Priocera trinotata KLUG , 1842

Opitz, Weston, 2021, Taxonomic revision of the Western Hemisphere checkered beetle genus Priocera KIRBY (Coleoptera, Cleridae, Clerinae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 52 (2), pp. 1145-1255 : 1202

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Carolina (2021-06-28 20:19:29, last updated 2024-01-19 09:45:30)

scientific name

Priocera trinotata KLUG , 1842


Priocera trinotata KLUG, 1842 ( Figs 77 View Figs 70-78 , 99 View Figs 99 , 169 View Figs 168-171 )

Priocera trinotata KLUG, 1842: 283 .

Priocera stictica GORHAM variety remota WOLCOTT, 1927: 26 . nov.syn.

HOLOTYPE: Gender not known. Type locality: Colombia ( SDEI). CORPORAAL 1950 : 101.

A d d i t i o n a l m a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d ( Fig. 99 View Figs 99 ): In addition to the holotype, I examined 55 specimens from: México: Estado de Veracruz , La Playa Escondida, Los Tuxtlas , 23- III-1980, S. Keiser, T. C. Bezark ; 4 km SW Fortin , 17-VII- 1990, 900 m, J. Doyen ; Orizaba, collection date and collector not noted; Estación Biologica Los Tuxtlas , 30 km NE Catemaco, 19- 20-IV-2007, R. L. Wescott ; Fortin de las Flores , 7-12-VII-1974, 1,010 m, at lights, J. A. Chemsak, J. Powell ; Estado de Chiapas , 4 miles NE Pichucalco, 14-VI-1965, Burke, Meyer, Schaffner ; Tapachula , collection date not noted, Höge ; Estado de Oaxaca, 21 km W Rizo de Oro, along ridge SE of Cerro Baúl , 6-8-IX-1972, 1615 m, Carolyn Mullinex & D. E. Breedlove. Guatemala ; Departamento de Petén , Parque Nacional El Rosario, 23-XI- 2016, 140 m, under recent fermenting bark, Z.Falin ; Departamento de Alta Verapaz, Trece Aguas , 2-IV-?, Barber & Schwarz ; Telemán, collection date not noted, Champion. Honduras: Departamento de Cortés , Peña Blanca , Lago Yojoa , 22-VI-1979, J. A. Chemsak, A.& M. Michelbacher, W.W.Middlekauff ; Departamento de Santa Bárbara, 13 km SE Mochito, Montaña de Pozo Azul, 31-VII-1977, O’Brien & Marshall. Nicaragua: Departamento de Matagalpa , Selva Negra , 16-17-VI-2007, 1,300 -1,400 m, S. Lingafelter GoogleMaps ; North Caribbean Coast Autonomous Region, Parque Nacional Saslaya, 9-V-2011, 100- 290 m, collectors not noted. Costa Rica: Provincia de Cartago , Turrialba , 7-10- VIII- 1965, Raske ; idem, 14-17-V-1974, E. Giesbert ; Provincia de Limón, Santa Clara, Hamburg Farm , Rio Revantazon , 10-II-1923, F. Nevermann ; Provincia de Heredia, La Selva Biologica Station, 3 km S. Puerto Viejo, 19-24-VII-1992, 50- 150 m, Malaise, G. Wright. Panamá: Provincia de Panamá, Gamboa , 24-V-1995, F. Ødegaard ; Bayano , 3 km W Ipeti, 30-IV-3-V-1992, E. Giesbert ; Cerro Campana, near Chica , 2-5-IV-1965, S. S. & W. D. Duckworth ; Canal Zone, Barro Colorado Island , 13-VI-1977, H. Hespenheide ; Provincia de Colón, Skunk Hollow , 9.6 km NW Gatun Locks, 12- VI-1993, Steve Lingafelter ; 2.1 km N Rio, Charges, Madden Dam Forest, 20-XII-1993, J. E. Beierl. Colombia: Departamento de Magdalena , PNN Tayrona Cerro San Lucas, 11-16-I- 2003, 450 m, C. Sarmiento. Venezuela ; Estado de Miranda, Cambural, Capaya , 5- VIII- 1962, Carlos Bordon. Ecuador: Provincia de Napo , 28 km NE Campo Cocha, 15-30-III-2001, F. Hovore ; 24 km E Atahualpa , 1-13-X- 1996, 450 m, E. Giesbert ; Provincia de Pichincha, Tinalandia, 15 km SE Santo Domingo de los Colorados , 15-VII-1983, T. H. Gantenbein & P. S. Gantenbein ; Maquipucuna Forest Reserve, 60 km NW Quito, 23-XII-1991, 1,300 m, at light, C. Carlton, R. Lechen. Peru: Provincia de Huancabamba , Tingo Maria , 21-X-1941, 2,200 feet, J. C. Pallister. Specimens are deposited in AMNH, BMNH, CASC, CSCA, EMEC, FSCA, JMLC, RNJC, SEMC, TAMU, USNM, WFBM, WOPC, and ZMHB .

D i a g n o s i s: Cranium, antennae, thorax, legs, abdomen castaneous; elytra bicolorous, each elytron with 3 yellow markings, apical 1/4 th testaceous.

D e s c r i p t i o n: Size: Length 8.0 mm; width 1.8 mm. Form: As in Fig. 169 View Figs 168-171 . Head: Frons wider than length of antennal pedicel ( EW /FW 38/15). Thorax: Pronotum finely punctate, with 2 tumescenses ( PW /PL 85/120); elytral disc sculptured with striate, asetiferous punctures in basal 1/2, elytral apex rounded ( EL /EW 320/60); metathoracic femur gradually increasing in diameter to femoral apex. Abdomen: Aedeagus as in Fig. 77. View Figs 70-78

V a r i a t i o n: Size: Length 6.0-9.0 mm; width 1.8-2.2 mm. Except for body size, the available specimens are quite homogeneous.

N a t u r a l h i s t o r y: Specimens were collected throughout the year at altitudes that range from 30 to 1,615 m. One specimen was captured under fermenting bark.

N o t e s: Klug’s type was not available, therefore, the species description is based on a non-type specimen.

CORPORAAL J. B. (1950): Cleridae. - In: Coleopterorum catalogus supplementa, Pars 23 (editio secunda). (W. D. Hinks, editor). - W. Junk's, Gravenhage, The Netherlands.

KLUG J. C. F. (1842): Versuch einer systematischen Bestimmung und Auseinnandersetzung der Gattungen und Arten der Clerii, einer Insectenfamilie aus der Ordung der Coleopteren. - Abhandlungen Berlin Akademie der Berlin Wissenschaften. Pp. 259 - 397, Berlin, Germany.

WOLCOTT A. B. (1927): A review of the Cleridae of Costa Rica. - Coleopterological Contributions 1 (1): 1 - 104.

Gallery Image

Figs 99. Approximate distribution of species as noted.

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Figs 70-78. Aedeagus. Priocera quadrigibbosa (70), P.quadrinotata (71), P. spinosa (72), P. stictica (73), P. strigicollis (74), P. strigilla (75), P. theresae (76), P. trinotata (77), P. uncinata (78).

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Figs 168-171. Habitus. Priocera theresae (168), P. trinotata (169), P. trituberosa nov.sp. (170), P. uncinata (171).


American Museum of Natural History


California State Collection of Arthropods


Essig Museum of Entomology


Florida State Collection of Arthropods, The Museum of Entomology


University of Kansas - Biodiversity Institute


Texas A&M University


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


W.F. Barr Entomological Collection


Paleontological Collections











