Solenoxyphus adspersus ( Reuter, 1904 )

Konstantinov, Fedor V., 2008, Review of Solenoxyphus Reuter, 1875 (Heteroptera: Miridae: Phylinae), American Museum Novitates 3607 (1), pp. 1-44 : 5-15

publication ID 10.1206/0003-0082(2008)3607[1:ROSRHM]2.0.CO;2

persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Solenoxyphus adspersus ( Reuter, 1904 )


Solenoxyphus adspersus ( Reuter, 1904)

Figures 10, 11 View Figs , 27 View Figs , 55

Malthacosoma adspersum Reuter, 1904: 11 (syn. with M. punctipennis by Linnavuori, 1961: 13).

Solenoxyphus barbatus Wagner, 1951: 147 View in CoL (syn. with Malthacosoma punctipenne by Wagner, 1958: 8).

DIAGNOSIS: Distinguished by the comparatively large and irregularly distributed dots on forewings, faint dotting on hind femora, absence of dark setae on dorsum, dentation and structure of the apical process of vesica. Close to S. loginovae , but differs in the embrowned tibial spines, shorter labium and structure of vesica. Differs from S. punctipennis in the color pattern of forewings.

DESCRIPTION: VESTITURE: Composed of slightly curved to nearly straight silver simple setae, adpressed on forewings and often semierect on head and at sides of pronotum.

COLORATION: Body (fig. 55) whitish yellow to greenish. Head, antennae, pronotum, exposed part of mesoscutum and scutellum uniformly pale, without any color pattern. Scutellum sometimes with indistinct pale midline. Whole forewings except membrane covered with rather large and notably irregularly distributed pale brown dots. Dotting becomes obsolete at extreme base and sometimes also at sides of wing. Dots on corium nearly equal in diameter to width of second antennal segment at base. Cuneus with somewhat smaller and usually more regularly distributed dots. Membrane transparent, typically with indistinct pale brown area running along vein of larger cell and pale brown area behind apex of cuneus. Veins whitish or yellowish. Ventral surface pale. All femora typically with pale brown mottling on whole ventral surfaces except extreme bases. Dorsal surfaces of femora with identical mottling apically. Dots on femora of the same size or smaller and paler than those on forewings. Color pattern on femora more or less reduced in many specimens, sometimes lost. Tibia pale, with brown tibial spines. Minute brown dots at bases of tibial spines usually noticeable, rarely absent.

MALE GENITALIA: Vesica as in figs. 10–11, comparatively thin. Apical process long, thin and acute, with somewhat curved apex, distinctly longer than width of vesica proximal to secondary gonopore. Longitudinal flange distinct but narrow. Series of teeth not extending proximal or distal to secondary gonopore.

STRUCTURE AND MEASUREMENTS: Labium always surpassing hind coxae and usually reaching third or fourth abdominal segment. Hind femora not swollen in both sexes, remarkably long and thin in males. Females macropterous.

In males, body 3.4–3.8 X as long as width of pronotum. Pronotum 1.9–2.1 X as wide as long, 1.4–1.5 X as wide as head. Vertex 1.3– 1.4 X as wide as eye. Second antennal segment 0.8–0.9 X as long as basal width of pronotum, 1.2–1.3 X as long as width of head. Body length: 3.6–4.2 mm.

In females body 3.1–3.3 X as long as width of pronotum. Pronotum 2.1–2.2 X as wide as long, 1.2–1.4 X as wide as head. Vertex 1.5– 1.7 X as wide as eye. Second antennal segment 0.7–0.8 X as long as basal width of pronotum, 0.9–1.0 X as long as width of head. Body length: 3.1–3.7 mm.

NOTE: S. adspersus was synonymized with S. punctipennis by Linnavuori (1961). Both species have similar vesical structure, general appearance, but noticeably differ in the color pattern of forewings. In contrast to S. punctipennis , S. adspersus has distinctly larger and irregularly distributed dots on forewings. The color pattern appears nearly invariate across the range of S. adspersus , which make this species easily distinguishable from S. punctipennis . Although I have not studied the lectotype of S. adspersus , the collection of the Zoological Institute, St. Petersburg, contains three specimens from Ashgabat collected by Ahnger and determined by Reuter. One of these, the data for which are listed below under Specimens Examined, was labelled as Malthacosoma adspersum . Two other specimens have determination labels ‘‘ Malthacosoma punctipenne Reut. ’’ This material, as well as the type of S. punctipennis , was found to be in a full accordance with the original descriptions and species concepts accepted in this paper.

Judging by the original description, S. barbatus seems to be a junior synonym of S. adspersus , but this needs further clarification, as I was unable to see the types.

