Pinnularia sp. 2

Furey, Paula C., Manoylov, Kalina M. & Lowe, Rex L., 2020, New and interesting aerial diatom assemblages from southwestern Iceland, Phytotaxa 428 (3), pp. 173-208 : 198-199

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.428.3.2

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scientific name

Pinnularia sp. 2


Pinnularia sp. 2 (LM = Fig. 11 C)

Valves linear with parallel margins and broadly rounded, not protracted ends (length 65–72 µm, valve width 12–13 µm, 5 striae in 10µm, for n=5 LM). Axial area narrow, linear. Central area rounded more than ½ of the width of the valve, asymmetrical in the middle due to the shortening of some striae on one side and on the other no visible striae on valve face and central area reaching margin. Raphe moderately lateral, slightly arcuate. Proximal raphe ends deflected towards one side and curved, no visible central pores.

Pinnularia stomatophora (Grunow in A. Schmidt et al. 1876: pl. 44) Cleve (1895: 83) (LM = Fig. 11 B)

Valves broadly elliptic-lanceolate with convex sides and broadly rounded, sometimes protracted, ends (length 83 µm, width 9.5–10 µm, 13–14 striae in 10µm). Axial area narrow, slightly linear-lanceolate, widening towards the middle. Central area has a broad fascia, enlarging towards the valve margins. Raphe filiform, weakly curved with clearly enlarged central pores. Terminal fissures strongly hooked. Transapical striae weakly radiate and even sinuous in the middle, more and more convergent towards the apices. Longitudinal lines absent. This taxon has been reported from cold habitats ( Cantonati et al. 2017).

Pinnularia cf. subcommutata Krammer (1992: 136) (LM = Fig. 11 A)

Valves linear with obtusely rounded ends. Our specimen was a little bit longer than reported in the literature (thus we chose to keep a cf. designation): length 76 µm, width 9 µm, 12 striae in 10µm, length in literature 40–70 µm (Krammer 2000). Axial area moderately broad, widening towards the central area. Central area elliptical. Raphe moderately lateral with bent central endings and distinct central pores. Terminal fissures shaped as hooks. Striae radiate in the middle, parallel towards the poles. A longitudinal band is present. Asymmetrically missing striae.

Sellaphora seminulum ( Grunow 1860: 552) D.G. Mann (1989: 2) (LM = Fig. 10 c)

In current literature Navicula seminulum var. radiosa Hustedt (1954: 473) View in CoL ( Fig. 10 b) is a synonym of S. seminulum ( Wetzel et al. 2015) View in CoL . However, we kept S. seminulum View in CoL separate from the N. seminulum var. radiosa View in CoL based on the less convex margins and narrower width for N. seminulum var. radiosa View in CoL . The complex is known from intermittently-drying small water bodies.

Stauroforma atomus ( Hustedt 1931: 164) D. Talgatti, C.E. Wetzel, E. Morales et L.C. Torgan (2014: 45) (LM = Fig. 2 O–P) known to survive in brackish conditions ( Talgatti et al. 2014). Our specimens were thinner and longer than given in the literature, length 8–9 μm, width 2.4–2.6 μm, striae 16 striae in 10 μm (for n=10 LM) as compared with the type population length 4.5–7 μm, width 2.5–3.5 μm, striae 16 striae in 10 μm, but it fits Cantonati et al. (2017). Has been reported from Iceland as Fragilaria atomus Hustedt 1931: 164 ( Hallgrímsson 2007) and Fragilariforma atomus ( Hustedt 1931: 164) Lange-Bertalot in Hofmann, Werum & Lange-Bertalot 2011: 257

( Cantonati et al. 2017).














Pinnularia sp. 2

Furey, Paula C., Manoylov, Kalina M. & Lowe, Rex L. 2020

Pinnularia cf. subcommutata Krammer (1992: 136)

Krammer, K. 1992: )

Sellaphora seminulum ( Grunow 1860: 552 ) D.G. Mann (1989: 2)

Mann, D. G. 1989: 552

Stauroforma atomus ( Hustedt 1931: 164 ) D. Talgatti, C.E. Wetzel, E. Morales et L.C. Torgan (2014: 45)

Hofmann, G. & Werum, M. & Lange-Bertalot, H. 2011: 257
Hustedt 2007: 164
Hustedt, F. 1931: 164
Hustedt, F. 1931: 164

Pinnularia stomatophora

Cleve, P. T. 1895: 83
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