Glandulocauda melanopleura ( Ellis, 1911 )

Menezes ¹, Naércio A. & Weitzman ², Stanley H., 2009, Systematics of the Neotropical fish subfamily Glandulocaudinae (Teleostei: Characiformes: Characidae), Neotropical Ichthyology 7 (3), pp. 295-370 : 309-310

publication ID 10.1590/S1679-62252009000300002

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scientific name

Glandulocauda melanopleura ( Ellis, 1911 )


Glandulocauda melanopleura ( Ellis, 1911) View in CoL Figs. 11-12 View Fig View Fig

Hyphessobrycon melanopleurus Ellis, 1911: 157 View in CoL , plate 3, fig. 2, (type locality: “Alto da Serra, São Paulo ”, description based on immatures). - Eigenmann,1921: 220, plate 30, fig. 4 (redescription based on type specimens). - Fowler, 1948: 126, fig. 142 (listed).

Glandulocauda melanogenys Eigenmann, 1911b: 168 View in CoL , plate 5, fig. 6, (description, type locality: “Alto da Serra, São Paulo, July 25, 1908 ”). - Eigenmann, 1914 a: 42 (listed). Henn, 1928: 68 (listed in catalog). - Eigenmann & Myers, 1929: 488 (redescription based on type specimens). - Fowler, 1951: 414 (listed; humeral spots shown too dark). - Böhlke, 1958: 43 (listed characters of species in key to glandulocaudine genera). - Nelson, 1964a: 63 (listed in discussion). - Géry, 1964: 6 [discussed characters listed by Böhlke (1958: 43) regarding relationships of Glandulocauda terofali Géry, 1964 View in CoL ]. - Géry, 1966: 229 (in key to males of Glandulocauda View in CoL and Mimagoniates View in CoL ). - Géry, 1977: 362 (listed in brief discussion of Glandulocauda View in CoL and Mimagoniates View in CoL ). - Weitzman & Fink, 1985: 104, 109 [listed in material examined and in discussion of relationships of Diapoma View in CoL (= Glandulocauda View in CoL ; in part, of Géry, 1964)]. - Ibarra & Stewart, 1987: 39 (type catalog). - Weitzman et al., 1988: 384-419 (discussion of relationships and biogeography). - Menezes & Weitzman, 1990: 384 (in key to Glandulocaudini ). - Vari & Howe, 1991: 30 (type catalog). - Weitzman & Menezes, 1994: 2 (general description for non-systematic literature). - Guimarães et al., 1995 (cytogenetic studies). - Weitzman, 2003: 225 (maximum length; distribution; remarks and references). - Machado et al., 2005: 73 (conservation status). - Ribeiro et al., 2006: 158- 160 (photograph; presence in rio Guaratuba, São Paulo; comments on distribution and relationships). - Menezes et al., 2007: 123 (distribution; systematic status; ecology; conservation status). - Menezes, 2007: 38 (listed in catalog; distribution; conservation status). - Serra et al., 2007: 83-85 (comments on distribution and ecology). - Langeani et al.,

2007: 184 (size; origin and occurrence in upper rio Paraná). - Menezes et al., 2008: 37-41 (photograph; distribution; discussion of relationships and biogeography). - Menezes & Lima, 2008: 63 (conservation status; general informations; geographic distribution; main threats;

conservation strategies).

Mimagoniates melanogenys Schultz, 1959: 10 (in key; new generic allocation). See below notes on type locality.












Glandulocauda melanopleura ( Ellis, 1911 )

Menezes ¹, Naércio A. & Weitzman ², Stanley H. 2009

Hyphessobrycon melanopleurus

Fowler, H. W. 1948: 126
Eigenmann, C. H. 1921: 220
Ellis, M. D. 1911: 157

Glandulocauda melanogenys

Menezes, N. A. & Weitzman, O. T. & Oyakawa, F. C. T. & de Lima, R. M. C. 2007: 123
Menezes, N. A. & Weitzman, O. T. & Oyakawa, F. C. T. & de Lima, R. M. C. 2007: 38
Ribeiro, A. C. & Lima, C. 2006: 158
Machado, A. B. M. 2005: 73
Weitzman, S. H. 2003: 225
Gery, J. 1977: 362
Gery, J. 1966: 229
Nelson, K. 1964: 63
Gery, J. 1964: 6
Bohlke, J. E. 1958: 43
Bohlke, J. E. 1958: 43
Fowler, H. W. 1951: 414
Henn, A. W. 1928: 68
Eigenmann, C. H. 1911: 168
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