Friesea posada, Aspe & James, 2017

Aspe, Nonillon M. & James, Samuel W., 2017, Pheretima baracatanensis Aspe & amp; James 2017, new species, Zoological Studies 55 (43), pp. 1-26 : 2-4

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.5453267

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scientific name

Friesea posada

sp. nov.

Friesea posada View in CoL sp. nov. ( Figs. 1 View Fig A-E, 8S)

Type material: Holotype: Adult male, on slide, under access number RO-Fr3- IBB, deposited in IBB.

Paratypes: 16 specimens: 13 paratypes deposited in IBB, four females, seven males and two young specimens on slides, RO-Fr5-17; three paratypes deposited in ISEA (one female RO-Fr1- ISEA and two males RO-Fr-2,4- ISEA).

Type locality: Valea Largă, Prahova County, Romania (45°18'20.638"N, 25°34'19.943"E), 771 m alt., beech forest, near Posada locality, mosses, soil and litter.

Etymology: The species is named after its type locality, Posada, Prahova County.

Other material examined: S e v e n t e e n specimens from Posada locality, two juveniles (ROFr5,16), 7.vii.2008, one male (RO-Fr6) collected on 15.v.2008; four males (RO-Fr7;10,13,14) and two females (RO-Fr8,9) collected on 7.vii.2008; one female (RO-Fr11) and one male (RO-Fr12) collected on 8.viii.2008. Suceava County, Putna Valley, 47°29'21.685"N, 25°23'34.422"E, 992 m altitude, mosses on rocks, 26.viii.2014, two males, two females and one juvenile (RO-Fr162-166), leg. C. Fiera ( IBB).

Description: Habitus and buccal cone typical for the genus Friesea . Length: Holotype male: 0.64 mm, Paratypes: males 0.5-0.72 mm, females 0.63-0.79 mm. Colour blue in alcohol. Integument secondary granules rather small.

Antennae about 3/4 of head length. Antennal segment I with 7 chaetae, antennal segment II with 12 chaetae. Sensory organ of antennal segment III consisting of 2 small subcylindrical internal s-chaetae, 2 subcylindrical guard s-chaetae, and 1 ventral s-microchaeta. Antennal segment IV with 6 subcylindrical s-chaetae (S1-4, S7-8 present), 1 small s-microchaeta placed between S7 and S8, and 1 small subapical organite. Apical vesicle simple ( Fig. 1B View Fig ).

Ocelli 6 + 6, postantennal organ absent. Chaetotaxy of labrum: 4/5,3,4, labium with papillated chaeta L ( Fig. 1C View Fig ).

Dorsal chaetotaxy as in figure 1A, with relatively long (longer on hind terga) subequal chaetae and slightly longer s-chaetae (subequal to longest ordinary chaetae on abdominal terga IV-V). Chaetae s relatively thick and short from thoracic tergum II to abdominal tergum III, thicker on abdominal tergum IV, longer and more slender on abdominal tergum V. Their formula per half tergum: 022/11111. Head with chaetae a0, d0 and 3 chaetae oc. Thoracic tergum I with 4 + 4 (3 + 4, 3 + 3) chaetae. Thoracic tergum II with 12 + 12 chaetae (4 chaetae Di including a2, 4 De including s-chaeta in position of p3, 3 Dl including one s-chaeta and one s-microchaeta (ms)). Thoracic tergum III with 10 + 10 (11 sporadically) chaetae (same arrangement as previous tergum, without a2 and ms, sporadically with 5 chaetae De). Thoracic sterna I-III without chaetae. Abdominal tergum V with 2 + 2 chaetae between s-chaetae. Abdominal tergum VI with 3 anal spines.

Ventral abdominal chaetotaxy as in figure 1E. Ventral tube with 4 + 4 chaetae.

Anal valves each with 3 chaetae hr (on lower valves as microchaetae, on upper valve central one as microchaeta and two others as mesochaetae).

Tibiotarsi I, II and III with 18, 18 and 17 chaetae respectively, of which 11 in the distal whorl, without chaetae M ( Fig. 1D View Fig ). Chaetae A1 (slightly capitated and the longest one, longer than inner egde of claw), A2, A3 and A6 (blunt at the top and long, but not reaching top of the claw). Tibiotarsus III without chaeta B7. Femora I, II and III with 12, 11 and 10 chaetae respectively, trochanters I, II and III with 5, 5 and 5 chaetae, coxae I, II and III with 3, 8 and 8 chaetae, subcoxae 2 of legs I, II and III with 0, 2 and 2 chaetae, subcoxae 1 of legs I, II and III with 1, 2 and 2 chaetae. Claw untoothed.

Tenaculum with 2 teeth on each ramus, furca with 3 + 3 chaetae, mucro mostly hooked at the top (three specimens without mucronal hook). Mucro with small lamella, well separated from dens. Chaetotaxy of manubrium as in figure 1E.

Ecology: The species lives in leaf litter, soil and mosses on soil in beech forest and also in mosses on rocks in the Posada region of Romania.

Remarks: S i x s p e c i e s o f F r i e s e a w e r e known from Romania, which share the same morphological characters (6 + 6 eyes, the presence of furca and three anal spines). Three have been described from Europe: F. duodecimoculata from Italy by Denis (1926), F. atypica from France by Cassagnau (1958), F. isabelae from Spain by Arbea and Jordana (1993), two from Asia: F. paitooni from Thailand by Deharveng and Bedos (1991), F. loicmatilei from Mongolia by Weiner and Najt (2001) and one from Oceania (Melanesia): F. septem from Vanuatu by Weiner et al. (2009). These species differ in some morphological characters ( Table 1). The new species described h e r e i s m o s t s i m i l a r t o F. paitooni , b u t i s distinguished by the presence of clavate tenent hairs on the tibiotarsi (absent in F. paitooni ) and the size of the mucro (small, but distinct in F. paitooni , reduced or absent - sometimes asymmetrically - in the new species).

Friesea posada sp. nov. differs from F. loicmatilei by the apical vesicle on antennal segment (bi-trilobed in F. loicmatilei and simple in the new species) and by the number of clavate chaetae on tibiotarsi I-III (one in the new species, five in F. loicmatilei ). Abdomen VI is without clavate chaetae in Friesea posada sp. nov., like in other species of the group ( Table 1) except for F. septem . The mucro is absent in the two European Friesea species ( F. isabelae and F. atypica ), while its presence in F. posada sp. nov. was inconstant.

Five species of Friesea of the above mentioned group ( F. posada sp. nov., F. paitooni , F. loicmatilei , F. isabelae and F. septem ) have 18,18,17 tibiotarsal chaetae (A4 and A5 present), while F. atypica and F. duodecimoculata have 17, 17,16 tibiotarsal chaetae (one A4/5 chaeta present).

The new species differs from F. septem by the number of sensilla on antennal segment IV (6 in Friesea posada sp. nov. and 7 in F. septem ) and by the absence of clavate chaetae on abdominal segment VI.


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