Lathrobium (s.str.) fovulum Stephens, 1833

Ryvkin, Alexandr B., 2011, On new and poorly known Lathrobium (s. str.) species from Siberia and the Russian Far East (Insecta: Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Paederinae), Baltic Journal of Coleopterology 11 (2), pp. 135-170 : 146-147

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.13204329

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Lathrobium (s.str.) fovulum Stephens, 1833


Lathrobium (s.str.) fovulum Stephens, 1833 View in CoL

Lathrobium fovulum Stephens, 1833: 270 View in CoL Lathrobium fovulum View in CoL ; J. Sahlberg, 1880, Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar, 17(4): 74

Lathrobium (s.str.) fovulum View in CoL ; Czwalina, 1888, Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, 32(2): 346 Lathrobium fovulum View in CoL ; J. Sahlberg, 1900, Acta Societatis pro Fauna et Flora Fennica, 19(4): 27 Lathrobium fovulum View in CoL ; Jakovlev, 1902, Memoires de la Société des Naturalistes de Jaroslaw, 1: 111 Lathrobium (Lathrobium) fovulum View in CoL ; Jakobson, 1909: 493

Lathrobium (s.str.) fovulum View in CoL ; Horion, 1965: 71 Lathrobium fovulum View in CoL ; Tichomirova, 1968, Archives of Zoological Museum Moscow State University, 11: 202

Lathrobium (s.str.) fovulum View in CoL ; Tichomirova, 1973: 179

Lathrobium fovulum View in CoL ; Bordoni, 1980, Frustula Entomologica (Nuova Serie), 2(15): 20 Lathrobium (s.str.) fovulum View in CoL ; Coiffait, 1982, Nouvelle Revue d’Entomologie. Suppl., 12(4): 376 Lathrobium fovulum View in CoL ; Tichomirova, 1982, Pochvennyie bespozvonochnyie Moskovskoy oblasti: 215

Lathrobium fovulum View in CoL ; Razumovskiy et al., 1984, Zhivotnyi mir yuzhnoy taygi: 114

Lathrobium (s.str.) fovulum View in CoL ; Boháč, 1986, Acta entomologica bohemoslovaca, 83: 386 Lathrobium (s.str.) fovulum View in CoL ; Schülke, 1990, Novius(10): 224

Lathrobium fovulum View in CoL ; Assing, 2008, Linzer

Biologische Beiträge, 40(2): 1270

On new and poorly known Lathrobium (s.str.) species from Siberia and the Russian Far East ...

Lathrobium rufipes Mäklin, 1845 View in CoL , Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou, 18(4): 546

Lathrobium rufipes View in CoL ; J. Sahlberg, 1876, Acta Societatis pro Fauna et Flora Fennica, 1: 39 Lathrobium fovulum heteropterum Eppelsheim, 1893 View in CoL , Societas Entomologica, 8: 43

Tetartopeus britannicus Coiffait, 1972 View in CoL , Nouvelle Revue d’Entomologie, 2(2): 137

Material. KHANTY-MANSI AUTONOMOUS REGION: 2 males, 2 females ( AR): Surgutskiy District, near Ugut, Ugutka River. Steep river bank: drift with pine needles, bark of trees, withered grass, silt etc. 04.07.1998. A.B.Ryvkin leg.— KRASNOYARSK TERRITORY: 1 male ( AR): Turukhanskiy District, Yeloguy River, 110 km below Kellog, Altus River mouth, under mosses among Alnus sp. , Salix sp. , Filipendula ulmaria , Poaceae gen. sp., etc. on clayish steep above stony river bank, with water trickling down. 22.09.1993. V.B.Semenov leg.— 1 male ( AR): Turukhanskiy District, Yeloguy River, 125 km below Kellog, 15 km below Altus River mouth, 35 m a.s.l., in willow leaf litter and under mosses on bank of old channel with Salix sp. , Carex spp , mosses. 23.09.1993. V.B.Semenov leg.— 1 male ( AR): Turukhanskiy District, near Bor, 40 m a.s.l., in leaf litter on the bottom of dried lake channel with Rosa sp. , Padus sp. , Ribes sp. in forest with Picea obovata , Pinus sylvestris , P. sibirica , Betula pendula , Abies sibirica , Larix sibirica . 13.06.1993. V.B.Semenov leg.— 1 male ( ZMMU): Krasnoyarsk. 09.1949. D.Romashov leg. [has been identified by A.L.Tikhomirova]. — 1 male ( AR): Manskiy District, ‘Stolby’ Nature Reserve, Kandalak cordon, dried mouth of Kandalak Rill, in leaf litter of willow bush with Padus sp. , Urtica sp. & Ribes nigrum . 24.08.1994. I.A.Ushakov leg.— IRKUTSK AREA: 11 females (AVSh): Tayshetskiy District, Biryusa River valley near Patrikha. 24.06.1998. A.Shavrin leg.— 1 female (AVSh): Nizhneudinskiy District, Ryabinovyi (uninhabited), 1000 m a.s.l. 25– 26.06.1998. A.Shavrin leg.— 2 males, 3 females (AVSh): 15th km of Kirensk-Podvoloshino road, left side of Lena River, N 57°49.309`E 108°17.019, 252 m a.s.l., flood-plain meadow with Bromopsis inermis & B. sibirica , and sedgy bottom of dried ephemeral reservoir at flood-plain meadow near edge of spruce-birch forest. 04– 09.08.2008. A.Shavrin & I.Enushchenko leg.

Additional localities for the species can be provided, basing on my collection, from RUSSIA: MOSCOW AREA ( Pushkinskiy District , Gorenki), VORONEZH AREA (Venevitinovo, ca. 33 km NE of Voronezh), ROSTOV AREA (Rostov-on-Don, Zelyonyi Ostrov) .

Remarks. The NW Palaearctic species known from ‘C & N Europe,? the Caucasus, Siberia’ ( Tichomirova 1973). I have seen no Caucasian specimens; those may belong to L. wrasei Schülke, 1990 . The records by J. Sahlberg (1880) for Siberia (Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Taymyr Autonomous Region) were inexplicably omitted in the most of subsequent catalogues and reviews ( Heyden 1881; Jakobson 1909; Bernhauer & Schubert 1912; Horion 1965; Coiffait 1982; Boháč, 1986). I suppose the authors have been mistaken owing to a great confusion in taxonomic citing and believed the named records to relate to L. punctatum Zetterstedt, 1828 [= Tetartopeus zetterstedti Rye, 1872 ]. I have not revised Sahlberg’s Siberian material on this species, but the fact of listing L. rufipes Mäklin among the synonyms of L. fovulum in the paper under discussion seems to confirm the correct identification of the latter. One can see, indeed, that Sahlberg’s redescription of L. rufipes (1876) corresponds well to L. fovulum , and it would be curiously to suppose this author to ‘forget’ this species four years later. The new material above confirms the wide distribution of the species in Siberia and widens the range eastwards up to the Lena basin.


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Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


Zoological Museum, Moscow Lomonosov State University














Lathrobium (s.str.) fovulum Stephens, 1833

Ryvkin, Alexandr B. 2011

Lathrobium (s.str.) fovulum

Tichomirova, A. L. 1973: 179

Lathrobium (s.str.) fovulum

Horion, A. 1965: 71

Lathrobium (s.str.) fovulum

Jakobson, G. G. 1909: 493

Lathrobium fovulum

Stephens, J. F. 1833: 270
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