Patiriella pseudoexigua, VandenSpiegel, 1998

Dartnall, Alan J., Byrne, Maria, Collins, John & Hart, Michael W, 2003, A new viviparous species of asterinid (Echinodermata, Asteroidea, Asterinidae) and a new genus to accommodate the species of pantropical exiguoid sea stars, Zootaxa 359, pp. 1-14 : 11

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.156371

publication LSID


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scientific name

Patiriella pseudoexigua


" Patiriella pseudoexigua View in CoL " VandenSpiegel et al., 1998

Status: The identity of a single specimen from West Pulau Semakau, Singapore attributed to P. pseudoexigua by Vanden Spiegel and colleagues is not clear. The specimen (not seen by these authors) is described as large for an exiguoid with R = 20 mm, with four oral spines, and apparently does not have actinally directed gonopores. The absence of this latter characteristic is not evidence of abactinally directed gonopores. Actinally directed gonopores are comparatively easy to discern and their absence is recordable, whereas evidence of abactinally directed gonopores may require dissection. Further to this discussion the nature of the adradial plates bordering the adambulacrals, which is significant in the exiguoids, is not apparent in either the description or figures. The presence of only four oral spines at the size stated reflects the condition in Patiriella paradoxa Campbell and Rowe, 1997 from Oman. It is to be hoped that more material becomes available though it seems unlikely given intensive land reclamation activity in Singapore.

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