Iphinoe, BATE, 1856

Haye, Pilar A., 2007, Systematics of the genera of Bodotriidae (Crustacea: Cumacea), Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 151 (1), pp. 1-58 : 21-22

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IPHINOE BATE, 1856 View in CoL

Type species: Iphinoe trispinosa ( Goodsir, 1843)

Body: Carapace shorter than abdomen and similar in length or shorter than peraeon; abdomen approximately as long as carapace and peraeon together.

Cephalothorax: From dorsal view the carapace appears laterally compressed anteriorly, posteriorly or not compressed. Carapace may have mid-dorsal ridge, mid-dorsal serration, dorso-lateral, anterior transverse and/or posterior transverse ridges. Pseudorostral lappets extend beyond frontal lobe and meet in midline. Antennal notch as a depression or as a subacute incision. Anterolateral corner bluntly rounded or as subacute or acute tooth. Frontal lobe from 1/4 to 1/2 of the total carapace length; as wide as long or longer than wide; anteriorly linguiform, may be somewhat extended; may have ocular pigment and/or eye lenses.

Antenna 1 with basal article of the peduncle arcuate or straight; shorter than the other two articles together. Main flagellum uni-, bi- or tri-articulated; with one, two, three or more aesthetascs in distalmost article; may have two or a group of aesthetascs on proximal article. Accessory flagellum uni- or biarticulated; may have aesthetasc. Antenna 2 in males approximately reaching half length of pleon or reaching end of pleon; with sensory setae on anterior margin of article 4. Antenna 2 in females with one or two articles.

Maxilliped 3 basis geniculate, arcuate or straight; extended dorso-distally over ischium beyond the articulation of the ischium and merus. Ischium variable in length with respect to merus. Merus with dorso-distal projection over carpus. Carpus may be oviform or may be distally widened; carpus equal to or shorter than propodus and dactylus together. Propodus oviform, may be distally widened.

Peraeon: First peraeonite well exposed or visible only above lateral midline. Peraeonite 2 wide or proportional to other peraeonites; may have ventrolateral expansion overriding peraeonite 1 and/or carapace or peraeonite 1 and/or carapace and peraeonite 3. Peraeonite 3 may have ventrolateral expansion extended backwards overriding peraeonite 4 or forward and backwards overriding peraeonites 2 and 4. Peraeonite 4 may have ventrolateral expansion overriding peraeonite 3, peraeonite 5 or peraeonites 3 and 5.

Peraeopod 1 with basis arcuate or straight; may have row of setae; ischium may be elongate (often longer than merus); carpus shorter or equal length than basis; may have setae in a linear arrangement along propodus; carpus longer or equal to propodus; dactylus with or without three terminal setae. Perae- opod 2 without ischium; dactylus longer than propodus. Peraeopod 4 with ischium.

Pleon: Articular pegs may be present. Pleonite 6 longer than wide or as long as wide; as long as or shorter than peduncle of uropod; may have two setae close to midline on posterior edge of pleonite 6. Pleonite 6 may be slightly extended or well extended between the bases of the uropods. When whole width of terminal end extended, it may end in a point, a line or a rounded apex. Alternatively, when a wide portion of distal end is extended, it may end in a point, a line or a rounded apex. Anal plates may extend posteriorly beyond distal margin of pleonite 6, and may bear setae on posterior margin.

Uropod endopod bi-articulated; articles variable in length with respect to each other. Uropod exopod with proximal article shorter than distal one or with articles approximately same size. Peduncle variable in length with respect to rami; rami variable in length with respect to each other. Males with two or five pairs of pleopods. Pleopodal endopod with well developed or reduced process.

Species included:

1. I. acutirostris Ledoyer, 1965

2. I. adriatica Bâcescu, 1988

3. I. africana Zimmer, 1908

4. I. armata Ledoyer, 1965

5. I. brevipes Hansen, 1895

6. I. calmani Fage, 1945

7. I. canariensis Corbera, Brito & Núñez, 2002

8. I. capensis ( Zimmer, 1921 a)

9. I. crassipes Hansen, 1895

I. crassipes crassipes Hansen, 1895 View in CoL

I. crassipers haifae Bâcescu, 1961

10. I. dayi Jones, 1960 View in CoL

11. I. douniae Ledoyer, 1965

12. I. elisae Bâcescu, 1950

13. I. fagei Jones, 1955

14. I. gurjanovae Lomakina, 1960

15. I. hupferi Zimmer, 1916

16. I. inermis Sars, 1879 ( I. cf. inermis Corbera, Brito & Núñez, 2002 )

17. I. insolita Petrescu, 1992

18. I. ischnura Zimmer, 1952

19. I. maculata Ledoyer, 1965

20. I. maeotica ( Sowinsky, 1894)

21. I. marisrubrae Mühlenhardt-Siegel, 1996a

22. I. pellucida Hale, 1944

23. I. pigmenta Kurian, 1961

24. I. plicata Le Loeuff & Intès, 1972

25. I. pokoui Le Loeuff & Intès, 1972

26. I. producta Day, 1978

27. I. rhodaniensis Ledoyer, 1965 )

28. I. robusta Hansen, 1895

29. I. sagamiensis Gamô, 1958

30. I. sanguinea Kemp, 1916

31. I. senegalensis Jones, 1956

32. I. serrata Norman, 1867

33. I. stebbingi Jones, 1956

34. I. tenella Sars, 1878

35. I. tenera Lomakina, 1960

36. I. trispinosa ( Goodsir, 1843)

37. I. truncata Hale, 1953

38. I. zimmeri Stebbing, 1910

39. Iphinoe sp. Zimmer, 1920

40. Iphinoe sp. Kiseleva, 1964

Remarks: Iphinoe capensis and I. pigmenta are dubious members of the genus Iphinoe because they lack the characteristic dorso-distal expansion of the merus of maxilliped 3. Likewise, Iphinoe crassipes and I. pokoui are dubious species; they share similarity in the extensions of the pseudorostral lapplets beyond the frontal lobe that bear setae close to the midline. In addition, in the latter two species the articles distal to the merus on maxilliped 3 are narrow. Iphinoe insolita is the only species of the genus Iphinoe with only two pairs of pleopods on the male ( Petrescu, 1995).

