Glenognatha lacteovittata ( Mello-Leitão, 1944 )

Jimmy Cabra-García & Antonio D. Brescovit, 2016, Revision and phylogenetic analysis of the orb-weaving spider genus Glenognatha Simon, 1887 (Araneae, Tetragnathidae), Zootaxa 4069 (1), pp. 1-183 : 31-33

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Plazi (2017-11-17 17:54:50, last updated 2024-11-29 15:19:10)

scientific name

Glenognatha lacteovittata ( Mello-Leitão, 1944 )


Glenognatha lacteovittata ( Mello-Leitão, 1944) View in CoL

( Figs. 19–24 View FIGURE 19 View FIGURE 20 View FIGURE 21 View FIGURE 22 View FIGURE 23 View FIGURE 24 , 130 View FIGURE 130 )

Oedothorax lacteovittatus Mello-Leitão, 1944: 327 , fig. 9 (Male and female lectotypes from La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina, R. Costa leg., deposited in MNRJ 1963 View Materials , examined).

Glenognatha lacteovittata: Ramírez, 1996: 35 View in CoL , figs. 1–10; Cabra-García et al. 2014: 1029, figs. 1M, 3C, 8D, 9K–L; World Spider Catalog 2015.

Diagnosis. Males of G. lacteovittata resemble those of G. boraceia and G. florezi by the short distal portion of the paracymbium ( Figs. 22H View FIGURE 22 , 23H View FIGURE 23 ) and the embolic medial groove limited to the inner surface of the embolus ( Fig. 23O View FIGURE 23 ). It can be distinguished from the two latter species by the presence of filiform projections in the embolus distal region ( Figs. 23G, N View FIGURE 23 ). Females are diagnosed by the presence of two posterior cheliceral bulges ( Fig. 20E View FIGURE 20 , 21E–F View FIGURE 21 ).

Description. Male and female described by Ramírez (1996). Additional data.

Male (IBSP 44111). Habitus as in Figures 19A–D View FIGURE 19 . Carapace brown, with three longitudinal dusky bands (one median and two lateral). Sternum brown, darker on sides. Abdomen spherical, dorsally with irregular pattern of two longitudinal black bands on sides. Black patches scattered around and between these bands. Silver guanine spots concentrated on the median regions of the dorsal and lateral surface. Venter with a pale black median band that ramifies into irregular thin bands towards the lateral surface. Legs yellow-brownish with distal parts of segments darker. Total length 2.72. Cephalothorax 1.30 long, 1.03 wide, 0.80 high. Abdomen 1.71 long, 1.3 wide, 1.22 high. Sternum 0.80 long, 0.70 wide. Eye diameters and interdistances: AME 0.09. ALE 0.08. PME 0.08. PLE 0.08. AME-AME 0.08, AME-ALE 0.06, PME-PME 0.13, PME-PLE 0.08, ALE-PLE 0.01. Clypeus height 1.90. Chelicerae brown. Three promarginal and four retromarginal teeth ( Figs. 20A–C View FIGURE 20 , 21A–C View FIGURE 21 ). Ret1 on the posterior surface ( Figs. 20B View FIGURE 20 , 21B View FIGURE 21 ). CFO well-developed ( Fig. 21C View FIGURE 21 ). Leg measurements: femur 1.92, patella 0.42, tibia 1.92, metatarsus 1.50, tarsus 0.82, total 6.60; II: 1.85, 0.40, 1.82, 1.37, 0.75, 6.20; III: 1.25, 0.30, 1.05, 0.85, 0.50, 3.95; IV: 1.92, 0.32, 1.77, 1.33, 0.52, 5.88. DTS 0.22. DTE 0.72. Epiandrous fusules as in Figure 24E View FIGURE 24 . Spinnerets as in Figures 24I –K View FIGURE 24 . AG-FL triplet absent ( Fig. 24K View FIGURE 24 ). Palp as in Figure 22 View FIGURE 22 . Paracymbium with short distal portion ( Figs. 22H View FIGURE 22 , 23H View FIGURE 23 ). Conductor lamina with a distal prolaterally oriented fold ( Figs. 23D, I View FIGURE 23 ). Embolus with subapical toothlike projections ( Fig. 23P View FIGURE 23 ) and filiform projections ( Figs. 23G, N View FIGURE 23 ). Medial groove limited to the inner surface of the embolus ( Fig. 23O View FIGURE 23 ).

