Sicista pseudonapaea Strautman 1949

Wilson, Don E. & Reeder, DeeAnn, 2005, Order Rodentia - Family Dipodidae, Mammal Species of the World: a Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3 rd Edition), Volume 2, Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 871-893 : 889

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Guido (2022-12-13 04:19:14, last updated 2022-12-13 10:45:39)

scientific name

Sicista pseudonapaea Strautman 1949


Sicista pseudonapaea Strautman 1949

Sicista pseudonapaea Strautman 1949 , Vestn. Akad. Nauk Kazakh. SSR, Vol. 5: 109.

Type Locality: E Kazakhstan, Altai Mtns, N slope of Narymskiy Range, Katon-Karagay.

Vernacular Names: Gray Birch Mouse.

Distribution: E Kazakhstan, Taiga of S Altai Mtns; see Kuznetsov (1965), Sludskii (1977), and Shenbrot et al. (1995).

Conservation: IUCN – Data Deficient.

Discussion: Sokolov et al. (1982, 1987 b) gave karyological, spermatozoal, and phallic characters that distinguished this species from S. napaea and S. betulina . Sicista pseudonapaea is provisionally recognized here, but requires further documentation, and the inclusion of other data sets, to establish its specific status. Recognized by Pavlinov and Rossolimo (1998) and reviewed by Gromov and Erbajeva (1995) and Shenbrot et al. (1995).

Gromov, I. M., and M. A. Erbajeva. 1995. [The mammals of Russia and adjacent territories. Lagomorphs and Rodents.] Russian Academy of Sciences, Zoological Institut, St. Petersburg, 520 pp.

Kuznetsov, B. A. 1965. Ordo Rodentia. Pp. 236 - 346, in Opredelitel' mlekopitayushchikh SSSR [Guide to the mammals of the USSR] (Bobrinskii, N. A., Kuznetsov, B. A. and A. P. Kuzyakin, eds.). Second edition. Proveshchenie, Moscow, 382 pp. (in Russian).

Pavlinov, I. Ya., and O. L. Rossolimo. 1998. [Systematics of mammals of the USSR. Addenda. M.] Archives of the Zoological Museum, Moscow State University, 38: 190 pp. (in Russian).

Shenbrot, G. I., V. E. Sokolov, V. G. Heptner, and Yu. M. Koval'skaya. 1995. [Mammals of the fauna of Russia and contiguous countries. Dipodoid rodents.] Nauka Publishers, Moscow, 576 pp. (in Russian).

Sludskii, A. A. (ed.). 1977. Mlekopitayushchie Kazakhstana. Gryzuny (krome surkov, suslikov, zemlyanoi belki, peschanok i polevok) [Mammals of Kazakhstan. Rodents (except marmots, susliks, long clawed ground squirrels, gerbils and voles)]. Nauka, Kazakhskoi SSR, Alma-Ata, 1 (2): 1 - 536 (in Russian).

Sokolov, V. E., Y. M. Kovalskaya, and M. I. Baskevich. 1982. [Taxonomy and comparative cytogenetics of some species of the genus Sicista (Rodentia, Dipodidae)]. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal, 61 (1): 102 - 108 (in Russian).