Distribution: Generally found at depths lower than 100 m, in the East Atlantic and West Pacific Oceans and Mediterranean Sea. Iphinoe producta can be found at much deeper waters, between 200 and 800 m.

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Bacescu M. 1961. Contribution a l'etude des Cumaces de la Mediterranee et partoculierment des cores d'Israel. Rapports et Proces-Verbaux des Reunions de ka CIESMM 16: 496 - 502.

Bacescu M. 1988. Cumacea I. In: Gruner H-E, Holthuis LB, eds. Crustaceorum Catalogus. The Hague: SPB Academic Publishing, 1 - 173.

Bate S. 1856. On the British Diastylidae. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 2: 449 - 465.

Corbera J, Brito MC, Nunez J. 2002. Interstitial cumaceans from sandy bottoms and Cymodocea meadows of the Canary Islands. Cahiers Biologie Marine 43: 63 - 71.

Day J. 1978. Southern African Cumacea. Part 2. Family Bodotriidae, Subfamily Bodotriinae. Annals of the South African Museum 75: 159 - 290.

Fage L. 1945. Les cumaces du plancton nocturne des cotes d'annam. Archives do Zoologie Experimentale et Generale 84: 165 - 223.

Gamo S. 1958. On some species of Cumacean Crustacea from Sagami Bay. Zoological Magazine Tokyo 67: 383 - 389.

Goodsir HSD. 1843. Description of the genus Cuma and two new genera closely allied to it. Edinburgh New Phylosophical Journal 34: 119 - 180.

Hale HM. 1944. Australian Cumacea, 8 The Family Bodotriidae. Transactions of the Royal Society of Southern Australia 63: 225 - 285.

Hale HM. 1953. Two new Cumacea from South Africa. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 76: 45 - 50.

Hansen HJ. 1895. Isopoden, Cumaceen und Stomatopoden der Plankton-Expedition. Ergebnisse der Plankton- Expedition 2: 1 - 105.

Jones NS. 1955. Cumacea of the Benguela Current. ' Discovery' Report 27: 279 - 292.

Jones NS. 1956. Cumacea of the west coast of Africa. Atlantide Report 4: 195 - 197, figs 5, 6.

Jones NS. 1960. Cumacea from South Africa. Annals of the Magazine of Natural History 13: 171 - 180.

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Kurian CV. 1961. Three species of Cumacea from the lakes of Kerala. Bulletin of the Central Research Institute C 8: 55 - 61.

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Ledoyer M. 1965. Sur quelques especes nouvelles d' Iphinoe (Crustacea, Cumacea) discussion et description comparative des especes Eoropeennes deja connues (1). Recueil des Travaux de la Station Marine d'Endoume 39: 253 - 275.

Lomakina NB. 1960. K faune Cumacea (Crustacea, Malacostraca) priberenjnoi zoni Jeltogo Moria. Oceanologia et Limnologia Sinica 3: 94 - 114.

Muhlenhardt-Siegel U. 1996 a. Cumacea (Crustacea) from the Red Sea and the Maldives (Indian Ocean) in the collection of the Zoological Museum, Hamburg, with the description of seven new species and new genus. Beaufortia 7: 105 - 134.

Petrescu I. 1992. Iphinoe insolita n. sp. (Crustacea, Cumacea) from the littoral waters of Bunaken Island (N. Sulawesi). Expozitie Temporara 21: 4 - 30.

Petrescu I. 1995. Cumaceans (Crustacea: Peracarida) from the South American coasts collected by the Royal / V ' Vema'. Traveaux du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle ' Grigore Antipa' 35: 49 - 86.

Sars GO. 1878 - 1879. Midcdelhavets Cumaceer. Archiv for Mathematik og Naturviden-skab Kristiana 3 - 4: 1 - 196.

Sowinsky V. 1894. Sur les Crustaces de la Mer d'Azov. Zapiski Kiyevskago Obshchestva Estestvoispytatelei. Memoires de la Societe des Naturalistes de Kiev 13: 289 - 406.

Stebbing TRR. 1910. General Catalogue of South African Crustacea. Annals of the South African Museum 6: 409 - 418.

Zimmer C. 1908. Die Cumaceen der ' Deutschen Tiefsee- Expedition. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Deutschen Tieffsee-Expedition auf dem Dampfer ' Valdivia' 1898 - 1899 9: 158 - 196.

Zimmer C. 1916. Crustacea IV: Cumacea und Schizopoda. Beitrage zur Kenntis der Meeresfauna Westafrikas 2: 55 - 66.

Zimmer C. 1920 - 1921 a. Mitteilungen uber Cumaceen des Berliner Zoologischen Museums. Mitteilunger aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin 10: 115 - 149.

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