Mimagoniates Regan, 1907

Menezes ¹, Naércio A. & Weitzman ², Stanley H., 2009, Systematics of the Neotropical fish subfamily Glandulocaudinae (Teleostei: Characiformes: Characidae), Neotropical Ichthyology 7 (3), pp. 295-370 : 323

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1590/S1679-62252009000300002



persistent identifier


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scientific name

Mimagoniates Regan, 1907


Mimagoniates Regan, 1907 View in CoL

Mimagoniates Regan, 1907: 402 View in CoL [type species: Mimagoniates barberi Regan (1907: 402) View in CoL by monotypy].

Coelurichthys Miranda-Ribeiro, 1908 : unpaginated; type species: Coelurichthys iporangae Miranda-Ribeiro, 1908 View in CoL : unpaginated (by monotypy).

Coalurichthys Miranda-Ribeiro, 1908: unpaginated; misspelling for Coelurichthys .

Diagnosis. All glandulocaudine species belonging to Mimagoniates have either a rudimentary or a fully developed caudal fin-ray pump ( Figs. 32 View Fig , 38 View Fig , 47 View Fig , 58 View Fig , 67 View Fig , 75 View Fig , and 85) not present in the other two genera, in which principal caudal-fin rays 11 and 12 are not modified ( Lophiobrycon , fig. 4 in Castro et al., 2003) or just decurved but not forming a pump ( Glandulocauda , Figs. 15 View Fig and 25 View Fig ). Additionally Mimagoniates can be distinguished from these two genera by having the dorsal-fin origin posterior to vertical through anal-fin origin ( Figs. 31 View Fig , 36 View Fig , 45 View Fig , 53 View Fig , 63 View Fig , 70 View Fig , and 78). In Lophiobrycon ( Figs. 3 View Fig and 4 View Fig ) the dorsal-fin origin is anterior to vertical through anal-fin origin and closer to snout tip than to caudal-fin base and in Glandulocauda ( Figs. 11-12 View Fig View Fig and 20-21 View Fig View Fig ) the dorsal-fin origin is slightly ahead of vertical through anal-fin origin. Also, in Mimagoniates adult males have no more than 1 hook on anal-fin rays that bear hooks, although sometimes 2 hooks might be present on anterior most branched ray and 3 on longest unbranched anterior ray ( Figs. 33 View Fig , 39 View Fig , 50 View Fig , 56 View Fig , 65 View Fig , 73 View Fig , and 81) whereas in Glandulocauda species more than one hook are present on anal-fin rays that bear hooks ( Figs. 16 View Fig and 26 View Fig ).










Mimagoniates Regan, 1907

Menezes ¹, Naércio A. & Weitzman ², Stanley H. 2009


Regan, C. T. 1907: 402
Regan, C. T. 1907: )
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