Parthenolecanium persicae (Fabricius)

Moghaddam, Masumeh & Watson, Gillian W., 2024, The Scale Insects Of Iran (Hemiptera: Coccomorpha) Part 3 The Soft Scales (Coccidae) And Other Families, Zootaxa 5542 (1), pp. 1-202 : 74-76

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5542.1.1

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scientific name

Parthenolecanium persicae (Fabricius)


Parthenolecanium persicae (Fabricius)

( Fig. 30 View FIGURE 30 , distribution map Fig. 91K View FIGURE 91 )

Chermes persicae Fabricius, 1776: 304 . Lecanium (Parthenolecanium) persicae (Fabricius) ; Šulc 1932: 75. Parthenolecanium persicae (Fabricius) ; Borchsenius 1957: 350.

Field characteristics: Live adult females often elongate oval to oval, with a median longitudinal dorsal keel; shape and colour variable with age, young females yellow streaked with light brown, mature females reddish brown, 5‒10 mm long.

Microscopic diagnosis: Slide-mounted adult female body oval. Stigmatic clefts quite shallow. Anal cleft about 1/6 th body length.

Dorsum. Derm membranous in young specimens, becoming slightly sclerotized at maturity but without thicker sclerotization around anal plates. Setae of 2 sizes, both stout, conical and pointed: (i) larger setae present medially in a band from anal plates to anterior margin of body; and (ii) smaller setae scattered throughout. Pores of 2 types: (i) small, circular simple pores, scattered throughout, and (ii) bilocular microducts, each with an inner filament. Preopercular pores moderately large, circular with granular centre, present in a small group just anterior to anal plates. Duct tubercles normal, numbering 12−21 on each side. Tubular ducts absent. Pocket-like sclerotizations present. Anal plates together quadrate, each with 4 small setae on apex and along inner margin. Anal ring with 8 setae present.

Margin. Marginal setae slender and pointed, some curved; present more-or-less in 2 rows; those on either side of anal cleft longer and more hairlike. Stigmatic setae in groups of 3 in each stigmatic area; median seta slightly longer than lateral setae.

Venter. Derm completely membranous. Pregenital disc-pores mostly each with 10 loculi, abundant around anogenital fold, becoming progressively fewer across preceding abdominal segments; also a few present mesad to each coxa and laterad to each metacoxa. Spiracular disc-pores each with 5 loculi, present in a band between margin and each spiracle; posterior spiracular disc-pores uniting with multilocular disc-pore band between mesothoracic coxae. Microducts abundant in submarginal band and near labium. Tubular ducts of 3 types, 2 of which have inner ductule much narrower than outer ductule: (i) small ducts, present in small submarginal groups between antennal bases; (ii) slightly larger ducts, each with outer ductule rather longer than type (i) and with a large terminal gland, rather sparse, intermixed with type (iii) ducts; and (iii) large ducts, each with inner ductule as wide as or wider than outer ductule, in a broad submarginal band extending from anterior to each antenna to near anal cleft. Three pregenital segments each with a pair of long setae; also with 2–5 pairs between antennae; other setae sparse and small. Legs well developed, each with tibio-tarsal sclerotization and free articulation; claw with a minute denticle; claw digitules with 1 broader than other; tarsal digitules both fine and longer than claw. Antennae each with 8 segments, segments III and IV subequal and longer than other segments.

Distribution: Parthenolecanium persicae is a cosmopolitan species ( García Morales et al. 2016); in Iran, it is found in Esfahan and Tehran provinces ( Moghaddam 2013).

Host-plants: The species is polyphagous, having has been recorded on host-plants in more than 50 genera belonging to 34 families ( García Morales et al. 2016). In Iran, it has been recorded on Morus alba ( Moraceae ) ( Moghaddam 2013).

Economic importance: Not of any economic importance in Iran.

Natural enemies: None recorded in Iran.














Parthenolecanium persicae (Fabricius)

Moghaddam, Masumeh & Watson, Gillian W. 2024

Chermes persicae

Borchsenius, N. S. 1957: 350
Sulc, K. 1932: 75
Fabricius, J. C. 1776: 304
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