Tylomyinae Reig 1984

Wilson, Don E. & Reeder, DeeAnn, 2005, Order Rodentia - Family Cricetidae, Mammal Species of the World: a Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3 rd Edition), Volume 2, Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 955-1189 : 1186

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Guido (2022-12-13 04:19:03, last updated 2024-11-29 04:44:57)

scientific name

Tylomyinae Reig 1984


Tylomyinae Reig 1984 View in CoL

Tylomyinae Reig 1984 View in CoL , Revista Brasil. Genet., 7 (2): 338.

Synonyms: Tylomyini McKenna and Bell 1997 .

Genera: 4 genera with 10 species:

Genus Nyctomys Saussure 1860 (1 species)

Genus Otonyctomys Anthony 1932 (1 species)

Genus Ototylomys Merriam 1901 (1 species)

Genus Tylomys Peters 1866 (7 species)

Discussion: Emended definition—Medium to large-sized arboreal cricetid rodents with tail slightly longer than head and body; four mammae arranged as two inguinal pairs; hindfoot short and broad, digit V nearly equal to II-IV, plantar pads large and closely approximate, ungual tufts present; interorbit cuneate, supraorbital shelves pronounced, dorsally reflected, continuing (in adults) as well-defined temporal ridges; interparietal conspicuous, long and wide, laterally contacting squamosal; zygomatic plate relatively narrow, dorsal notch absent or weakly suggested; tegmen tympani adnate to squamosal (Voss, 1993); alisphenoid strut present, postglenoid foramen tiny, subsquamosal fenestra absent, hamular process undefined ( Carleton, 1980); palatal conformation short-wide ( Hershkovitz, 1962), parapterygoid fossa shallow and relatively narrow; mesopterygoid fossa typically fully ossified, sphenopalatine vacuities absent or inconspicuous slits ( Carleton, 1980); molars brachyodont, strongly cuspidate with principal cones opposite, mesoloph(id) and other accessory enamel ridges well developed; M2 four-rooted, m3 large and in size and coronal topography resembling m2; 1 st rib articulating only 1 st thoracic vertebra, humerus with entepicondylar foramen, trochlear process of calcaneum broad and positioned proximally ( Carleton, 1980); stomach unilocular-hemiglandular, gall bladder absent, caecum long and elaborately infolded ( Carleton, 1973, 1980); glans penis short and wide with rudimentary to deep crater, spines large and widely spaced, baculum shorter than glans, with moderate cartilaginous spine but without lateral bacular digits ( Hooper, 1960; Hooper and Musser, 1964 a). Contents— Nyctomys Saussure, 1860 ; Otonyctomys Anthony, 1932 ; Ototylomys Merriam, 1901 ; Tylomys Peters, 1866 .

Vorontsov (1959) arranged these genera as members of Oryzomyini (including "thomasomyines"), within a broadly defined Cricetinae . Hooper (1960) first advanced a family-group concept for these Middle American endemics, then comprising only Tylomys and Ototylomys which he associated as one group of four within North American genera having a "simple" phallus, the neotomine-peromyscines (= Neotominae sensu Reig, 1980 , and others). Subsequently viewed either as early offshoots of a lineage leading to Neotoma ( Hooper and Musser, 1964 a) or as an older clade, possibly including Nyctomys , basal to the divergence of neotomine-peromyscines and sigmodontines ( Carleton, 1980). Reig (1984) nomenclaturally formalized the rank as subfamily and listed its generic contents; McKenna and Bell (1997) used it as tribe within Sigmodontinae sensu lato.