DISTRIBUTION: The distribution of S. adspersus in the Mediterranean region needs further clarification. S. punctipennis was recorded from Egypt (as S. barbatus Wagner, 1951 ), Tunisia ( Carapezza, 1997), Iraq ( Linnavuori, 1993), Israel ( Linnavuori, 1961), and Afganistan ( Hoberlandt, 1961). The first locality should be referred to S. adspersus , as S. barbatus is considered here its junior synonym. Examined specimens from Tunisia collected by Carapezza undoubtedly belong to S. adspersus too. Linnavuori (1961) has seen only the lectotype of S. adspersus while synonymizing the species with S. punctipennis . The type of S. punctipennis was not examined by him. Therefore, it seems likely that records of S. punctipennis from Iraq and Israel also

Figs. 45–50. Tarsi: 45, S. salsolae ; 46, S. kerzhneri ; 47, S. punctipennis ; 48, S. fuscovenosus ; 49, S. lepidus ;

50, S. anabasius .

should be attributed to S. adspersus . However, both species are highly sympatric in the Caucasus and Central Asia. In the collection of the Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, there are specimens of S. adspersus from Azerbaijan, Dagestan, southern Kazakhstan, southern and eastern Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, southern Turkmenistan, and Iran.

HOST PLANT: Kaplin (1993) indicated that Suaeda arcuata (Chenopodiaceae) was the host plant of a Malthacosoma sp. in the Repetek Nature Reserve ( Turkmenistan). This reference most probably can be attribut- ed to S. adspersus , as S. punctipennis is unknown from the well-sampled area of this reserve. One specimen of S. adspersus from Turkmenistan is labeled as collected from Salsola sp. (Chenopodiaceae) . Linnavuori (1993) indicated that Halocharis sulphurea (Chenopodiaceae) was the host plant for M. punctipenne from Iraq. Putshkov and Putshkov (1983) noted that in Azerbaijan and Armenia M. punctipenne feeds on Suaeda sp. , while in Turkmenistan representatives of this species were also collected from Kochia iranica , Climacoptera brachiata , C. korschinskyi (Chenopodiaceae) , and, occasionally, from Atriplex turcomanica (Chenopodiaceae) . Hence, host-plant associations of S. adspersus and S. punctipennis need further verification.

SPECIMENS EXAMINED: ARMENIA: Vedi nr Khosrov , 16 Jul 2002, M. Kalashian, 13 ( AMNH _ PBI 00141087 About AMNH ) ( AC) . AZERBAIJAN: Nakhichevan Prov.: Hehram [Negram] on Araks River , 19 May 1934, Ryabov, 13 ( AMNH _ PBI 00141086 About AMNH ) . IRAN: Semnan: Emamshachr [Shachrud], 28 May 1914, A. N. Kiritshenko, 23 ( AMNH _ PBI 00140902 About AMNH , AMNH _PBI

00140948), 3♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00140914 About AMNH , AMNH _ PBI 00140944 About AMNH , AMNH _ PBI 00140946 About AMNH ); 29 May 1914, A. N. Kiritshenko, 153 ( AMNH _ PBI 00140893 About AMNH , AMNH _ PBI 00140903 About AMNH – AMNH _ PBI 00140905 About AMNH , AMNH _ PBI 00140907 About AMNH , AMNH _ PBI 00140922 About AMNH – AMNH _ PBI 00140927 About AMNH , AMNH _ PBI 00140929 About AMNH , AMNH _ PBI 00140931 About AMNH , AMNH _ PBI 00140933 About AMNH , AMNH _ PBI 00140947 About AMNH ) , 22♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00140909 About AMNH – AMNH _ PBI 00140913 About AMNH , AMNH _ PBI 00140915 About AMNH – AMNH _ PBI 00140920 About AMNH , AMNH _ PBI 00140935 About AMNH – AMNH _ PBI 00140936 About AMNH , AMNH _ PBI 00140938 About AMNH – AMNH _ PBI 00140939 About AMNH , AMNH _ PBI 00140941 About AMNH – AMNH _ PBI 00140942 About AMNH , AMNH _ PBI 00140960 About AMNH – AMNH _ PBI 00140964 About AMNH ); 30 May 1914, A. N. Kiritshenko, 33 ( AMNH _ PBI 00140901 About AMNH , AMNH _ PBI 00140921 About AMNH , AMNH _ PBI 00140930 About AMNH ) , 4♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00140934 About AMNH , AMNH _ PBI 00140937 About AMNH , AMNH _ PBI 00140940 About AMNH , AMNH _ PBI 00140965 About AMNH ); 05 Jun 1914, A. N. Kiritshenko, 13 ( AMNH _ PBI 00140894 About AMNH ) , 1♀ ( AMNH _PBI

