando de Noronha run to couplet 10 in the key to Czernyola species in Lonsdale & Marshall (2006), which includes Czernyola ornata (Hennig, 1938) and C. claripennis (Melander & Argo, 1924) . It fits most C. ornata characters: hind tibia with a black median band, anepisternum black, and surstylus produced anteriorly. It differs from C. ornata by having the postcranium black (versus ventral margin yellow in C. ornata ); the scutum is entirely black (versus scutum almost always with one pair of yellow spots on the anterolateral margin of the notopleuron); the mediotergite is yellow (versus black); the anepisternum is black (versus yellow); the meron is yellow (versus dark brown to black); the wing is light yellow basally and dusky from the level of vein r-m (versus wing dusky, more heavily infuscated within first radial cell); the terminalia are black (versus light yellow); and the pregonite has three distinct ventrolateral setae on each side (versus one large distal seta and several medial setulae). Czernyola fumialula sp. nov. differs from C. claripennis by having the notum black with yellow spots (versus notum brown, no yellow spots in C. claripennis ); the anepisternum and laterotergite are black (versus yellow); and the wing is almost entirely brown infuscate (versus wing entirely hyaline).


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