Physozetes, Mahunka, 2008

Mahunka, S., 2008, A New Genus And Some Other Data Of Oribatids From Thailand (Acari: Oribatida), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 54 (2), pp. 125-150 : 132

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12585162


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gen. nov.

Physozetes View in CoL gen. n.

Diagnosis: Rostrum rounded, bearing short flagellate rostral setae. Rostral part covered by the inflated anterodorsal prodorsum. Lamellae comparatively small, with sharp inner and outer apices. Its median part finely serrated. A narrow translamella present basally. Lamellar setae arising from the basal part of the lamellae; interlamellar setae inserted on the lamellar surface, very long, flagellate. Sensillus long, setiform, directed backwards. Dorsosejugal suture slightly concave; pteromorphae very large. All notogastral setae fine, flagellate. Sejugal and 4th apodemata long and strong, compose a well discernible X-shaped formation in front of the genital aperture. Except for the long genital setae g 1, all setae in this region short and fine.

Type species: Physozetes inflatus sp. n.

Remarks: Excepting the direction of the sensillus, the new taxon stands nearest to the genus Schalleria BALOGH, 1962 . However on the basis of the form and direction of the sensillus, the form of the dorsosejugal suture and the formation of the apodemata, the new taxon is similar to the genus Teraja MAHUNKA, 1995 . The new taxon is different from these and also from Caucasiozetes STANCHAEVA, 1984 by the position of the interlamellar setae and the X-shaped formation of the sejugal and 4th apodemata and bordures of the epimeral region.

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