Phthiracarus thaiensis, Mahunka, 2008

Mahunka, S., 2008, A New Genus And Some Other Data Of Oribatids From Thailand (Acari: Oribatida), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 54 (2), pp. 125-150 : 129-131

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12585162

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scientific name

Phthiracarus thaiensis

sp. nov.

Phthiracarus thaiensis View in CoL sp. n.

( Figs 10–14 View Figs 10–14 )

Diagnosis: Rostrum with a small median projection. Lateral carina distinct and long. Sensillus lanceolate, short. Fifteen pairs of fine notogastral setae and two pairs of lyrifissures present. Anal plates with five pairs of long setae, the posterior two pairs of adanal setae shortest of all. The leg chaetotaxy is of the complete type.

Material examined: Holotype: Thailand, Erawan National Park (Kanchanaburi). 14. 02. 1994. Leg. S. MAHUNKA & L. MAHUNKA-PAPP (As-695). 2 paratypes in the same sample. Holotype (1749-HO-07) and 1 paratype (1749- PO –07): HNHM , 1 paratype: MHNG .

Measurements: Length of aspis: 275–286 µm, length of notogaster: 521–555 µm, height of notogaster: 390–412 µm.

Aspis: Rostral apex with a peculiar, angular projection as seen in lateral view ( Fig. 11 View Figs 10–14 ). Lateral carina long, reaching over the sinus line ( Fig. 10 View Figs 10–14 ). Lateral rim well observable, also long. A fine polygonal striation visible in the lateral surface. The whole dorsal surface ornamented by fine longitudinal striae, stronger in the basal part. Sensillus short, narrow, lanceolate ( Fig. 13 View Figs 10–14 ).

Notogaster: Whole surface striate. All fifteen pairs of notogastral setae long, fine, filiform ( Fig. 10 View Figs 10–14 ). Except setae cp all setae of c series arising near to the collar line, setae c 2 behind, c 1 and c 3 before it. Only two pairs of lyrifissures (ia, im) present. Insertion of the vestigial setae well observable, f 1 located below h 1. Genito-anal region ( Fig. 14 View Figs 10–14 ): Anal plates with five pairs of setae, two anal pairs longer than the anterior adanal setae (ad 3). Setae ad 1 and ad 2 equal in length, much finer and shorter than the other three pairs. Setation of the genital plates typical for the genus, with 9 (4+5) setae.

Legs: Setation of all legs is of the complete type. Setation of femur I is shown in Fig. 12 View Figs 10–14 .

Remarks: The new species is well characterised by the apex of the aspis, the two pairs of notogastral lyrifissures, the position of the setae. It stands nearest to P. abstemius NIEDBALA, 1989 , however, notogastral surface smooth in abstemius ,

the latter has only two pairs of lyrifissures and 3 pairs of adanal setae, no peculiar protruding on the aspis in abstemius and setae f 1 located above h 1 in P. abstemius .

Etymology: The new species is named after its origin.


Collection of the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)


Museum d'Histoire Naturelle

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