Antiphiona pinnatisecta (S.Moore) Merxmüller (1954: 432)

Koekemoer, Marinda, 2018, A taxonomic revision of the genus Antiphiona (Inuleae, Asteraceae), including a report of the first collection of the genus for South Africa, Phytotaxa 347 (1), pp. 50-58 : 55-57

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.347.1.2

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Antiphiona pinnatisecta (S.Moore) Merxmüller (1954: 432)


Antiphiona pinnatisecta (S.Moore) Merxmüller (1954: 432) View in CoL .

Basionym:— Iphiona pinnatisecta Moore (1904: 1017) View in CoL . Type:— NAMIBIA. Hereroland, Grootfontein, 15 June 1899, Dinter 720 (Z, holotype, Zurich herbarium ID: Z-000060351, image!).

= Homochaete dinteriana Muschler ex Dinter (1922: 425) View in CoL , nom. nud.

Perennial upright, spreading shrubs with single or multiple rigid stems from the base, 0.4–1.2 m tall, sticky glandular, strongly aromatic, light green to yellowish green, rarely with grey appearance due to dense hair covering. Leaves simple, pinnatisect or bi-pinnatisect, deeply lobed with very narrow linear laminas around veins, less than 1 mm wide, lobes widely spaced. Primary leaves 40–50(–80) mm long, with 3–5 lobe pairs. Axillary leaves much shorter with fewer lobe pairs. Capitula discoid, 12–14 mm long, 20–30-flowered; cylindrical when in full flower, opening completely with involucral bracts reflexed when achenes mature. Involucral bracts in 5–6 series, increasing in length from outer to inner, innermost involucral bracts 11–12 mm long, margins toothed, outer surface covered in hairs and glands similar to those on the leaves. Florets yellow below, reddish above, 5-lobed, lobes erect, outer surface covered in short rigid trichomes. Style bifid, branches obtuse with sweeping hairs in upper half. Pappus in a single row of barbed capillary bristles as long as floret tubes, slightly exerted from the capitula at maturity, bristle shaft flattened with short barbes protruding at a slight angle. Achenes about 1.5–2 mm long, not distinctly ribbed, evenly covered in rigid, white, upward-facing twin hairs. Flowering mainly between June and October, but occasionally in other months. Flowering times are presumably linked to unpredictable rainfall patterns.

Conservation status: —Least concerned. At the Riemvasmaak locality the plants are very common, and the species is also quite widespread in Namibia.

Distribution and habitat: —Growing in open or closed shrubland or woodland or even grassveld on sand, course granitic or calcrete soils. Usually on well-drained soil but often along drainage lines or along roads or tracks, in full sun or partial shade. Although plants are only collected occasionally they are reported to be locally common. Altitudes (500–) 1000–1600 m.

