Horniella bifurca Zhang & Yin, 2021

Zhang, Wen-Xuan, Hu, Fang-Shuo & Yin, Zi-Wei, 2021, Six new species of Horniella Raffray from the Oriental region (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Pselaphinae), ZooKeys 1042, pp. 1-22 : 1

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scientific name

Horniella bifurca Zhang & Yin

sp. nov.

Horniella bifurca Zhang & Yin View in CoL sp. nov. Figures 1A View Figure 1 , 2 View Figure 2 , 10A View Figure 10

Type material.

Holotype: Thailand: ♂, 'THAILAND: Chiang Mai, Pinh Khong env. 900 m, 19°26.70'N, 99°01.9'E, 14.xi.2012, M. Košťál lgt.' (MHNG). Paratype: Thailand: 1 ♀, same label data as for holotype (MHNG).


Male. Head approximately as long as wide, with distinct anterolateral genal projection, anterior margin of projection roundly emarginate; with long, apically forked ocular canthus; scape angularly expanded at anterolateral margin, antennomeres 9-11 moderately enlarged. Pronotum rounded at anterolateral margins. Protrochanter and profemur each with long ventral spine; protibia with small triangular apical spur; mesotrochanter with short but distinct ventral spine. Tergite 1 (IV) with median carina extending posteriorly for approximately 1/4 of tergal length, discal carinae long and thick. Aedeagus with asymmetric median lobe, right half of median lobe greatly protruding apicad, left half strongly curved and forked at apex; endophallus composed of two elongate, twisted sclerites.

Female. Similar to male in external morphology, profemur each with two ventral spines near base, protibia lacking preapical spur, mesotrochanter lacking ventral spine; genital complex as in Fig. 10A View Figure 10 .


Male. Body reddish-brown, length 3.35 mm. Head (Fig. 2A View Figure 2 ) approximately as long as wide, HL 0.69 mm, HW 0.7 mm; anterolateral genal projection distinct, anterior margin of projection roundly emarginate; antenna 1.7 mm long, scape angularly expanded at anterolateral margin, antennomeres 2-8 slightly elongate or moniliform, club loosely formed by apical three moderately enlarged antennomeres, antennomere 11 largest, approximately as long as antennomeres 9 and 10 combined; indistinct lateral postantennal pits present; eyes prominent, each composed of approximately 45 large facets, with long, broad forked ocular canthi (Fig. 2B View Figure 2 ).

Pronotum as long as wide, PL and PW 0.67 mm, widest at apical 1/3; anterolateral margins rounded; disc moderately convex, finely punctate, with distinct median antebasal and lateral antebasal foveae connected by complete transverse sulcus.

Elytra much wider than long, EL 0.91 mm, EW 1.36 mm; each elytron with two large, setose basal foveae; discal striae extending from outer basal foveae to apical 3/4 of elytral length.

Legs elongate; protrochanter (Fig. 2C View Figure 2 ) with elongate ventral spine, profemur (Fig. 2C View Figure 2 ) with long ventral spine near base, protibia (Fig. 2D View Figure 2 ) with small triangular apical spur; mesotrochanter (Fig. 2E View Figure 2 ) with short but distinct ventral spine, mesofemur (Fig. 2E View Figure 2 ) and mesotibia (Fig. 2F View Figure 2 ) simple.

Abdomen slightly broader than long, broadest at lateral margins of tergite 1 (IV), AL 1.08 mm, AW 1.22 mm; tergite 1 (IV) largest, as long as tergites 2 and 3 (V and VI) combined, with short median carina extending to near basal 1/4 of tergal length, discal carinae long and thick, with broad basal impression, tergite 2 (V) lacking carina, tergites 2-4 (V-VII) each with small basolateral foveae. Sternite 2 (IV) with broad basal sulcus, lacking mediobasal foveae, basolateral foveae developed as large cuticular pockets, with two pairs of antebasal protuberances, sternites 3-5 (V-VII) each with basolateral foveae, and one median and two lateral nodules, sternite 7 (IX) with well-sclerotized apical half and membranous basal half.

Aedeagus (Fig. 2G-I View Figure 2 ) 0.61 mm long, with asymmetric median lobe, right half of median lobe greatly protruding apicad, left half elongate, with strongly curved and deeply forked apical part; endophallus composed of two elongate, twisted sclerites.

Female. General morphology similar to male, each eye composed of approximately 30 facets; profemur with two long ventral spines near base, protibia lacking preapical spur, mesotrochanter lacking ventral spine. Measurements (as for male): BL 3.08 mm, HL 0.68 mm, HW 0.61 mm, PL 0.65 mm, PW 0.63 mm, EL 0.79 mm, EW 1.17 mm, AL 0.96 mm, AW 1.2 mm. Genital complex (Fig. 10A View Figure 10 ) with transverse apical sclerite, and elongate membranous basal portion.

Comparative notes.

This species is placed as a member of the H. centralis group. It can be readily separated from the other members of the group by the long, apically-forked ocular canthi, as well as by the unique shape of the aedeagus.


Thailand: Chiang Mai.


The new specific epithet Horniella bifurca (- us, - um) is a Latin adjective means ‘two-pronged’, referring to the apically-forked ocular canthus of the new species.











