Debeya haldemiana (Debey ex de Saporta and Marion, 1873 ) Knobloch, 1964

Halamski, Adam T., 2013, Latest Cretaceous leaf floras from southern Poland and western Ukraine, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 58 (2), pp. 407-443 : 422

publication ID 10.4202/app.2011.0024

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scientific name

Debeya haldemiana (Debey ex de Saporta and Marion, 1873 ) Knobloch, 1964


Debeya haldemiana (Debey ex de Saporta and Marion, 1873) Knobloch, 1964

Figs. 7B, G View Fig , 8, 9C, D, E, 10C.

1873 Dewalquea haldemiana ( Araliophyllum haldemianum Deb. Ms. ); Saporta and Marion 1873: 60–61, pl. 7: 1–2.

1880 Dewalquea haldemiana Sap. & Mar. var. latifolia ; Hosius and von der Marck 1880: 173, pls. 35: 114, 34: 115.

1880 Dewalquea haldemiana Sap. & Mar. var. angustifolia ; Hosius and von der Marck 1880: 173, pls. 33: 116–117, 34: 118–121.

1907 Dewalquea haldemiana Sap. et Mar. ; Nowak 1907a: 53, pl. 1: 7, 13.

1998 Podocarpus mucronatus Velenovsky et Viniklar ; Drygant 1998: 144, pl. 1: 6a, b.

Type material: syntypes, leaves figured by de Saporta and Marion

(1873: pl. 7: 1, 2); repository not traced (“Krantz collection” according to the protologue). For topotypic material see Remarks, below.

Type locality: Haldem , Westphalia, Germany .

Type horizon: Upper Campanian .

Material.—Subcomplete leaves L PB−K.17 (formerly 156) from Potylicz and L PB−K.26 (formerly 37926A) from Pidtemne; isolated leaflets ZPAL Pl 4/6/1 from Lubycza Królewska and 4/2/2 from Bliżów; fragmentary and doubtful specimen from Krasnobród, IB 296.

Description.—Leaf compound, pedate; petiole not preserved; bifurcations of the rachis concentrated within a small interval (<1 cm). Petiolules ca. 1 mm wide and up to 30 mm long. Leaflets linear, up to 10 mm wide, linear, total length of the blade unknown, exceeding 14 cm; margins parallel in the median region, entire. Base shape decurrent, apex not preserved.

A very strong midvein is straight and keeps the same width as the petiolule all along the leaflet. It is depressed in respect to the two parts of the blade on both sides, each half being U−shaped and convex in cross−section. Venation pinnate, eucamptodromous. Secondaries subopposite, excurrent, departing at an angle of 30–50 °, first straight, then curving; the straight part of the secondaries is longer in the distal part of the leaflet.

Remarks.—As the types are apparently lost, it may be of interest to note the existence of types of Dewalquea haldemiana var. angustifolia Hosius and von der Marck, 1880 , a taxonomically insignificant variant from the same locality: lectotype, fragmentary leaf MB Pb 2002/388 (designated herein), figured by Hosius and von der Marck (1880: fig. 116) and re−figured herein ( Fig. 9D); paralectotype MB Pb 2002/387 figured by Hosius and von der Marck (1880: fig. 117); other paralectotypes (figured by Hosius and von der Marck 1880: figs 118–121) not traced. The types of D. haldemiana var. latifolia Hosius and von der Marck, 1880 could not be traced either.

Debeya haldemiana (along with Debeya aquisgranensis ) was described from the Cretaceous (Campanian) of Haldem in Westphalia in a paper devoted to the Palaeocene (Thanetian) flora of Gelinden in Belgium ( de Saporta and Marion 1873). This resulted in some confusion and both the above−mentioned species were mistakenly listed among Palaeocene taxa by Mai (1995: 347).

Stratigraphic and geographic range.—Westphalia (Haldem), Senonian. Roztocze (Lubycza Królewska, Krasnobród?), probably upper Campanian. Volhynia−Podolia Upland (Pidtemne), upper? Maastrichtian.














Debeya haldemiana (Debey ex de Saporta and Marion, 1873 ) Knobloch, 1964

Halamski, Adam T. 2013

Podocarpus mucronatus Velenovsky et Viniklar

Drygant, D. 1998: 144

Dewalquea haldemiana Sap. et Mar.

Nowak, J. 1907: 53

Dewalquea haldemiana Sap. & Mar. var. latifolia

Hosius, A. & von der Marck, W. 1880: 173

Dewalquea haldemiana Sap. & Mar. var. angustifolia

Hosius, A. & von der Marck, W. 1880: 173

Dewalquea haldemiana

de Saporta, G. & Marion, A. - F. 1873: 60
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