Pseudogeniates cordobaensis Moore, Jameson, Garner, Audibert, Smith, and Seidel, sp. n.

Moore, Matthew R., Jameson, Mary L., Garner, Beulah H., Audibert, Cedric, Smith, Andrew B. T. & Seidel, Matthias, 2017, Synopsis of the pelidnotine scarabs (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Rutelinae, Rutelini) and annotated catalog of the species and subspecies, ZooKeys 666, pp. 1-349 : 1

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Pseudogeniates cordobaensis Moore, Jameson, Garner, Audibert, Smith, and Seidel, sp. n.


Pseudogeniates cordobaensis Moore, Jameson, Garner, Audibert, Smith, and Seidel, sp. n. View in CoL

Pseudogeniates cordobaensis Soula, 2009: 122 [original combination, unavailable name].

Pseudogeniates cordobaensis Soula [in Jameson & Ocampo, 2012, unavailable name].

Pseudogeniates cordobaensis Moore, Jameson, Garner, Audibert, Smith, and Seidel, sp. n.


ARGENTINA: Catamarca, Córdoba ( Soula 2009, Jameson and Ocampo 2012).


Holotype and 7 paratypes. 1 ♂ holotype at ZMHB (= paralectotype of Pseudogeniates intermedius ) (see Jameson and Ocampo 2012) from Ohaus’s type series of P. intermedius , at ZMHB labeled (from Jameson and Ocampo 2012: 41): "Argentina S. d. Cordoba J. Hubrich S." (typeset, white label)//male symbol // Pseudogeniates intermedius cotype Ohs. ( Ohaus’s handwritten, red label)//SYNTYPUS Pseudogeniates intermedius Ohaus, 1914 labeled by MNHUS 2007 (typeset, red label)//Paralectotype 2009 Pseudogeniates intermedius Oh. Soula det. (typeset and handwritten, red label)//Holotype 2009 Pseudogeniates cordobaensis Soula Soula (handwritten and typeset, red label)// Pseudogeniates cordobaensis Moore, Jameson, Garner, Audibert, Smith, and Seidel 2016 HOLOTYPE". The holotype specimen (previously used by Soula) is the male paralectotype of Ps. intermedius Ohaus with data "Argentina/S. d. Cordoba/J Hubrich S." ( Soula 2009: 122). Ohaus’ type series for Ps. intermedius included three specimens from Santiago del Estero in Argentina and one specimen (= Ps. cordobaensis ) from Huerta Grande in the Sierra de Cordóba, Córdoba Province, Argentina ( Ohaus 1914). 1 ♂ paratype with pronotum damaged at ZMHB labeled: "ARGENTINA: Catamarca, Salar de Pipanaco, Pio Brizuela 37 km S Andalgalá, 27°49 ’34” S, 66°14 ’47” W, XII-5-2003. F. C. Ocampo// Pseudogeniates cordobaensis Soula det M.L. Jameson 2012// Pseudogeniates cordobaensis Moore, Jameson, Garner, Audibert, Smith, and Seidel 2016 PARATYPE". 1 ♂ paratype at CCECL labeled as ZMHB paratype and with mouthparts, hindwing, and tarsomere card-mounted under specimen. 2 ♂ paratypes at IAZA labeled as ZMHB paratype except one includes the label: " Pseudogeniates sp. Det. F.C. Ocampo 2007". 1 ♂ paratype at UNSM labeled as ZMHB paratype. 1 ♂ paratype at MSPC labeled as ZMHB paratype and with hindwing card-mounted under specimen. 1 ♂ paratype at MLJC labeled: "Ra Catamarca 37 km S Andalgalá Salar Pipanaco Pío Brizuelas 06-XII-03 S Roig 27°49 ’34” S 66°14 ’47” W 751 msm//mouthparts, spiculum gastrale, male genitalia card-mounted//wing card-mounted// Pseudogeniates cordobaensis Soula Det M.L. Jameson 2012 (type set and hand-written)// Pseudogeniates cordobaensis Moore, Jameson, Garner, Audibert, Smith, and Seidel 2016 PARATYPE det. M.L. Jameson 2016 (hand-written, yellow label)".


For all new species-group names, the holotype and the type depository must be explicitly stated for the name to be deemed available (ICZN Art. 16.4). Because Soula (2009) did not explicitly state the location of the holotype specimen for Ps. cordobaensis , the original combination is unavailable. Jameson and Ocampo (2012), in their revision of the genus Pseudogeniates , did not notice this nomenclatural problem. They redescribed the species, attributing the name to Soula. Because Art. 16.1. (ICZN 1999) states that new names, including replacement names, must be explicitly indicated as intentionally new, Ps. cordobaensis cannot be attributed to Jameson and Ocampo (2012). Since Ps. cordobaensis has never been properly made available, we describe it here as a new species.

Description of Pseudogeniates cordobaensis , new species.

A full redescription of the species was provided in ( Jameson and Ocampo 2012, see This species is separated from other species in the genus Pseudogeniates by the form of the mentum that is pentagonal (width subequal to length) and with the inner apex that projects anteriorly with an inner shelf ( Jameson and Ocampo 2012: Fig. 8 View Figure 8 ). Congeners, in comparison, possess a mentum that is longer than wide. Additionally, Ps. cordobaensis is distinguished by the ventral plate of the male parameres that is nearly as long as the dorsal plate and the apex that is quadrate ( Jameson and Ocampo 2012: Fig. 19 View Figure 19 ). In comparison, the ventral plate of Ps. richterianus is short (about half the length of the dorsal plate) and converges to a quadrate apex, whereas Ps. intermedius possesses a ventral plate that is nearly as long as the dorsal plate, but with sides that are constricted preapically and with a rounded apex (Fig. 99 View Figure 99 ).