Additional specimens examined: — NAMIBIA, Aus Dist .; 42 mi. NNE. of Aus (2616 BA), 19 October 1949, Acocks 15648 ( PRE) ; Karas, Lüderitz District: 42 miles north-north-east of Aus. (2616 CB), 19 October 1949, Acocks 15648 ( WIND) ; Khomas, Windhoek District: Windhoek and surroundings. (2217 CA), 9 March 1988, Bohlmann 88/86 ( WIND) ; 35 km vanaf Grootfontein op pad na Tsumkwe (1920 AA), 7 June 1985, Botha & Bredenkamp 3578 ( PRE) ; Hardap: Namib Naukluft Park: Tsams Ost Campsite. (2416 AA), 7 March 1985, Bridgeford 116 ( WIND) ; Hardap: Namibrand Nature Reserve. In the dry riverbed at the base of the dry waterfall. Farm Draaihoek. Nubib mountains . (2416 CC), 5 June 1999, Clapham 24 ( WIND) ; Hardap: Maltahhe District: Namibrand Nature Reserve . (2516 AA), 19 September 1997, De Winter 10235 ( WIND) ; Kunene, Outjo District: Opuwa. On the lime soils in the vicinity of Opuwa. (1714 CD), 30 April 1998, Du Plessis 114 ( WIND) ; Otjozondjupa, Grootfontein District: Bushmanland, 9 km north of Tsumkwe. (1920 DA), 14 July 1976, Edwards 04427 (00002) ( WIND) ; Bushmanland ; Tsumkwe ; 9 km. N. of Tsumkwe (1920 DA), 14 July 1976, Edwards 4427 ( PRE) ; Otjozondjupa, Grootfontein District: Okarakowisa north of Farm Bergtuine : OTJ 455. At Waterberg Plateau. (2017 AD), 21 July 1972, Giess 12380 ( WIND) ; Gross Spitzkoppe Kar ; westliches tal am fuss der Pontokberge (2115 CC), 15 July 1973, Giess 12771 ( PRE) ; Erongo, Swakopmund District, Swakopmund: Farm Gross Spitzkoppe 71. Western valley at foot of Pontok mountains . (2115 CC), 15 July 1973, Giess 12771 ( WIND) ; Omaruru Dist.; Hubertusthal Farm; Erongo Mts. nr. hunting lodge (2115 BD), 21 March 1965, Hardy 2033 ( PRE) ; Bushmans Paradise; E. end of Gross Spitzkopf (2115 AC), 23 July 1969, Jensen 332 ( PRE) ; Erongo, Swakopmund District, Swakopmund: Ameib NC. (2115 DC), 18 May 1971, Jensen s.n. ( WIND) ; Kunene, Outjo District: Track: Otjivasandu - Ohopoho , 45 miles from Otjovasandu. Near Otjikoto. (1814 CA), 5 June 1963, Kers 1278 ( WIND) ; Luderitz Dist.; Weissenborn ; ravine nr. farmhouse (2616 AA), 4 July 1949, Kinges 2359 ( PRE) ; Karas, Lüderitz District: Farm Weissenborn LU 45. (2616 AB), 4 July 1949 Kinges 2359 ( WIND) ; Karas, Lüderitz District: 32 km north-west along road C14 from junction with road D860. Hillside on road verge. (2416 BA), 29 August 2005, Kolberg & Tholkes 1614 ( WIND) ; 32 km north-west along coast C14 from junction with road D860. Hillside on road verge. (2416 BA), 29 August 2005, Kolberg & Tholkes HK 1614 ( PRE) ; Khomas, Windhoek District: Farm Nauzerus , cattle post west of road D1261, 3 km from Nauzerus homestead towards Farm Noab. (2316 CD), 10 June 2002, Kolberg, Loots & Moses 1275 ( WIND) ; Farm Nauzerus, cattle post west of road D1261, 3 km from Nauzerus homestead towards Farm Noab. (2316 CD), 10 June 2002, Kolberg, Loots & Moses HK 1275 ( PRE) ; Otjozondjupa, Grootfontein District: 10 mi. SW. of Grootfontein (1918 CA), 17 July 1965, Leach & Bayliss 12971 ( PRE, WIND) ; Otjozondjupa, Grootfontein District: Otjiwarongo - Grootfontein. (1917 CD), May 1949, Liebenberg 4861 ( WIND) ; Hardap: Maltahohe District: Farm Swartmodder. (2418 AC), July 1970, Logan 12 ( WIND) ; Otjozondjupa, Grootfontein District: Between Nurugas and Grootfontein. (1918 BD), 28 July 1952, Maguire 1738 ( PRE, WIND) ; Otjozondjupa, Grootfontein District: Grootfontein District : Farm Welgemoed , at road verge. (1918 