Although tylomyines can be morphologically circumscribed, as here defined, abundant traits indicate that Tylomys Ototylomys (Tylomyini; see emended definition under Tylomys account) and Nyctomys Otonyctomys ( Nyctomyini new tribe; see Nyctomys account) are themselves distantly related (see below). While various kinds of evidence do point to the antiquity of certain of these genera ( Arata, 1964; Carleton, 1980; D’Elía et al., 2003; Engel et al., 1998; Haiduk et al., 1988; Hooper and Musser, 1964 a; Sarich, 1985; Steppan, 1995; Voss and Linzey, 1981), no recent study has mustered the taxonomic sampling needed to critically test the several questions of monophyly at issue, whether early diverging members of Neotomini ( Hooper and Musser, 1964 a), a primitive clade apart from Neotominae and Sigmodontinae ( Carleton, 1980; Reig, 1984), or another phyletic topography as yet unrecognized in our classification .

Arata, A. 1964. The anatomy and taxonomic significance of the male accessory reproductive glands of muroid rodents. Bulletin of the Florida State Museum, Biological Sciences, 9: 1 - 42.

Carleton, M. D. 1973. A survey of gross stomach morphology in New World Cricetinae (Rodentia, Muroidea), with comments on functional interpretations. Miscellaneous Publications, Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan, 146: 1 - 43.

Carleton, M. D. 1980. Phylogenetic relationships in neotomine-peromyscine rodents (Muroidea) and a reappraisal of the dichotomy within New World Cricetinae. Miscellaneous Publications, Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan, 157: 1 - 146.

Engel, S. R., K. M. Hogan, J. F. Taylor, and S. K. Davis. 1998. Molecular systematics and paleobiogeography of the South American sigmodontine rodents. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 15: 35 - 49.

Haiduk, M. W., C. Sanchez-Hernandez, and R. J. Baker. 1988. Phylogenetic relationships of Nyctomys and Xenomys to other cricetine genera based on data from G-banded chromosomes. Southwestern Naturalist, 33: 397 - 403.

Hershkovitz, P. 1962. Evolution of Neotropical cricetine rodents (Muridae) with special reference to the phyllotine group. Fieldiana: Zoology, 46: 1 - 524.

Hooper, E. T. 1960. The glans penis in Neotoma (Rodentia) and allied genera. Occasional Papers of the Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan, 618: 1 - 21.

Hooper, E. T., and G. G. Musser. 1964 a. The glans penis in Neotropical cricetines (Family Muridae) with comments on classification of muroid rodents. Miscellaneous Publications, Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan, 123: 1 - 57.

McKenna, M. C., and S. K. Bell. 1997. Classification of mammals above the species level. Columbia University Press, New York, 631 pp.

Peters, W. 1866. Uber neue oder ungengend bekannte Flederthiere (Vampyrops, Uroderma, Chiroderma, Ametrida, Tylostoma, Vespertilio, Vesperugo) und Nager (Tylomys, Lasiomys). Monatsberichte der Koniglich Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, 1867: 392 411, 2 pls.

Reig, O. A. 1984. Distribucao geografica e historia evolutiva dos roedores muroideos sulamericanos (Cricetidae: Sigmodontinae). Revista Brasileira de Genetica, 7: 333 - 365.

Sarich, V. M. 1985. Rodent macromolecular systematics. Pp. 423 - 452, in Evolutionary relationships among rodents, a multidisciplinary analysis (W. P. Luckett and J. - L. Hartenberger, eds.). Plenum Press, New York, 721 pp.

Steppan, S. J. 1995. Revision of the Tribe Phyllotini (Rodentia: Sigmodontinae), with a phylogenetic hypothesis for the Sigmodontinae. Fieldiana: Zoology, n. s., 80: 112 pp.

Vorontsov, N. N. 1959. [The system of hamsters (Cricetinae) in the sphere of the world fauna and their phylogenetic relations.] Byulleten' Moskovskovo Obshchestva Ispytatelei Prirody, Otdel Biologicheskii, 64: 134 - 137 (in Russian).

Voss, R. S., and A. V. Linzey. 1981. Comparative gross morphology of male accessory glands among Neotropical Muridae (Mammalia: Rodentia) with comments on systematic implications. Miscellaneous Publications, Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan, 159: 1 - 41.


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