Phylloporinina Lavrentjeva, 1979

Ernst, Andrej & Minwegen, Elke, 2006, Late Carboniferous bryozoans from La Hermida, Spain, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 51 (3), pp. 569-588 : 584

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Felipe (2024-08-08 18:32:10, last updated 2024-09-03 19:50:44)

scientific name

Phylloporinina Lavrentjeva, 1979


Suborder Phylloporinina Lavrentjeva, 1979 Genus Rhombocladia Rogers, 1900

Type species: Rhombocladia delicata Rogers, 1900 , by original designation; lower part of the Upper Carboniferous (Upper Coal Measures); Kansas, USA .

Diagnosis.—Ramose dendroid colonies. Flattened branches carrying 4–12 zooecial rows. Vestibule weakly developed. Diaphragms rare. Superior hemisepta usually developed. Oval apertures arranged in a diagonal pattern. Microacanthostyles occur in zooecial walls, sometimes forming star−shaped accumulations. Rare heterozooecia (leptozooecia of Lavrentjeva 1985) occurring only on frontal surface, on lateral parts of branches. Dorsal wall very thin (translated after Lavrentjeva

1985). Disscusion.— Rhombocladia differs from Chainodictyon

Foerste, 1887 in its branched instead of reticulate colony form and development of hemisepta, and from the genus Kallodictyon Morozova, 1981 in its colony form, thin dorsal wall and absence of leptozooecia on the dorsal surface of the colony.

Stratigraphic and geographic range.—Lower Carboniferous to Middle Permian; Russia, Australia, USA, Europe, and Thailand.

Foerste, A. F. 1887. The Clinton Group of Ohio (Bryozoa). Bulletin of Scientific Laboratory, Denison University 2: 71 - 88, 149 - 176.

Lavrentjeva, V. D. [Lavrent'eva, V. D] 1979. A new suborder of Palaeozoic Bryozoa [in Russian]. Paleontologiceskij zurnal 1: 59 - 68.

Lavrentjeva, V. D. [Lavrent'eva, V. D] 1985. Bryozoans of the suborder Phylloporinida [in Russian]. Trudy Paleontologiceskogo Instituta Akademii Nauk 214: 1 - 100.

Rogers, A. F. 1900. A new genus and species of Bryozoa from the Coal Measures of Kansas and Missouri. The Kansas University Quarterly A 9: 1 - 12.