AB), 14 March 1958, Merxmüller & Giess 2158 ( PRE, WIND) ; Hardap : Farm Blasskranz (REH 7) ; below Blasskranz , between large boulders. (2416 AB), 1 September 1972, Merxmüller & Giess 28141 ( PRE, WIND) ; Karas, Lüderitz District : Farm Gamochas (BET 3) ; on quartzite mountain slope. (2616 BA), 14 September 1977, Merxmüller & Giess 32006 ( PRE, WIND) ; Hardap: Naukluft: Waterkloof , along the waterstream. (2416 AA), 12 February 1979, Müller 1033 ( WIND) ; Karas, Lüderitz District: Bethanien. (2617 CA), 14 Mar 1979, Owen-Smith 1187 ( WIND) ; Otjozondjupa, Grootfontein District: Otavi , on Farm Sovis GR 50. (1917 AD), September 1984, Richter 79 ( PRE, WIND) ; Grootfontein (1918 CA), August 1933, Schoenfelder PRE 15568 ( PRE) ; Otjozondjupa, Grootfontein District: Farm Otjirukaku , in dense grass stand. (1917 DB), 25 June 1959, Seydel 2037 ( WIND) ; Otjozondjupa, Grootfontein District: Grootfontein District : Plot 407, Uitkomst. South of land at homestead, southern entrance. (1917 DB), Sheuyange & Strohbach 15 ( WIND) ; Ovamboland ; Ruacana ; 63.3 km S of Post Office on road to Kamanjab (1714 CC), 15 May 1991, Smook 7641 ( PRE, WIND) ; Otjozondjupa, Grootfontein District: Nama Pan. (1920 DC), 12 August 1955, Story 5184 ( PRE, WIND) ; Rehoboth Dist.; Buellsport Mountain ; Buellsport Farm (2416 AB), 7 November 1946, Strey 2016 ( PRE) ; Otjozondjupa, Grootfontein District: Plot No. 314. Grootfontein District : Farm Neitsas , 2 km from SW corner, along southern border with Nuiwisb. (1918 BC), 23 March 1992, Strohbach 1992 ( WIND) ; Kunene, Outjo District: Near Orupembe. (1812 BA), 12 June 1951, Unknown s.n. ( WIND) ; Hardap: Lemoenputs. (2416 AC), 14 March 1985, Vinjevold 10 ( WIND) ; Hardap: Farm Naudaus / Duwisib MAL 76/84. (2516 BC), 20 May 1956, Volk 12760 ( WIND) ; Hardap: Farm Naudaus / Duwisib ( Bez. Maltahohe ) 76/84. (2516 BC), 29 April 1956, Volk 12760 ( WIND) ; Windhoek Dist.; farm no Win 87 (2217 CD), 16 June 1973, Volk 490A ( PRE) ; Ossa, 29 May 1939, Volk 689 ( PRE) ; Oshikoto: Collected at Otjinguinas and in Tsumeb. (1917 AB), 2 February 1975, Von Koenen 19 ( WIND) ; Otjozondjupa, Grootfontein District: Farm Oopval 248. (1918 BC), Von Koenen 28 ( WIND) ; Otjozondjupa, Grootfontein District: Farm Philadelphia 214, on palm plains. (1918 CB), 27 December 1952, Walter & Walter 710 ( WIND) ; Erongo Mnts.; at base of granite hill (2115 DA), July 1975, Watmough 887 ( PRE) ; Kunene, Outjo District: Near Outjo. (2016 AA), 23 August 1963, Wiss 1979 ( WIND) .

SOUTH AFRICA, Northern Cape. Riemvasmaak. Between the hot springs and the river junction with the Molopo River, on the Molopo trail (2820AD), 15 September 2016, Koekemoer 5000 (PRE).


Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales Bernardino Rivadavia


South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI)


The CB Rhizobium Collection


National Botanical Research Institute


Chicago Academy of Sciences


Ministry of Science, Academy of Sciences


CSIRO Canberra Rhizobium Collection


State Herbarium of South Australia


Amherst College, Beneski Museum of Natural History


Institut Botànic de Barcelona














Antiphiona pinnatisecta (S.Moore) Merxmüller (1954: 432)

Koekemoer, Marinda 2018

Antiphiona pinnatisecta (S.Moore) Merxmüller (1954: 432)

Merxmuller, H. 1954: )

Homochaete dinteriana Muschler ex

Dinter, K. 1922: )
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF