Bunomys fratrorum

Musser, Guy G., 2014, A Systematic Review Of Sulawesi Bunomys (Muridae, Murinae) With The Description Of Two New Species, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2014 (392), pp. 1-313 : 139-143

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1206/863.1

persistent identifier


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scientific name

Bunomys fratrorum


Bunomys fratrorum View in CoL

1. Teteamoet (several miles southeast of Likupang; see Raven’s brief description of the place in Miller, 1917: 29), 01 ° 40 9 N, 125 ° 05 9 E (estimated from Raven’s map), on coastal plain near sea level: USNM 216836–46 About USNM , 216883–909 About USNM , 216911–26 About USNM , 216929 About USNM , 216979 About USNM , 216981 About USNM , 216983–86 About USNM , 217084 About USNM GoogleMaps .

2. Mapanget, 01 ° 32 9 N, 124 ° 56 9 E, less than 100 m: MZB 4065.

3. Manado (‘‘Menado’’ is the common alternative spelling), 01 ° 30 9 N, 124 ° 50 9 E, coastal plain near sea level: BMNH 21.2 .9.9, GoogleMaps ; MZB 2448 View Materials .

4. Lota (also spelled ‘‘Lotta’’), 01 ° 25 9 N, 124 ° 49 9 E (from HOUSND, Celebes, 1944: 100), 200–300 m (estimated from sheet NA 51-12): SNSD B.2511, B.2515, B.2516, B. 2517.

5. Kuala Prang, 01 ° 28 9 N, 125 ° 14 9 E (estimated from Raven’s map), coastal plain near sea level: USNM 217586–614, 217827–29, 217831–39.

TABLE 39 Results of Discriminant-Function Analysis Comparing Samples of Bunomys chysocomus , B. coelestis , B. prolatus , and B. torajae Correlations (loadings) of 16 cranial and two dental log-transformed variables are based on 232 B. chrysocomus , 18 B. coelestis , B. prolatus , and two B. torajae ; see figure 49.

6. Gunung Klabat (‘‘Goenoeng Kalabat’’ on specimen tags), 01 ° 28 9 N, 125 ° 02 9 E: 6000 ft (1830 m), USNM 217581 About USNM , 217582 About USNM GoogleMaps ; 6500 ft (1982 m), USNM 217585 About USNM . These specimens were collected by H.C. Raven, who provided this note (quoted in Riley, 1924: 1): ‘‘ My camp was at about 1,700 meters (5,600 feet), where the forest is only semitropical in appearance. Practically all the trees are heavily coated with moss and are not tall. Kalabat is the highest mountain in Minahassa, having an altitude of 2,020 (6,617) feet.’’

7. Rurukan, 01 ° 21 9 N, 124 ° 52 9 E: AMNH 196620 About AMNH (800 m) GoogleMaps ; BMNH 97.1 .2.28 (holotype of Mus fratrorum ),, 3500 ft (1068 m) ; SNSD B.3384, B.3386.

8. Gunung Masarang, 01 ° 19 9 N, 124 ° 51 9 E, 3500 ft (1068 m): BMNH

9. Tonsealama (also known as ‘‘Tonsea’’), 01 ° 19 9 N, 124 ° 55 9 E, 600–700 m (estimated from sheet NA 51-12): BMNH 40.395 – 40.439 GoogleMaps ; MZB 4052–57 View Materials , 4059–63 View Materials , 4068 View Materials .

10. Tomohon, 01 ° 19 9 N, 124 ° 49 9 E, 700–800 m (estimated from sheet NA 51-12): BMNH GoogleMaps ; MZB 4066–68 View Materials , 4070 View Materials , 4071 View Materials .

11. Tumaratus (north lower slope of Gunung Soputan; spelled ‘‘Toemaratas’’ on specimen labels as well as old maps and gazetteers), 01 ° 09 9 N, 124 ° 48 9 E, 700–800 m (estimated from sheet NA 51-12): USNM 217615 About USNM GoogleMaps .

12. Tumaluntung (north lower slope of Gunung Soputan; ‘‘ Lekoean , Toemaloentoeng , Gng. Sapoetan’’ is the designation associated with the specimens; not the ‘‘ Toemaloentoeng’ ’ at 01 ° 24 9 N, 124 ° 58 9 E listed in HOUSND Celebes [1944: 192], but the other ‘‘ Toemaloentoeng’ ’ listed in that gazetteer with the coordinates 01 ° 12 9 N, 124 ° 42 9 E), 700–800 m (estimated from sheet NA 51-12): RMNH 21089 About RMNH , 21090 About RMNH GoogleMaps .

13. Gunung Soputan (spelled Sapoetan on old maps; ‘‘Toenan, Tombasian atas, Gng. Sapoetan’’ is the locality designation associated with the specimens), 01 ° 07 9 N, 124 ° 45 9 E: RMNH 21087 About RMNH , 21088 About RMNH GoogleMaps .

14. Kakas, 01 ° 11 9 N, 124 ° 53 9 E, 600–700 m (estimated from sheet NA 51-12): RMNH 21278 (originally specimen ‘‘ b ’’ that had been regarded as a cotype of Mus callitrichus by Jentink, 1879; see Musser, 1970).

15. Langoon (also spelled ‘‘Langowan’’ or ‘‘Langowen’’ on specimen labels and old maps), 01 ° 09 9 N, 124 ° 50 9 E, 700–800 m (estimated from sheet NA 51-12): RMNH 21279–81 (originally specimens ‘‘ g,’’ ‘‘ h,’’ and ‘‘ j, ’’ which Jentink, 1879, considered to be cotypes of Mus callitrichus ; see Musser, 1970).

16. Amurang, 01 ° 11 9 N, 124 ° 35 9 E, coastal plain near sea level: MZB 407.

17. Temboan (on Kuala Kalait, ‘‘is a new clearing of eight houses and lies from Mt. Sapoetan south, 55 ° west and about six miles from Loboe,’’ noted Raven in his field journal, which is stored in the Mammal Division Library, USNM), 01 ° 03 9 N, 124 ° 33 9 E (estimat- ed from Raven’s map), 500 m (estimated from sheet NA 51-12): USNM 217616, 217620–26, 217628–71, 217682, 217850, 217854, 217857, 217858, 217864–69, 217876–81, 217883, 217884, 217886–88, 217895, 217896–902.

18. Gunung Maujat (15 km east of Kotambogan; mapped in Bergmans and Rozendaal, 1988: 6), 00 ° 45 9 N, 124 ° 25 9 E, 1780 m: SAM 12644, 12636 View Materials GoogleMaps .

19. Bogani Nani Wartabone National Park, 1 km north of Gunung Mogogonipa, 00 ° 27 9 N, 123 ° 57 9 E, 250 m: SAM 12616, 12619, 12623.

In 1932, H.J.V. Sody collected 48 specimens of B. fratrorum (RMNH 21091–39), each

with one of his field labels attached on which is recorded his collection number that keys to records in his field journal. Unfortunately, that particular notebook was apparently lost and the only provenance data associated with the specimens is ‘‘N.E. Celebes, Minahassa District, 1932.’’


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