Eurysthea nogueirai, Botero & Heffern & Santos-Silva, 2018

Botero, Juan Pablo, Heffern, Daniel & Santos-Silva, Antonio, 2018, Two new species of Novantinoe (Disteniini, Disteniidae), two new species of Eurysthea (Elaphidiini, Cerambycinae, Cerambycidae), and new geographical records, Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia 58, pp. 1-9 : 5-6

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Carolina (2021-03-17 15:54:39, last updated 2024-11-27 07:46:45)

scientific name

Eurysthea nogueirai

sp. nov.

Eurysthea nogueirai View in CoL Botero, Heffern & Santos‑Silva, new species

( Figs. 9‑12 View Figures 9-16 )

Description: Female: Integument dark brown; scape dark reddish-brown, pedicel and flagellomere reddish.

Head: Frons short, smooth medially, with a deep transverse sulcus; opaque, minutely, densely punctate between plate and clypeus, interspersed with some fine punctures; with decumbent, moderately abundant, golden setae. Area between antennal tubercles with coarse sparse punctures, slightly carinate; with long, decumbent, abundant golden setae, interspersed with elongated erect setae. Area between upper eye lobes coarsely punctate, smooth centrally; with decumbent, abundant, golden setae, interspersed with some long, erect setae, glabrous centrally. Median groove distinct from fronto-clipeal suture to middle of area between antennal tubercles. Antennal tubercles slightly elevated, rounded at apex, finely sparsely punctate. Genae coarsely, sparsely punctate; with decumbent,long, sparse golden setae. Gula smooth, glabrous. Submentum slightly striate-punctate; with long, erect, moderately abundantly yellowish-white setae. Mandibles coarsely, confluently punctate, smooth distally and toward inner side; with some short and long, moderately sparse, sub-erect yellowish-white setae (long setae more erect). Distance between upper eye lobes about ⅔ length of scape; distance between lower eye lobes in frontal view equal to length of scape. Antennae 1.16 times elytral length, reaching elytral apex at apex of antennomere IX. Scape slightly, gradually enlarged toward apex; coarsely and densely punctuate, slightly finer and sparser at apex; with decumbent, moderately abundant, short, yellowish-white setae interspersed with long, yellowish-white setae. Antennomeres III-XI with short, decumbent, abundantly yellowish-white pubescence; with elongated, erect, yellowish-white setae on inner side and at apex of each antennomere (gradually shorter, sparser toward distal segments). Antennomere III carinate at apex, with long spine at inner apex (as long as 0.17 times length of antennomere; 0.21 times length of antennomere IV). Antennomere IV carinate, with elongated spine at inner apex (as long as 0.22 times length of antennomere). Antennomere V-VII with spine at inner apex, antennomere VIII with short spiniform projection at inner apex. Antennomeres IX-XI unarmed at apex. Antennal formula (ratio) based on antennomere III (without spine): scape = 0.66; pedicel = 0.18; IV = 0.78; V = 0.76; VI = 0.80; VII = 0.78; VIII = 0.66; IX = 0.64; X = 0.51; XI = 0.54.

Thorax: Prothorax slightly wider than long, sides with small, spiniform tubercle before middle (apex truncated); coarsely,densely punctate except subsmooth,transverse band at anterior and posterior margin and on gibbosities; with short, abundant, golden setae (not obscuring integument), interspersed with elongated erect setae. Pronotum with five gibbosities, slightly elevated: two sub-circular, placed at each side just after middle; two sub-circular, placed on each side of posterior quarter; and one elongated, from midlength to posterior quarter. Pronotal surface coarsely, moderately sparsely punctate between gibbosities; area outside of region delimited by gibbosities coarsely, densely punctate; with short, golden setae (not obscuring integument), slightly denser between gibbosities, with long, erect, sparse, yellowish-white setae,mainly between gibbosities.Prosternum, transversely striate (subsmooth on some areas) on anterior third; with some sparse elongated erect yellowish setae, mainly on anterior third. Prosternal process at narrowest point,equal to 0.4 times the procoxal cavity width. Mesoventrite, mesepimeron and mesanepisternum with short, decumbent, sparse golden setae (slightly distinct depending on angle of light) interspersed with moderately short, sub-erect yellowish-white setae.Mesoventral process emarginate at apex, equal to 0.7 times the mesocoxal cavity. Metanepisternum with short, decumbent, abundant golden setae (almost indistinct depending on angle of light) interspersed with long, sub-erect, yellowish-white setae (more erect basally).Metaventrite coarsely punctate, sparser and finer toward median region and posterior margin; with short, decumbent, sparser golden setae; with some long, sub-erect, yellowish-white setae throughout.

Elytra: Moderately coarsely, abundantly punctate; with short decumbent, thick, yellowish-white setae throughout, interspersed with elongated erect sparse setae; apex obliquely truncate, with elongated spine at outer angle, sutural angle unarmed.

Legs: Apices of meso- and metafemora rounded; femora and tibiae with moderately long, abundant yellowish-white setae (denser toward apex of tibiae).

Abdomen: Ventrites finely, moderately abundantly punctate; with moderately sparse, decumbent, yellowish-white setae, interspersed with elongated erected setae. Ventrite V 0.85 times as long as IV; apex truncate.

Dimensions in mm (female): Total length, 17.1; prothorax length, 3.0; anterior prothoracic width, 2.1; posterior prothoracic width, 2.4; largest prothoracic width, 3.1; humeral width, 3.9; elytral length, 12.1.

Type Material: Holotype female from MEXICO, Guanajuato: Sierra de Santa Rosa , 2,250 m, 13-14.VII.1999, G. Nogueira col. ( CNIN).

Etymology: Named in honor of Guillermo Nogueira, collector of the holotype.

Remarks: Eurysthea nogueirai sp. nov. resembles some specimens from E. hirca (Berg) 1889 without yellowish maculae on elytra (variable characteristic in that species) but differs by the shape of pronotum; the anterior gibbosities slightly elevated (more elevated in E. hirca ); the elytra with sparse and uniform setae throughout (denser and forming patches of pubescence in E. hirca ); and the elytral apex with only external spine (bispinose in E. hirca ). By the absence of yellowish maculae on elytra, the new species also resembles E. sordida (Erichson, 1847) , but differs from it by the elytral pubescence sparser (notably denser in E. sordida ); and the elytral apex with spine at outer angle (elytral apex unarmed in E. sordida ). Eurysthea nogueirai sp. nov. also differs from E. cribripennis (Bates, 1885) by the antennomeres III-VII with distinct spine at inner apex (in E. cribripennis the spine is present just in antennomeres III-IV); by the elytra without yellowish maculae on elytra and with short decumbent setae interspersed with elongated erect sparse setae (with yellowish maculae and with decumbent setae in E. cribripennis ); and by the elytral apex obliquely truncated (straightly truncated in E. cribripennis ). Eurysthea nogueirai sp. nov. is the first species of the genus registered from Mexico.

Gallery Image

Figures 9-16: (9-12) Eurysthea nogueirai sp. nov., holotype, female: (9) dorsal view; (10) lateral view; (11) ventral view; (12) detail of head, dorsal view. (13-16) Eurysthea nakagomei sp.nov.,holotype,male:(13) detail of head,dorsal view;(14) dorsal view;(15) lateral view;(16) ventral view.


Coleccion Nacional de Insectos, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico















