Rugabinthus yayukae, Tan & Robillard, 2022

Tan, Ming Kai & Robillard, Tony, 2022, Rugabinthus, a new genus of Lebinthina (Orthoptera, Gryllidae, Eneopterinae) from New Guinea, Journal of Orthoptera Research 31 (1), pp. 9-40 : 9

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Journal of Orthoptera Research by Pensoft

scientific name

Rugabinthus yayukae

sp. nov.

Rugabinthus yayukae sp. nov.

(Figs 3 View Figure 3 , 4C View Figure 4 , 5C View Figure 5 , 6C View Figure 6 , 7C View Figure 7 , 8C View Figure 8 , 11E View Figure 11 , 11F View Figure 11 , 13) View Figure 13

Material examined. -

Holotype: INDONESIA • ♂; Mountain slope above Bernhard Camp, 750 m; 19 March 1939; L. J. Toxopeus leg.; MZB-ORTH10791 . Paratypes: INDONESIA • 1♂; Mountain slope above Bernhard Camp, 100 m; 8? April 1939; L. J. Toxopeus leg.; molecular sample L178; MZB-ORHT9414 1♂; Araucaria Camp 800 m; 3 March 1939; L. J. Toxopeus leg. (MZB-ORHT 9417); molecular sample L212; MNHN-EO-ENSIF1728 1♂; N. Guinea, Bor ?, ca. 400 m?; 8 April 1911; Dr P. N. Kampen Ned N.W Guinea Exp. leg.; RMNH .

Type locality. -

INDONESIA: West Papua, Bernhard Camp.

Etymology. -

The species is dedicated to Prof. Yayuk R. Suhardjono from the Zoological Museum, Cibinong Science Centre in Jakarta-Bogor (Indonesia).

Diagnosis. -

This new species differs from all congeners by male genitalia, with characteristic shape of pseudepiphallus, its apical part tapering into a subacute apex and pseudepiphallic parameres including a median inner process and a triangular apex. The new species is close to R. faowi sp. nov. by general shape of male genitalia and shape of endophallic sclerite but differs by apex of pseudepiphallus and pseudepiphallic parameres.

Description. -

Average to large sized among congeners (Fig. 13 View Figure 13 ). Dorsum of head with broad red brown bands barely separated (Fig. 4C View Figure 4 ). Fastigium red brown (Fig. 4C View Figure 4 ). Scapes dark brown. Antennae yellow brown basally, distally brown with yellow rings. Fastigium verticis red brown with a faint yellow brown T-shaped pattern; frons brown without spots; clypeus and mouthparts brown (Fig. 5C View Figure 5 ). Pronotal disk red brown with very few irregular yellow brown patterns, with a yellow brown stripe near the latero-posterior margin (Fig. 4C View Figure 4 ). Lateral lobe of pronotum slightly darker than disk (Fig. 6C View Figure 6 ). FIs and FIIs brown with few spots; TIs and TIIs dark brown with one yellow brown ring in middle. FIIIs brown, knees dark brown to black. Tergites brown, with posterior margin darker.

Male. FWs reaching middle of fourth abdominal tergite. FW coloration (Fig. 7C View Figure 7 ): Dorsal field cells and veins mostly brown, with a faint spot on external corner. Lateral field red brown, with ventral margin cream-colored. FW venation typical of genus, 1A slightly bisinuate anterior to angle. Harp longer than wide; posterior branch of oblique vein almost straight and transverse. Mirror (d1) slightly differentiated. Apical field with three parallel cell alignments (E-F-G) posterior to mirror. Apex of dorsal field obliquely rounded. Lateral field with projections of Sc slightly sinuous.

Male genitalia: (Figs 8C View Figure 8 , 11E View Figure 11 , 11F View Figure 11 ) Pseudepiphallus elongate, not convex dorsally, its basal margin straight, slightly widened laterally at base of rami and raised dorsally; lateral margin at basal half parallel and wider, tapering in middle into apical half; apical half faintly tapering then straightening at apex; posterior apex truncated and faintly indented in the middle. Rami very short, much shorter than half the pseudepiphallus length. Pseudepiphallic parameres C-shaped, with inner lobe in middle with apical half triangular, tapering into a subacute apex; inner lobe straight, perpendicular to paramere. Ectophallic apodemes parallel and long, usually reaching beyond anterior margin of pseudepiphallic sclerite. Endophallic sclerite with anterior region elongate, almost reaching anterior margin of pseudepiphallic sclerite; posterior part with short triangular lateral arms, without median expansion.

Female. Unknown.

Measurements. -

See Table 1 View Table 1 .