00140908); 06 Jun 1914, A. N. Kiritshenko, 33 ( AMNH _ PBI 00140906 About AMNH , AMNH _ PBI 00140928 About AMNH , AMNH _ PBI 00140932 About AMNH ), 2♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00140943 About AMNH , AMNH _ PBI 00140945 About AMNH ). KAZAKH- STAN: South Kazakhstan Prov.: Kyrk-kuduk , W of Saryagach , 13 Jun 1926 – 16 Jun 1926, Prinada, 33 ( AMNH _ PBI 00141137 About AMNH – AMNH _ PBI 00141139 About AMNH ), 3♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00141125 About AMNH – AMNH _ PBI 00141127 About AMNH ). Zhambul Prov.: Merke nr Taraz [former Aulie-Ata] , 16 Jun 1910, A. N. Kiritshenko, 5♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00141036 About AMNH , AMNH _ PBI 00141048 About AMNH – AMNH _ PBI 00141050 About AMNH , AMNH _ PBI 00141063 About AMNH ). RUSSIAN FEDER- ATION: Dagestan Rep.: Derbent , 12 Jun 1928, Ryabov, 23 ( AMNH _ PBI 00141078 About AMNH , AMNH _ PBI 00141079 About AMNH ). TAJIKISTAN: Chubek , 25 Jun 1910, Zarudny, 13 ( AMNH _ PBI 00141080 About AMNH ). Dushanbe [former Stalinabad ] , 17 Jul 1945, Gussakovskiy, 23 ( AMNH _ PBI 00140949 About AMNH , AMNH _ PBI 00140950 About AMNH ), 6♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00140966 About AMNH – AMNH _PBI

Figs. 55–65. Dorsal habitus photographs: 55, Solenoxyphus adspersus 3. 56, S. alkani (holotype of S. markevichi ) 3. 57, S. artemisiae 3. 58, S. asanovae 3. 59, S. asanovae ♀. 60, S. halocnemi 3. 61, S. loginovae ♀. 62, 65, S.lepidus 3. 63, S. fuscovenosus ♀. 64, S. fuscovenosus 3.

Figs. 66–76. Habitus views: 66, 67, Solenoxyphus candidatus 3. 68, S. major 3. 69, S. salsolae 3. 70, S. pallens 3. 71, S. nanophyti 3. 72, S. nanophyti ♀. 73, S. punctipennis ♀. 74, S. kerzhneri 3. 75, S. anabasius 3. 76, S. anabasius ♀.

