Priocera cinctiventris ( CHEVROLAT 1843)

Opitz, Weston, 2021, Taxonomic revision of the Western Hemisphere checkered beetle genus Priocera KIRBY (Coleoptera, Cleridae, Clerinae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 52 (2), pp. 1145-1255 : 1169

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Carolina (2021-06-28 20:19:29, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-03 02:18:40)

scientific name

Priocera cinctiventris ( CHEVROLAT 1843)


Priocera cinctiventris ( CHEVROLAT 1843) ( Figs 35 View Figs 34-42 , 89 View Figs 89 , 120 View Figs 120-123 )

Clerus cinctiventris CHEVROLAT 1843: 32 .

LECTOTYPE: Gender not known. Herein designated.

A d d i t i o n a l m a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d ( Fig. 89 View Figs 89 ): In addition to the holotype, I examined 130 specimens from: Brazil: Estado do Paraná: Iguazu , 18-XII-1999, R. Foerster ; Umuarama , 11-X-1980, A. Yamamoto ; Estado do Santa Catarina, Nova Teutonia , 28-XII-1927, Fritz Plaumann ; idem, 4-XI-1938, Fritz Plaumann ; idem, 14-X-1952, Fritz Plaumann ; idem, 7-I- 1954, Fritz Plaumann ; idem, Corupa ,?- XI-1948, Hansa Humbolt ; Iberama, Wiggenhauser’s Forest, 3-I-1993, beating in the Atlantic Forest , 200 m, J. & E. Beierl ; Estado do Minas Gerais, Vicosa, Mata de Paraiso , 6-10-I-1995, Steve Lingafelter ; Mar de Hespanha , 14-XI-1910, J. F. Zikán ; Pedra Azul ,?- XII-1970, F. M. Oliveira ; Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro ,?-X-?, collector not noted ; idem, 3-XII-1954, Fritz Plaumann ; idem,?- II-1974, 300- 500 m, Fritz Plaumann ; Teresópolis ,?- II-1962, K. E.Hüdepohl ; Estado do Bahia, Encruzilhada , 6-XI- 1974, 960 m, M.Alvarenga ; Santa Rita , collection date not noted, F. Sahlberg ; Estado do Sâo Paulo, Sâo Paulo , 17-XII-1959, J. Halik ; Cantareira , 21-XII-1961, J. Halik ; Morumbi ,?-I-?, B. Pohl ; Ilha Santo Amaro, Santos , 3-IV-1916, G. E. Bryant ; Val. du Rio Pardo ,?- XII-1898, E. Gounelle ; Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Derrubadas, Parque Est. Turvo , 29-X-2002, A. Barcellos ; Estrella Velha, B de Itaúba, 22-X-1998, L. Maura. Paraguay: Departamento de Alto Paraná, Hohenau , 7-XII-1935, H. Jacob ; Departamento Central, Luque,?- II-1956, collector not noted. Argentina: Provincia de Misiones, Iguazu , 10-XI-1986, R. Foerster. Specimens are deposited in: AMNH, CMNH, FMNH, FSCA, JNRC, MCNZ, RGCM, USNM, WFBM, and WOPC .

Type locality: Brasilia, D. A. Pompon (MNHN). CORPORAAL 1950: 99. It is not known how many specimens were available to Chevrolat, and he did not select a holotype, therefore, I invoke Recommendation 73F of the ICZN (1999) and designate a lectotype for this nominal species.

D i a g n o s i s: Forebody black, one arcuate fascia at middle that extends from epipleural margin to humeral margin, one short transverse marking that traverses sutural margin, elytral apex testaceous; abdomen bicolored, visible sternites I testaceous, other visible sternites brown, except lower portion of pronotum and pronotal collar testaceous; antennae, pterothorax, and legs testaceous; elytra tricolored, basal 1/2 testaceous, apical half mostly black, each elytron with 2 white fasciae.

R e d e s c r i p t i o n: Size: Length 6.5 mm; width 1.3 mm. Form: As in Fig. 120 View Figs 120-123 . Head: Frons wrinkled, frons wider than length of antennal pedicel; EW/FW 25/17. Thorax: Pronotum slightly wrinkled at sides, coarsely punctate at middle, with 2 tumescenses, PW/PL 111/100; elytra with basal tumescence, disc depressed at middle, sculptured with striate, asetiferous punctures that extend slightly beyond elytral basal 1/2, elytral apex rounded (EL/EW 390/85); metathoracic femur gradually increasing in diameter to femoral apex. Abdomen: Aedeagus as in Fig. 35. View Figs 34-42

V a r i a t i o n: Size: Length 4.0-7.0 mm; width 1.0-2.0 mm. Other than body size, the available specimens are quite homogeneous.

N a t u r a l h i s t o r y: Specimens were collected from October through February, at altitudes that range from 200 to 960 m.

N o t e s: The lectotype was examined, but the description is based on a homotype specimen.

CHEVROLAT M. A. (1843): Description de vingt-quatre nouvelles especes de Terediles, pour faire suite a la monographie des Clairones de M. Le Docteur Klug. - Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France. Series 2. 1: 31 - 42.

CORPORAAL J. B. (1950): Cleridae. - In: Coleopterorum catalogus supplementa, Pars 23 (editio secunda). (W. D. Hinks, editor). - W. Junk's, Gravenhage, The Netherlands.

Gallery Image

Figs 89. Approximate distribution of species as noted.

Gallery Image

Figs 34-42. Aedeagus.Priocera chiricahuae (34), P. cinctiventris (35), P. cocha (36), P. colima (37), P. conspicta (38), P. costaricana (39), P. crista (40), P. denticarea (41), P. diverselutea (42).

Gallery Image

Figs 120-123. Habitus. Priocera cinctiventris (120), P. clavipes (121), P. cocha nov.sp. (122), P. colima nov.sp. (123).


American Museum of Natural History


The Cleveland Museum of Natural History


Field Museum of Natural History


Florida State Collection of Arthropods, The Museum of Entomology


Porto Alegre, Museu de Ciencias Naturais da Fundacao Zoo-Botanica do Rio Grande do Sul


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


W.F. Barr Entomological Collection











