Glyptohallicardia Grimm, 1998

Jagt-Yazykova, Elena, Krawczyński, Wojciech & Rakociński, Michał, 2006, Molluscs from the Early Frasnian Goniatite Level at Kostomłoty in the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 51 (4), pp. 707-718 : 715-716

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.13748715

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scientific name

Glyptohallicardia Grimm, 1998


Genus Glyptohallicardia Grimm, 1998

Type species: Cardium palmatum Goldfuss, 1837 ( Goldfuss 1837: 207, pl. 143: 7), the Frasnian, Germany.

Glyptohallicardia cf. palmata ( Goldfuss, 1837) ( Fig. 6K View Fig ).— A single pyritised internal mould of a shell with poorly preserved hinge margin has been found in Goniatite Level at Kostomłoty. Buchiola (Buchiola) retrostriata (von Buch, 1832) View in CoL has a very similar ornamentation but there are more radial ribs (15–21), a lower shell and a smaller anterior part (see Kříž 2004). The most important features differentiating both taxa are the clearly larger anterior part of ligament in G. palmata (see Grimm 1998). The present specimen has the dorsal portion of the shell almost invisible and it is impossible to determine the size of the ligament. Kříž (2004) suggested that B. retrostriata View in CoL has a larger number of radial ribs (16–17) than G. palmata (12–14). For that reason, the present specimen is referred with a query to G. palmata . Widely distributed in the European Frasnian, with records from Great Britain ( Babin 1963), the Ardennes ( Belgium) ( Maillieux 1936), Rhenish Slate Mountains ( Goldfuss 1837; Beushausen 1895), Harz ( Roemer 1850; Clarke 1885), and also in Sudetes Mountains ( Gunia 1968; see also Grimm 1998).

Glyptohallicardia ferruginea ( Holzapfel, 1895) ( Fig. 6M– O View Fig ).—Three pyritised fragments of internal shell moulds with well−preserved ornamentation have been collected. This taxon is on record from Eifelian to Early Frasnian ( Pa. transitans conodont Zone; see Grimm 1998). Glyptohallicardia ferruginea has been recorded from Devonian strata in Great Britain ( Babin 1966) and the Rhenish Slate Mountains ( Holzapfel 1895; Beushausen 1895), as well as from North America ( Clarke 1904; see also Grimm 1998). This species also was reported by Sobolev (1909) from Frasnian of the Holy Cross Mountains.

Glyptohallicardia aff. G. conversa ( Clarke, 1904) ( Fig. 6G–J View Fig ).—Six well−preserved and four fragments of pyritised internal moulds have been collected at Kostomłoty. Ornamentation and shape of the shell are most similar to the features characterising G. conversa , which has 16–17 radial ribs. The Kostomłoty specimen differs by a clearly larger number of radial ribs. Glyptohallicardia conversa is known from Frasnian strata and probably ranged into the latest Givetian of North America ( Clarke 1904; Clarke and Swartz 1913; see also Grimm 1998).












Glyptohallicardia Grimm, 1998

Jagt-Yazykova, Elena, Krawczyński, Wojciech & Rakociński, Michał 2006


Grimm 1998

Pa. transitans

Zone (Racki and Bultynck 1993
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