Loricophrya bosporica Sergeeva et Dovgal, 2016

Ivanova, Еkaterina, Dovgal, Igor V. & Newton, Alice, 2017, Paf + SU: Deposit Limit in Registration, Ecologica Montenegrina 10, pp. 51-57 : 53

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.17605/osf.io/g67gu



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Loricophrya bosporica Sergeeva et Dovgal, 2016


Loricophrya bosporica Sergeeva et Dovgal, 2016 ( Fig. 2, 3 View Figures 2-3 )

Improved diagnosis. Marine loricate suctorian with elongate slightly asymmetric cell body completely covered with a lorica. Lorica (stylotheca), conical. The stylotheca characterized by a gradual thickening of the walls toward the mouth. There is a transverse wrinkle in the lower part of stylotheca in some individuals. The lower part of stylotheca, which separated from the upper part by a well-visible septum, slightly longitudinally striated, have thinner walls, finishes by widening (basal disc) that use for the attachment to the host's body surface. The cell body is attached to the lorica in the mouth with the help of its edges folded inwards. A few clavate tentacles are located at the apical surface of the body. Macronucleus rounded. Reproduction was not observed.

Dimensions (in µm): Stylotheca length 20-56, lower part of stylotheca length 15-21, maximal stylotheca width 14-26, minimal stylotheca width 5-8, wall thickness of the lorica 1, body length 10-35, body width 12-20, tentacle length 4-21, dimensions of macronucleus 5-10X7-11 ( Table 1).

Localities: Istanbul Strait's area , Bosporus region, the Black Sea (type locality), the Ria Formosa lagoon (Southern Portugal).

Hosts: Desmoscolex cf. minutus Claparède, 1863 (type host), Metachromadoroides remanei (Gerlach, 1951) .

Remark. The observed specimens are differing from found of Sergeeva and Dovgal (2016) by presence of additional lower part of stylotheca, which separated from the upper part by septum. It is our opinion that in the Sergeeva’s and Dovgal’s materials, this structure was hidden beyond the edge of the host's body, whereas in our material is clearly visible. All other features and dimensions are almost identical with those of the Sergeeva and Dovgal (2016) diagnosis ( Table 1).

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