00140971); 22 Jul 1945, Gussakovskiy, 43 ( AMNH _ PBI 00140951 About AMNH – AMNH _ PBI 00140954 About AMNH ) , 1♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00140972 About AMNH ) ; 29 Jun 1945, Gussakovskiy, 13 ( AMNH _ PBI 00140955 About AMNH ) , 3♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00140973 About AMNH – AMNH _ PBI 00140975 About AMNH ) ; 27 Jul 1945, Gussakovskiy, 1♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00140956 About AMNH ) ; 15 Jul 1945, Gussakovskiy, 1♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00140957 About AMNH ) ; 04 Jul 1945, Gussakovskiy, 1♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00140958 About AMNH ) ; 11 Jul 1945, Gussakovskiy, 23 ( AMNH _ PBI 00140976 About AMNH , AMNH _ PBI 00140977 About AMNH ) , 5♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00140986 About AMNH – AMNH _ PBI 00140990 About AMNH ) ; 09 Jul 1945, Gussakovskiy, 53 ( AMNH _ PBI 00140978 About AMNH – AMNH _ PBI 00140982 About AMNH ) , 3♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00140991 About AMNH – AMNH _ PBI 00140993 About AMNH ) ; 07 Jun 1934, Gussakovskiy, 13 ( AMNH _ PBI 00141099 About AMNH ) . Dushanbe [former Stalinabad], Islands in Dushanbe River , 08 Aug 1935, Gussakovskiy, 13 ( AMNH _ PBI 00141098 About AMNH ) ; 04 Aug 1935, Gussakovskiy, 13 ( AMNH _ PBI 00141100 About AMNH ) , 1♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00141101 About AMNH ) . DzhiliKul’ on Vakhsh River , 02 Sep 1935, Gussakovskiy, 13 ( AMNH _ PBI 00141102 About AMNH ) . Dzhilikul’ [Dzheli-kul’] nr Tartki [former Kabadian], 16 Jun 1910 – 21 Jun 1910, Zarudny, 23 ( AMNH _ PBI 00141094 About AMNH , AMNH _ PBI 00141095 About AMNH ) , 2♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00141064 About AMNH , AMNH _ PBI 00141065 About AMNH ) . Kafirnigan River , nr Dushanbe [former Stalinabad] , 08 Jul 1945, Gussakovskiy, 13 ( AMNH _ PBI 00141076 About AMNH ) . Kondara Canyon, valley of Varzob River , 31 Aug 1945, Gussakovskiy, 13 ( AMNH _ PBI 00141075 About AMNH ) ; 08 Sep 1947, A. N. Kiritshenko, 1♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00141104 About AMNH ) . Koy-Pyaz-Tau Mts nr Tartki [former Kabadian], 25 Jun 1934, Gussakovskiy, 13 ( AMNH _ PBI 00141103 About AMNH ) . Nr Kulyab, 23 Jul 1933, V. Popov, 73 ( AMNH _ PBI 00140956 About AMNH , AMNH _ PBI 00140983 About AMNH – AMNH _ PBI 00140985 About AMNH , AMNH _ PBI 00141106 About AMNH – AMNH _ PBI 00141108 About AMNH ) , 5♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00140994 About AMNH – AMNH _ PBI 00140998 About AMNH ) ; 19 Jul 1933, V. Popov, 1♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00141068 About AMNH ) . Parkhar on Pyandzh River , 17 Jul 1934, Luppova, 13 ( AMNH _ PBI 00141070 About AMNH ) . Ruidasht, 40 km from Dushanbe [former Stalinabad], 3000 m, 17 Jun 1938, Gussakovskiy, 1♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00141071 About AMNH ) . Tartki [former Kabadian], 09 Jun 1934, Gussakovskiy, 1♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00141066 About AMNH ) ; 01 Jul 1934, Gussakovskiy, 13 ( AMNH _ PBI 00141067 About AMNH ) ; 19 Jun 1934, Gussakovskiy, 1♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00141115 About AMNH ) . Uzun, 30 km S Qurghonteppa [Kurgan-Tyube] , 09 Jun 1936, Gussakovskiy, 13 ( AMNH _ PBI 00141105 About AMNH ) . Delta of Yavan-Su River nr Kuibyshevsk, 25 Jul 1943, A. N. Kiritshenko, 13 ( AMNH _ PBI 00141074 About AMNH ) , 1♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00141073 About AMNH ) . TUNISIA: Gafsa, Oued Magroun , 18 Jun 1990, A. Carapezza, 13, 1♀, without USI label ( AC) . TURKMENISTAN: 50 km NW Tejen [Tedzhen] , 28 Aug 1962, Guliev, 1♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00141082 About AMNH ) . Akhchaguyma, 04 Jul 1934, V. Popov, 1♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00141135 About AMNH ) . Ashgabat [ Askhabad ], 19 May 1932 23 May 1932, Ushinskiy, 23 ( AMNH _ PBI 00141133 About AMNH , AMNH _ PBI 00141134 About AMNH ) ; 04 Jun 1903, Ahnger, 1♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00141128 About AMNH ) . Charjew [Chardzhui], 10 May 1889, Semenov, 1♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00141084 About AMNH ) . Garrygala [Kara-kala], Syumy, 01 Jun 1931, Petrishcheva, 1♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00141136 About AMNH ) . Gokdepe [Geok-tepe], 12 Jun 1928, Semenov, 23 ( AMNH _ PBI 00141120 About AMNH , AMNH _ PBI 00141121 About AMNH ) , 1♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00141119 About AMNH ) . Imambaba, Mary [Merv], 27 Apr 1912, Kozhanchikov, 23 ( AMNH _ PBI 00141122 About AMNH , AMNH _ PBI 00141129 About AMNH ) , 1♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00141124 About AMNH ) ; 09 May 1912 – 11 May 1912, Kozhanchikov, 43 ( AMNH _ PBI 00141123 About AMNH , AMNH _ PBI 00141130 About AMNH – AMNH _ PBI 00141132 About AMNH ) . Morgunovskiy, 7 km N Kushka , 05 May 1964, Loginova, Salsola sp. , 13 ( AMNH _ PBI 00141081 About AMNH ) . Nova [Nouo], Kopetdag Mts , 26 Sep 1930, Bianchi, 13 ( AMNH _ PBI 00141141 About AMNH ) . Repetek, 02 Jun 1962, Gornostaev and Vishnevskiy, 23 ( AMNH _ PBI 00141117 About AMNH , AMNH _ PBI 00141118 About AMNH ) ; 02 Jun 1962, Tryapitsin, 1♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00141114 About AMNH ) . UZBEKISTAN: Fergana Valley : Massy nr Andijon [Andizhan] , 01 Sep 1928, V. Kuznetsov, 1♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00141083 About AMNH ) . Nr Namangan, Mingbulak [Min-Bulak] on Syr-Darya River , 22 May 1908, A. Kiritshenko coll., 1♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00141090 About AMNH ) ; 23 May 1908, A. Kiritshenko coll., 1♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00141091 About AMNH ) . 12 km S of Gazli , 01 Jun 1948, A. N. Kiritshenko, 1♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00141116 About AMNH ) . Derbent, 05 Jun 1912, A. N. Kiritshenko, 73 ( AMNH _ PBI 00141092 About AMNH – AMNH _ PBI 00141093 About AMNH , AMNH _ PBI 00141109 About AMNH – AMNH _ PBI 00141113 About AMNH ) . Kanimekh NE of Bukhara , 18 Jul 1928, Burachek, 3♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00141072 About AMNH , AMNH _ PBI 00141096 About AMNH – AMNH _ PBI 00141097 About AMNH ) ; 21 Jul 1928, Burachek, 1♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00141069 About AMNH ) . Kumak nr Samarkand, 07 Jul 1929, L. Zimin, 1♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00141085 About AMNH ) . Kuylyuk, 21 Jul 1905, V. Oshanin coll., 13 ( AMNH _ PBI 00141037 About AMNH ) . Kyzylkum Sands, 20 km N of Ayakguzhumdy , 26 Apr 1965, I. M. Kerzhner, Salsola sp. , 13 ( AMNH _ PBI 00141030 About AMNH ) , 4♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00141031 About AMNH – AMNH _ PBI 00141034 About AMNH ) . Kyzylkum Sands, Maschi Well, NW Nurata, 21 Jun 1928, Burachek, 13 ( AMNH _ PBI 00141077 About AMNH ) . Lyaylyakan nr Sherabad, 24 May 1910, Zarudny, 43 ( AMNH _ PBI 00141008 About AMNH – AMNH _ PBI 00141011 About AMNH ) , 3♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00141026 About AMNH – AMNH _ PBI 00141028 About AMNH ) ; 24 May 1910, Zarudny, 1♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00141029 About AMNH ) . Nr Guzar, 09 Aug 1929, Elizarova, 1♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00141023 About AMNH ) . Termez [Buchara mer. 5 former Bukhara Chanate] , 21 May 1912, A. N. Kiritshenko, 13 ( AMNH _ PBI 00141024 About AMNH ) ; 19 May 1912, A. N. Kiritshenko, 13 ( AMNH _ PBI 00141025 About AMNH ) ; 27 Jun 1912, A. N. Kiritshenko, 13 ( AMNH _ PBI 00141035 About AMNH ) ; 23 May 1910 – 30 May 1910, Zarudny, 1♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00141140 About AMNH ) .Toshkent [Tashkent], 07 May 1912, Seslavina, 83 ( AMNH _ PBI 00141038 About AMNH – AMNH _ PBI 00141045 About AMNH ) , 10♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00141051 About AMNH – AMNH _ PBI 00141060 About AMNH ) ; 09 Jun 1913, A. N. Kiritshenko, 23 ( AMNH _ PBI 00141046 About AMNH , AMNH _ PBI 00141047 About AMNH ) , 2♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00141061 About AMNH , AMNH _ PBI 00141062 About AMNH ) . Yargak nr Khatyrchi, 16 Jun 1928, L. Zimin, 13 ( AMNH _ PBI 00141012 About AMNH ) ; 05 Aug 1928 – 06 Aug 1928, L. Zimin, 13 ( AMNH _ PBI 00141013 About AMNH ) , 2♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00140999 About AMNH , AMNH _ PBI 00141106 About AMNH ) ; 11 Jun 1928, L. Zimin, 73 ( AMNH _ PBI 00141014 About AMNH – AMNH _ PBI 00141020 About AMNH ) , 6♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00141000 About AMNH – AMNH _ PBI 00141005 About AMNH ) ; 16 Jun 1928, L. Zimin, 13 ( AMNH _ PBI 00141021 About AMNH ) ; 12 Aug 1928, L. Zimin, 13 ( AMNH _ PBI 00141022 About AMNH ) .


American Museum of Natural History


Amherst College, Beneski Museum of Natural History














Solenoxyphus adspersus ( Reuter, 1904 )

Konstantinov, Fedor V. 2008

Solenoxyphus barbatus

Wagner, E. 1958: 8
Wagner, E. 1951: 147

Malthacosoma adspersum

Linnavuori, R. E. 1961: 13
Reuter, O. M. 1904: 11
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