Female (IBSP 44084). Coloration and general habitus as in male ( Fig. 19E–H View FIGURE 19 ). Abdomen with two large dorso-lateral patches of silver guanine spots. Venter with grey-brownish area anterior to the gonopore and scattered silver guanine spots. Total length 2.77. Cephalothorax 1.32 long, 1.05 wide, 0.75 high. Abdomen 2.00 long, 1.60 wide, 1.40 high. Sternum 0.65 long, 0.70 wide. Eye diameters and interdistances: AME 0.08. ALE 0.08. PME 0.09. PLE 0.08. AME-AME 0.08, AME-ALE 0.07, PME-PME 0.14, PME-PLE 0.09, ALE-PLE 0.01. Clypeus height 1.90. Three promarginal and four retromarginal teeth. ( Figs. 20D–F View FIGURE 20 , 21D–H View FIGURE 21 ). Chelicerae with two posterior bulges ( Figs. 20E View FIGURE 20 , 21E–F View FIGURE 21 ) and ramified setae in the basal portion of the posterior surface ( Figs. 21F–G View FIGURE 21 ). Leg measurements: I: femur 1.85, patella 0.45, tibia 1.72, metatarsus 1.45, tarsus 0.75, total 6.22; II: 1.67, 0.42, 1.72, 1.32, 0.67, 5.82; III: 1.07, 0.32, 0.92, 0.65, 0.37, 3.35; IV: 1.92, 0.32, 1.67, 1.25, 0.56, 5.73. DTS 0.17. DTE 0.60. Tracheal system as in Figures 24A–D View FIGURE 24 . Spinnerets as in Figures 24F–H View FIGURE 24 . Genitalia without spermathecae ( Figs. 23A–C View FIGURE 23 ). UE with a median projection ( Figs. 23A, C View FIGURE 23 ).

Variation. Male total length 2.3–3.7 (N = 10; average 2.7), cephalothorax length 1.1–1.6 (N = 10; average 1.3), femur I length 1.6–2.3 (N = 10; average 2). Female total length 2.6–3.5 (N = 10; average 3.1), cephalothorax length 1.1–1.6 (N = 10; average 1.3), femur I length 1.6–2.2 (N = 10; average 1.8).

Distribution. Known in Peru, Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina ( Fig. 130 View FIGURE 130 ).

Additional material examined (N = 836). ARGENTINA: Buenos Aires: Bella Vista , [34º34´S, 58º41´W], elev. [23m], P. A.Goloboff leg., 1♂ ( MACN 24617 View Materials ) GoogleMaps ; San Pedro, [33º40´S, 59º41´W], elev. [29m], 1♂ ( MACN 24619 View Materials ) GoogleMaps . Corrientes: Itatí , [27º16´S, 58º14´W], elev. [60m], M. E. Galiano leg., 1♀ 1♂ ( MACN 24618 View Materials ) GoogleMaps . Entre Ríos: Río Gualeguaychú , [33º4´S, 58º26´W], elev. [6m], 10.xii.1982, Ramírez & Goloboff leg., 1♂ ( MACN 24620 View Materials ) GoogleMaps . Santa Fe: Las Gamas, 20 Km W Vera , [29º23´S, 60º32´W], elev. [54m], 27–30.x.1994, M. Ramírez & J. Faibovich leg., 1♀ ( MACN 24616 View Materials ) GoogleMaps .

