Hexagonellidae Crockford, 1947

Ernst, Andrej & Minwegen, Elke, 2006, Late Carboniferous bryozoans from La Hermida, Spain, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 51 (3), pp. 569-588 : 571

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Felipe (2024-08-08 18:32:10, last updated 2024-09-03 19:50:44)

scientific name

Hexagonellidae Crockford, 1947


Family Hexagonellidae Crockford, 1947 View in CoL Genus Coscinium Keyserling, 1846

Type species: C. cyclops Keyserling, 1846 , by subsequent designation of Nikiforova 1938; Lower Permian, Timan, Russia.

Diagnosis.—Reticulate colonies built by anastomosing flattened bifoliate branches. Mesotheca trilayered, with longitudinal ridges. Autozooecial chambers tubular, hemispherical in cross section adjacent to mesotheca, indented ovoid to circular distal to mesotheca. Autozooecial apertures rounded, with distinct peristomes and lunaria. Diaphragms sparse. Vesicular skeleton consisting of small flat vesicles (after Utgaard 1983).

Remarks.— Coscinium Keyserling, 1846 differs from the most similar genus Hexagonella Waagen and Wentzel, 1886 in having smaller and less abundant vesicles and also in and fewer vesicle−built ridges on the colony surface.

Stratigraphic and geographic range.—Upper Carboniferous to Lower Permian; Russia, Spain.

Crockford, J. 1947. Bryozoa from the Lower Carboniferous of New South Wales and Queensland. Proceedings of the New South Wales Linnean Society 72: 1 - 48.

Keyserling, A. 1846. Wissenschaftliche Beobachtungen auf einer Reise in das Petschora-Land im Jahre 1843. 465 pp. Geognostische Bobachtungen, St. Petersburg.

Nikiforova, A. I. 1938. Types of the Carboniferous bryozoans of the European part of the USSR [in Russian]. Trudy Paleontologiceskogo Instituta Akademii Nauk SSSR, Paleontologia SSSR 4 (5): 1 - 204.

Utgaard, J. 1983. Systematic descriptions for the Order Cystoporata. In: R. A. Robison (ed.), Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, Part G (1). Bryozoa (revised), 357 - 439. Geological Society of America, Boulder, and University of Kansas Press, Lawrence.

Waagen, W. and Wentzel, I. 1886. Salt Range Fossils. Pt. Coelenterata. Memoire of the Geological Survey of India, Paleontologica Indica 13: 835 - 924.