Notoplax hilgendorfi Thiele, 1909

Sirenko, Boris, 2018, Taiwanese deep-water chitons (Mollusca: Polyplacophora) and survey of chiton fauna of Taiwan, Zootaxa 4422 (3), pp. 301-344 : 336-338

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Plazi (2018-05-25 08:38:45, last updated 2018-05-25 08:38:47)

scientific name

Notoplax hilgendorfi Thiele, 1909


Notoplax hilgendorfi Thiele, 1909

( Figs 33–35, 37F, G)

Nоtоplax hilgendоrfi Тhiele 1909 : 40, pl. 5, figs 39–44; Is. Таki 1962: 37; Iw. Таki 1964: 412; Kааs & Vаn Вelle 1980: 59; Sаito 1995: 108, fig. 9; 1997: 55, pl. 2, fig. 9; 2000: 21, pl. 10, fig. 4; 2001: 116 (synonymy); 2005: 110.

Type material. Holotype (ZMB Moll. 102032)

Type locality. Hakodate , Hokkaido, Japan

Material examined. NE coast of Taiwan, off Tashi, Fishing Boat Chung Tung Long No. 26, ” TAIWAN 2001”, stn CP91, 24°50.6′N, 122°01.4′E, 400 m, 1 spms, BL 12.0 mm, 10.05.2001

Distribution. Japan, from Hakodate to Amami-Oshima Island and Taiwan, 5–450 m ( Saito 2005).

Remarks. The Taiwan specimen (stn CP91, BL 11.0 mm) has the slit formula 5/1/6 (without rays), seven gills on each side extending from valve VI to valve VII; its radula is 3.0 mm long with 23 transverse rows of mature teeth. The girdle is wide, densely covered with slightly flattened sharply pointed needles of different size from 20 µm up to 180 µm and sutural tufts of up to 25 straight, smooth needles attaining 500 µm. Marginal needles are similar to needles of the tufts, the ventral side paved with flattened sharply pointed needles c. 90 µm.

Saito, H. (1995) The chiton fauna of Onagawa Vay, northeastern Honshu, Japan. Memoir of the National Sсienсe Museum, Tokyo, 28, 99 - 112.

Saito, H. (2005) Shelf and bathyl chitons (Мollusca: Polyplacophora) from the Nansei Islands, Southwestern Japan. National Sсienсe Museum Monograph, 29, 101 - 113.

Taki, I. (1962) A list of the Polyplacophora from Japanese Islands and vicinity. Venus, 22, 29 - 53.

Taki, I. (1964) Classification of the class Polyplacophora, with a list of Japanese chitons. Venus, 22, 401 - 414.

Thiele, J. (1909 - 1910) Revision des Systems der Chitonen. Teil. 1. Zoologiсa, 22, 1 - 70, figs. A - E, pls. 1 - 6 (1909); 71 - 132, pls. 7 - 10 (1910).

Kaas, P. & Van Velle, R. A. (1980) Catalogue of Living Chitons. W. Vackhuys. Rotterdam, 144 pp.