New records. ECUADOR: Napo: Lago Agrio, [0º5´S, 76º52´W], elev. [298m], 26.ix.1975, Andrea Langley leg., 1♂ ( USNM); 18.iv.1976, Langley leg., 1♀ ( USNM). PERU: Loreto: San Miguel, arenas movedizas, ca. boca del Rio Samiria, entre el Río Marañón y el Samiria, 4º39´S, 74º21´W, elev. 100m, 11.viii.1989, D. Silva leg., 1♂ ( MUSM 0504909). Madre de Dios: Zona Reservada Pakitza, 11º56´S, 71º17´W, elev. 356m, 18.viii.1992, D. Silva leg., 3♀ 7♂ 4 immature ( MUSM 0504907). [Piura]: 2 mi. W Sullana, [4º53´3.7´´S, 80º41´38.76´´W], elev. [65m], 15.i.1939, 1♀ ( CAS 9039591). San Martin: Yuracyaru, 5º57´0.9´´S, 77º14´1.34´´W, elev. 356m, 18.viii.1992, D. Silva leg., 2♀ 1♂ ( MUSM 0501281). BRAZIL: Acre: Rio Branco, campus UFAC, [9º57´S, 67º52´W], elev. [162m], 4.iv.1996, A. D. Brescovit & A. B. Bonaldo leg., 1♀ 1♂ 1 immature ( IBSP 6978). Bahia: Barreiras, [12º9´S, 44º58´W], elev. [620m], 2008, I. M. Bortolin leg., 1♂ ( IBSP 145416). Minas Gerais: Santa Bárbara, Brumal, 19º59´30´´S, 43º27´33´´W, elev. [730m], 28–29.viii.2008, I.L.F. Magalhães leg., 1♀ 1♂ ( UFMG 4773). Rio de Janeiro: Rio de Janeiro, Pedra da Itaúna, near Lagoa, [22º52´S, 43º5´W, elev. [50m], ii.1990, S. A. Marshall leg., 1♂ ( AMNH); Bom Jesus do Itabapuana, São José do Calçado, Rio Itabapuana, Usina Hidrelétrica de Rosal, [20º58´S, 41º43´W, elev. [605m], xi.1999, I. Knysak leg., 2♀ 3♂ 2 immature ( IBSP 26460). São Paulo: Pirassununga, [21º59´S, 47º25´W], elev. [630m], 8.vii.1940, Schubart leg., 1♂ ( MZSP 6432); Rosana, Usina Hidrelétrica Sérgio Motta, [22º29´S, 52º57´W], elev. [294m], 1.ii.2000, Eq. IBSP leg., 1♀ ( IBSP 29791); Cananéia, Ilha do Cardoso, [25º7´S, 47º57´W], elev. [687m], 12.v.1988, L. Romagnano & E. Venticinque leg., 1♀ ( MCN 23205). Paraná: Boa Vista da Aparecida, [25º26´S, 53º22´W, elev. [352m], 7–14.x.1998, Eq. IBSP leg., 1♂ ( IBSP 21102); Candói/Mangueirnha, Usina Hidrelétrica de Segredo, Reservatório do Rio Jordão, [25º44´S, 52º4´W, elev. [758m], iv.1996, R. Bertani leg., 1♀ ( IBSP 11644); Cascavel, Lago Municipal de Cascavel, [24º57´S, 53º26´W, elev. [700m],, A.P.G. Silva leg., 1♂ ( IBSP 80128); Cruzeiro do Iguaçu, Dois Vizinhos, Foz do Chopim, [25º32´S, 53º29´W, elev. [352m], 8–15.x.1998, Eq. IBSP leg., 1♀ 1♂ ( IBSP 21057); 1♂ ( IBSP 21113); 1♀ ( IBSP 21313); 2♀ 1♂ 1 immature ( IBSP 21209); 1♀ ( IBSP 21129); 1♀ ( IBSP 21249); 1♀ ( IBSP 21264); 1♀ ( IBSP 21228); 1♂ ( IBSP 21200); 1♀ ( IBSP 21274); 1♂ ( IBSP 21177). Santa Catarina: Bombinhas, Arie Costeira de Zimbros, [27º8´S, 48º31´W], elev. [74m], 4.vii.2011, A. L. Trivia & L. Malta leg., 1♀ ( IBSP 163680); Chapecó, [27º13´S, 52º40´W], elev. [394m], 23.iii.2001, F. Garcia leg., 2♀ 2♂ ( MCTP 11293); Florianápolis, Ilha do Árvoredo, Reserva Biológica Marinha de Arvoredo, [23º58´S, 