Protodacnusa dilata, Papp, 2009

Papp, J., 2009, Braconidae (Hymenoptera) From Mongolia, Xvii. Eleven Subfamilies, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 55 (2), pp. 139-173 : 153-154

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12584837

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Protodacnusa dilata

sp. nov.

Protodacnusa dilata sp. n. f

( Figs 32–37 View Figs 32–38 )

Material examined (1 f). – Female holotype: Mongolia, Bulgan aimak, 30 km NNW von Somon Daschinčilen, 1200 m, 15 June 1968, leg. KASZAB (loc. no. 959. – Holotype is in good condition: (1) pinned by mesosoma (hence mesoscutal dimple invisible), (2) right fore wing apically torned, (3) right maxillar palp missing. Holotype is deposited in the Hungarian Natural History Museum ( Department of Zoology ), Budapest, Hym. Typ No. 11328 .

Etymology – The species name “dilata ” refers to the wide first discal cell ( Fig. 36 View Figs 32–38 ).

Description of the female holotype. – Body 4 mm long. Antenna shorter than body and with 30 antennomeres. Middle flagellomeres (7–8 – 14–15) subcubic, i.e. slightly longer than broad, penultimate flagellomere 1.5 times longer than broad. – Head in dorsal view transverse ( Fig. 32 View Figs 32–38 ), 1.8 times as broad between temples as long, i.e. temple somewhat swollen; temple a bit longer than eye, occiput excavated. Ocelli small and elliptic, far from each other. Eye in lateral view twice as high as wide, temple almost 1.4 times wider than eye and ventrally narrowing. Face medio-dorsally with a small tubercle. Mandible ( Fig. 33 View Figs 32–38 ) strong, stout, somewhat broader between upper and lower teeth than medially long; teeth less distinct, upper and lower teeth rounded. Head polished.

Mesosoma in lateral view stout, 1.25 times as long as high, polished. Notaulix weak though distinct, extending on fore half of mesoscutum. Precoxal suture narrow, finely crenulate and reaching fore margin of mesopleuron. Propodeum rather transversely rugose, without carination. – Hind femur thick, 2.8 times as long as broad distally ( Fig. 34 View Figs 32–38 ). Hind tarsus somewhat shorter than hind tibia, basitarsus slightly shorter than tarsomeres 2–3 combined.

Fore wing shorter than body. Pterostigma ( Fig. 35 View Figs 32–38 ) keelform, 4.4 times as long as wide proximally and isuing r clearly proximally from its middle. Vein r shorter than width of pterostigma, 3–SR + SR1 ending before tip of wing, SR1 just incurved. 2–SR almost twice as long as r. First discal cell wide, 1.9 times as wide as high (Fig, 38, see arrows). First subdiscal cell distal-posteriorly closed.

First tergite ( Fig. 37 View Figs 32–38 ) broad, 1.25 times longer than broad behind, evenly broadening posteriorly; pair of basal keels meeting and continuing in a median keel posteriorly; longitudinally rugulose. Second and third tergites fused, second tergite just longer than third, together with further tergites polished. Ovipositor sheath short, concealed dorsally, visible laterally.

Antenna and body black. Labrum rusty, palpi straw yellow. Mandible dark rusty. Tegula black. Fore and middle legs brownish yellow, middle coxa rusty brown. Hind leg rusty brown, coxa blackish. Wings hyaline, pterostigma and veins brown.

Male and host unknown.

Distribution: Mongolia.

The new species, Protodacnusa dilata , is nearest to P. jezoensis MAETÔ viewing their common features as the small tubercle on the face and form of pterostigma of fore wing; the two species are distinguished by the features keyed:

1 (2) First discal cell of fore wing less wide, i.e. hardly wider than high ( Fig. 38 View Figs 32–38 ,

see arrows, after Fig. 17 View Figs 10–20 in MAETÔ 1983: 251). Hind femur thin, 4.6 times as long as broad. Three teeth of mandible distinct ( Fig. 12 View Figs 10–20 , l.c.). Antenna with 36 antennomeres. Palpi and tegula yellowish. f: 4 mm. – Japan

P. jezoensis MAETÔ, 1983 View in CoL

2 (1) First discal cell of fore wing wide, i.e. 1.9 times wider than high ( Fig. 36 View Figs 32–38 ,

see arrows). Hind femur thick, 2.8 times as long as broad distally ( Fig. 34 View Figs 32–38 ).

Three teeth of mandible less distinct ( Fig. 33 View Figs 32–38 ). Antenna with 30

antennomeres. Palpi straw yellow, tegula black. f: 4 mm. – Mongolia

P. dilata sp. n.

Protodacnusa jezoensis MAETÔ : first discal cell of right fore wing














Protodacnusa dilata

Papp, J. 2009

P. jezoensis MAETÔ, 1983

MAETO 1983
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