Paradiallus vietnamicus, Barševskis, 2020

Barševskis, Arvīds, 2020, A new species of the genus Paradiallus Blanchard, 1853 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) from Vietnam, Baltic Journal of Coleopterology 20 (2), pp. 197-200 : 198-200

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12520856

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Paradiallus vietnamicus

sp. nov.

Paradiallus vietnamicus View in CoL sp. nov.

( Fig. 1)

Type material. Male. HOLOTYPUS: Vietnam: Quang Binh, / 06.2019, local collector leg. [white printed label] ; HOLOTYPUS: / Paradiallus / vietnamicus sp. n. / A.Barševskis det. [red printed and handwrited label] ( DUBC) .

General distribution: Vietnam.

Description. Body dark brown, elongated, with small, sparse spots of yellow pubescence. Length: 11.5 mm, maximal width: 3.7 mm.

Head flattened, slightly elongated, rounded laterally, with convex eyes. Dorsal surface of head with coarse punctures, with narrow, impressed, longitudinal line in the middle, and curved longitudinal lines on each side of head in front of eyes. Head covered with dense, white pubescence, emarginated between eyes with short longitudinal band of yellow pubescence. Antennal bases thick, extended. Labrum brown, slightly pubescent, shiny, with widely rounded apical margin. Clypeus brown, transverse, with light luster. Mandibles massive, wide, shiny, relatively short and sharp, with deep basal depressions and dense white pubescence. Cheeks separated from dorsal portion of head by small longitudinal line and elongated band of white pubescence, with portion of sparse, white, and portion of dense, yellow pubescence. Antenae dark brown, distincty darker apically, very long, more than three time as long as body; antennomeres covered with very fine and sparse pubescence.

Pronotum dark brown, subcylindrical, slightly flattened dorsally, with transverse irregular impressions, four longitudinal bands of yellow pubescence, and with very coarse and deep punctation. Internal longitudinal bands shortened. Each lateral sides of pronotum with massive, very well developed and acute spine. Basal angles of pronotum small, indistinct, not protruded. Frontal margin of pronotum almost straight, basal margin slightly concaved in front of basal angles, with narrow transverse impression. Length of pronotum: 2.0 mm. Width of pronotum: 3.1 mm.

Scutellum small, transverse, widely rounded apically, with dense yellow pubescense. Pars str idens almost completely covered with pronotum.

Elytra parallel-sided, narrowed in front of apex, dark brown, slightly flattened dorsally, with visible, slightly raised hump behind shoulders, with keel-shaped, narrow, flattened elevation along suture and after a short interval other parallel longitudinal flattened elevation. Dorsal portion of elytra with coarse punctation. Elytra covered with small spots of yellow pubescence. Largest spots of yellow pubescence located dorsally, rounded. Apex of elytra with two sharp extensions. Length of elytra: 7.9 mm, width of elytra: 3.7 mm.

Ventral surface of body covered with dense, yellow pubescence, especially denser on margins of sternites, and with sparse, white pubescence. Legs dark-brown, slightly shiny, covered with very fine, white pubescence. Tarsomeres black, covered with grey pubescence.

Aedeagus concave, with slightly raised apex. Length: 2.5 mm. ( Fig. 2 View Fig ).

Female unknown.

Two new species of genus Pachyrhynchus ( Coleoptera : Curculionidae : Pachyrhynchini ) from Mindanao

Barševskis A.

Differential diagnosis. Regarding the shape of the body, the new species is similar to other species of the subgenus Laodiallus , P. (L.) duaulti ( Fig. 3), from which it differs by the following morphological features: 1) basal part of the elytra with spots of yellow pubescence (missing in P. (L.) duaulti ); 2) the middle portion of the elytra without transverse interrupted band of yellow pubescence, other spots more rounded, while middle portion of the elytra of P. (L.) duaulti with transverse, irregular and interrupted band of yellow pubescence, and other spots are more irregular; 3) two sharp extensions in apex of the elytra are more extended than that in P. (L.) duaulti .

Received: 01.08.2020 Accepted: 22.08.2020 Published: 30.12.2020

Etymology. The specific epithet is the latinized adjective derived from the country the specimen was collected from.













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