Cotesia tuita, Papp, 2009

Papp, J., 2009, Braconidae (Hymenoptera) From Mongolia, Xvii. Eleven Subfamilies, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 55 (2), pp. 139-173 : 155-157

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12584837

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Cotesia tuita

sp. nov.

Cotesia tuita sp. n. f

(Figs 41–46)

Material examined (1 f). – Female holotype: Mongolia, Chentej aimak, 65 km NNW Öndörchaan, July 1980, leg. ZS. PEREGI. – Holotype is glued on a pointed card by mesosternum and is in good condition: (1) left flagellum missing, (2) left hind wing distally somewhat creased. Holotype is deposited in the Hungarian Natural History Museum (Department of Zoology), Budapest, Hym. Typ. No. 11320 .

Etymology – The new species received the phantasy name “tuita ”.

Description of the female holotype. – Body 3.6 mm long. Antenna as long as body and with 18 flagellomeres. First flagellomere 3.7 times and penultimate flagellomere just less than twice as long as broad, flagellum distally slightly attenuating. – Head in dorsal view transverse (Fig. 41), twice as broad as long, eye 1.6 times as long as temple, temple receded, occiput weakly excavated. Ocelli fairly large, posterior imaginary tangent to fore ocellus just before hind pair of ocelli; POL one-fifth longer than OOL (Fig. 41). Eye in lateral view 1.75 times as high as wide and almost twice wider than temple (Fig. 42). Head hair-punctured, shiny.

Mesosoma in lateral view 1.3 times as long as high. Mesoscutum with confluent punctation giving an apparent rugulose surface. Scutellum punctate, shiny. Propodeum strongly rugose. Meso- Figs 39–47. 39–40. Cotesia chares (NIXON) : 39 = tergites 1–3, 40 = mesoscutum with indication of sculpture. – 41–46. Cotesia tuita sp. n.: 41 = head in dorsal view, 42 = head in lateral view, 43 = hind femur, 44 = distal part of right fore wing, 45 = tergites 1–3 with indication of sculpture, 46 = hind end of metasoma. – 47. Cotesia onaspis (NIXON) : distal part of right fore wing pleuron rugulose, posteriorly polished. – Outer side of hind coxa uneven, subshiny. Hind femur less long, 3.7 times as long as broad distally (Fig. 43). Inner spur of hind tibia half as long as basitarsus.

Fore wing as long as body. Pterostigma moderately wide, 2.5 times as long as wide and issuing r distally from its middle; r as long as 2–SR; 1– R 1 somewhat longer than pterostigma and approaching distal end of SR1; first discal cell 1.3 times as wide as high (Fig. 44, see arrows).

First tergite (Fig. 45) 1.4 times as long as broad behind and subparallel-sided (i.e. faintly broadening posteriorly), rugose. Second tergite 2.5 times as broad behind as long medially, rugose, basal field coextensive with tergite. Third tergite 1.4 times longer than second tergite and basally rugo-rugulose, otherwise together with further tergites smooth and shiny. Hypopygium somewhat surpassing last tergite and pointed, ovipositor sheath short (Fig. 46).

Body black. Antenna dark brown, below with faint rusty tint. Palpi pale yellow. Tegula and parategula brown. Sternites 1–2 straw yellow. Legs reddish yellow, hind coxa proximally black, distally reddish yellow, hind femur apically black. Hind tibia distally and hind tarsus entirely blackish suffused.Wings faintly brownish, pterostigma brown, veins proximo-distally light brown to brownish.

Male and host unknown.

Distribution: Mongolia.

The new species, Cotesia tuita , is nearest to C. onaspis (NIXON) and C. geryonis (MARSHALL) viewing their less broadening first tergite and reddish yellow coloured legs; the three species are distinguished by the features keyed:

1 (2) First tergite subparallel-sided and rugose; second tergite 2.5 times as broad behind as long medially, rugose (Fig. 45). Temple in dorsal view receded (Fig. 41). Pterostigma less wide, 2.5 times as long as wide and isuing r distally from its middle; r as long as 2–SR (Fig. 44). Hind femur long, 3.7 times as long as broad distally (Fig. 43). Inner spur of hind tibia half as long as basitarsus. Tegula brown. Hind femur reddish yellow, apically blackish. f: 3.6 mm. – Mongolia C. tuita sp. n.

Figs 48–52. 48–50. Cotesia onaspis (NIXON) : 48 = tergites 1–2 with indiscation of sculpture, 49 = head in dorsal view, 50 = hind femur. – 51–52. Cotesia geryonis (MARSHALL) : 51 = distal part of right fore wing, 52 = tergites 1–2 with indication of sculpture

2 (1) First tergite more or less broadening posteriorly; second tergite 2.3 or 2.8 times as broad behind as long medially (Figs 48, 52). Temple in dorsal view rounded (Fig. 49). Hind femur 3.3 times as long as broad distally (Fig. 50).

3 (4) Pterostigma wide, 2.2–2.3 times as long as wide, issuing r just distally from its middle, r somewhat longer than 2–SR (Fig. 47). Inner spur of hind tibia shorter than half basitarsus. First tergite less broadening posteriorly, subshiny, rugulose and with pits behind, second tergite 2.5 times as broad behind as long medially (Fig. 48). Tegula brown, rarely yellow. fm 2.3–2.5 mm. – Europe (sporadically) C. onaspis ( NIXON, 1974)

4 (3) Pterostigma less wide, 2.9–3.1 times as long as wide, issuing r clearly distally from its middle, r as long as 2–SR (Fig. 51). Inner spur of hind tibia longer than half basitarsus. First tergite broadening posteriorly, matt and rugose; second tergite 2.8 times as broad behind as long medially (Fig. 52).

Tegula blackish brown. f: 2.5–2.8 mm. – Europe

C. geryonis (MARSHALL, 1885)


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile













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