46º10´W], elev. [3m], 2003, Noili leg., 1♀ 1♂ ( IBSP 75324); 1♀ ( IBSP 75354); 1♀ ( IBSP 75323), Itá, Rio Uruguai, [27º16´S, 52º19´W], elev. [457m], 1.x.2001, 1♂ ( MCTP 849); Rio Negrinho, [26º13´S, 49º31´W], elev. [797m], iv.2004 – vii.2005, M. A. Nickel leg., 1♀ 3♂ 1 immature ( IBSP 75995); M. A. Nickel leg., 153♀ 163♂ 56 immature ( IBSP 70038). São Cristovão do Sul, Monte Alegre, [27º15´S, 50º26´W], elev. [1019m], 2001–2002, J. M. Moreira leg., 1♀ 1♂ ( IBSP 141433); 1♀ ( IBSP 141429); 2♀ ( IBSP 141427); 1♀ ( IBSP 141431); 1♂ ( IBSP 141432); 2♂ ( IBSP 141428); 1♀ ( IBSP 141426); 1♂ ( IBSP 141430); 1♂ ( IBSP 141425); São Miguel do Oeste, [26º43´S, 53º30´W], elev. [603m], iii–viii.2004, J. Barp leg., 1♀ 1♂ ( IBSP 79226); 1 immature ( IBSP 79190). Rio Grande do Sul / Santa Catarina: Rio Uruguai, [27º9´S, 53º49´W], elev. [240m], 2.ix.2010, R. C. Francisco leg., 85♀ 115♂ ( MCTP). Rio Grande do Sul: Arroio do Sal, [29º31´S, 49º55´W, elev. [23m], 24.viii.1998, J. Romanzin leg., 2♀ 1♂ 2 immature ( MCTP 10320); Bagé, [31º19´S, 54º4´W, elev. [213m], 30.xii.2003, L. A. Freitas leg., 1♀ 2♂ ( MCTP 19573); Cambará do sul, [29º3´S, 50º8´W, elev. [1006m], iii.2005, M. V. Petry et al. leg., 1♂ ( MCTP 30986); vii.2005, M. V. Petry et al. leg., 1♂ ( MCTP 30987); viii.2005, M. V. Petry et al. leg., 1♂ ( MCTP 30989); iii.2006, M. V. Petry et al. leg., 1♂ ( MCTP 30990); ix.2006, M. V. Petry et al. leg., 1♂ ( MCTP 30992); Canoas, Capão do Corvo, [29º55´S, 51º13´W, elev. [5m], 23.iv.1966, A. Lise leg., 15♀ ( MCN 699); Caxias do Sul, [29º6´S, 51º4´W], elev. [739m], vii.1999, C. D. C. Rosa leg., 1♂ ( MCTP 11772); Derrubadas, Parque Estadual do Turvo, [27º10´S, 53º55´W], elev. [313m], 4– 8.v.2004, R. Ott et al. leg., 2♀ ( MCN 38786); 27–31.x.2003, R. Ott et al. leg., 5♂ ( MCN 38778); Planalto, [27º19´S, 53º4´W], elev. [563m], 23.i.1994, R. Oliveira leg., 3♂ 1 immature ( MCTP 4859); Porto Alegre, [30º4´S, 51º8´W], elev. [174m], 10.iv.2000, A. Braul leg., 1♂ ( MCTP 11215); Rio Pardo, [29º58´S, 52º21´W], elev. [100m], 20.ii.1967, A. Lise leg., 1♀ ( MCN 48507); 6.vii.1966, A. Lise leg., 10♂ 3 immature ( MCN 266); 12 ♂ 2 immature ( MCZ 125525); São Leopoldo, [29º45´S, 51º8´W], elev. [12m], 28.xi.1965, C. Valle leg., 1♀ 1♂ ( MZSP 4898); Santana do Livramento, Cerro Verde, [30º50´S, 55º32´W], elev. [255m], 28–29.xi.2003, J. A. Bitencourt leg., 1♀ ( IBSP 84965); Santo Ângelo, [28º18´S, 54º17´W], elev. [204m], 12–25.ii.2004, I. Renardi leg., 1♂ ( MCTP 16492); 1♀ ( MCTP 16493), 2–17.ii.2004, I. Renardi leg., 1♀ 3♂ ( MCTP 16491); 30.iii—9.iv.2004, F. D' Agostini 3♀ 1♂ ( MCTP 22620); São Francisco de Paula, Potreiro Velho, [29º26´S, 50º39´W], elev. [772m], 10–13.iv.1997, A. Lise leg., 1♂ ( MCTP 14278); Tapes, Fazenda São Miguel, [30º40´S, 51º25´W], elev. [9m], 14.v.2003, Equipe Probio leg., 1♂ ( MCN 35926); Torres, [29º20´S, 49º44´W], elev. [13m], 26.iii.2006, E. L. C. da Silva leg., 1♂ 2 immature ( MCN 1972); Triunfo, Estação Braskem de Proteçao Ambiental, [29º56´S, 51º41´W], elev. [6m],, R. Ott leg., 1♂ ( MCN 42101); Triunfo, Fazenda Pontal, Parque Estadual Delta do Jacuí, [29º59´S, 51º29´W], elev. [15m],, M. P. de Barros leg., 2♂ ( MCN 31226); Triunfo, [29º56´S, 51º41´W], elev. [6m],, C. Marros leg., 1♀ ( MCN 16934); 18.x.1993, L. Moura leg., 1♂ ( MCN 24059); Triunfo, Ilha dos Dorneles, [29º56´S, 51º43´W], elev. [5m], 23.vii.1986, M. Rosenau leg., 2♀ ( MCN 15423); Uruguaiana, Imbaá, [29º44´S, 57º6´W], elev. [51m],, R. Alves leg., 1♂ ( MCN 26490). PARAGUAY: Central: 15 Km NE Asunción, [25º15´S, 57º41´W], elev. [61m],, P. & P. Spangler leg., 1♀ 1♂ ( USNM). URUGUAY: [Montevideo]: Montevideo, Ruta 1 Km 12, [34º40´S, 56º29´W], elev. [3m], 2001, M. A. Benamu leg., 3♀ ( IBSP 44074); 1♀ 1♂ ( IBSP 44084); 1♀ ( IBSP 44081); 3♀ ( IBSP 44085); 1♀ 1♂ 1 immature ( IBSP 44111); 3♂ ( IBSP 44082); 2♀ ( IBSP 44083); 4♀ ( IBSP 44072). ARGENTINA: Buenos Aires: Campana, Reserva Natural Otamendi, Estación Río Luján, [34º9´S, 58º56´W], elev. [4m],, C. J. Grismado, L. Damer, N. López, S. Trivero & N, Olejnik leg., 2♀ 1 immature ( MACN 12722); 1♂ ( MACN 12715); [34º16´43.4´´S, 58º53´16.2´´W], elev. [6m],, C. J. Grismado, L. Damer, N. López, S. Trivero & N, Olejnik leg., 2♀ 2♂ ( MACN 12750); 34.2774S, 58.888W, elev. 5m, 9.ix.2010, M. Ramírez, C. Grismado, L. Piacentini, E. Soto, M. E. González-Márquez, M. Guala, J. M. Andia Navarro, N. López, I. Ortega Insaurralde y P. Zermoglio leg., 4♀ 3♂ 2 immature ( MACN); Delta, Arroyo Caraguatá, [34º22´S, 58º38´W], elev. [4m], A. Bachmann leg., 1♀ 1♂ ( MACN 24634); 1♀ ( MACN 24633b); Paraná de las Palmas, [34º17´S, 58º34´W], elev. [2m], J. M. Viana leg., 1♂ ( MACN 26004). Chaco: 100NW Resistencia, Chaco NP, [26º49´N, 59º40´W], elev. [76m], 12–17.xii.1990, S. & J. Peck leg., 1♂ ( AMNH). Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires: Laguna de los Macáes, 34º36´21.7´´N, 58º20´55´´W, elev. [25m], 12.v.2008, M. Turienzo leg., 2♂ 1 immature ( MACN); 10.xi.2008, M. Turienzo leg., 1♂ ( MACN); 13.x.2008, M. Turienzo leg., 1♀ 4♂ ( MACN); 27.x.2008, M. Turienzo leg., 2♂ ( MACN); 1.ix.2008, M. Turienzo leg., 1♀ 5♂ ( MACN); 15.ix.2008, M. Turienzo leg., 1♀ 3♂ 1 immature ( MACN); 29.ix.2008, M. Turienzo leg., 1♀ 1♂ ( MACN); 19.i.2009, M. Turienzo leg., 1♂ ( MACN); 5.i.2009, M. Turienzo leg., 1♂ ( MACN); 2.ii.2009, M. Turienzo leg., 1♂ ( MACN). Entre Ríos: San Justo, [32º26´S, 58º25´W], elev. [44m], A. M. Julieta leg., 1♀ 1♂ 1 immature ( MACN 24636). Río Negro: Valcheta, [40º40´S, 66º9´W], elev. [176m], A., Bachmann leg., 1♂ ( MACN 24637).

Cabra-Garcia, J., Brescovit, A. D. & Hormiga, G. (2014) Female genital morphology in the secondarily haplogyne spider genus Glenognatha Simon, 1887 (Araneae, Tetragnathidae), with comments on its phylogenetic significance. Journal of Morphology, 275 (9), 1027 - 1040. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1002 / jmor. 20280

Mello-Leitao, C. F. de (1944) Aranas de la provincia de Buenos Aires. Revista del Museo de La Plata, New Series, Zoology, 3, 311 - 393.

Ramirez, M. J. (1996) Descripcion de la hembra de Glenognatha lacteovittata (Mello-Leitao), nueva combinacion (Araneae, Tetargnathidae). Physis (Buenos Aires), 52, 35 - 37.

World Spider Catalog (2015) World Spider Catalog. Natural History Museum Bern. Available from: http: // wsc. nmbe. ch (accessed 15 January 2015)

Gallery Image

FIGURE 19. Glenognatha lacteovittata from Brazil. A – D, male habitus (IBSP 141433). A, dorsal. B, lateral. C, ventral. D, frontal. E – H, female habitus (IBSP 163680). E, dorsal. F, lateral. G, ventral. H, frontal. Scale bars, 200 µm. TS: posterior tracheal spiracle.

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FIGURE 20. Glenognatha lacteovittata from Uruguay (IBSP 44084). A – C, male left chelicerae. A, anterior. B, posterior. C, mesal. D – F, female left chelicerae. D, anterior. E, posterior (arrows, cheliceral bulges). F, mesal. Scale bars, 100 µm. CFO: cheliceral fang outgrowth. Ret: retromarginal tooth.

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FIGURE 21. Glenognatha lacteovittata. A – C, male left chelicerae. A, anterior. B, posterior. C, mesal. D – F, female left chelicerae. D, anterior. E, posterior (arrows, cheliceral bulges). F, mesal, box defines area of figure G (arrows, cheliceral bulges). G, cheliceral setae. Scale bars, 100 µm. CFO: cheliceral fang outgrowth. Ret: retromarginal tooth.

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FIGURE 22. Glenognatha lacteovittata. A – D, male left palp, schematic (IBSP 70038). A, ventral. B, conductor, ventral. C, conductor, dorsal. D, embolus, ventral. E – H, male left palp (IBSP 44084). E, ventral. F, dorsal. G, prolateral. H, retrolateral. Scale bars, 100 µm. C: conductor. CB: cymbium. CRa: conductor retrolateral apophysis. E: embolus. F: fundus. ED: ejaculatory duct. P: paracymbium. T: tegulum. TO: tarsal organ.

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FIGURE 23. Glenognatha lacteovittata. A – C, female genitalia. A, ventral. B, dorsal. C, lateral. D – G, embolus an conductor. D, retrolateral. E, dorsoretrolateral. F, anterior. G, distal portion (arrow, filiform projections). H, paracymbium. I – L, conductor. I, ventral. J, prolateral. K, dorsal. L, retrolateral. M – P, embolus (arrow, tooth-like projection). Scale bars, 100 µm (A – F, H), 50 µm (G), 20 µm (I – L), 30 µm (M – P). C: conductor. CRa: conductor retrolateral apophysis. E: embolus. EMg: embolus medial groove. MC: membranous chamber. P: paracymbium. PBP: paracymbium basal portion. PDP: Paracymbium distal portion. UE: uterus externus.

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FIGURE 24. Glenognatha lacteovittata. A – D, female tracheal system. A, dorsal. B, median tracheal trunk. C, lateral trunk cuticle. D, tracheal spiracle, posterior view. E, epiandrous fusules. F – H, female spinnerets. F, ALS. G, PMS. H, PLS. I – K, male spinnerets. I, ALS. J, PMS. K, PLS. Scale bars, 100 µm (A – B), 10 µm (C – K). AC: aciniform gland spigots. AG: aggregate gland spigots. ALS: anterior lateral spinnerets. CY: cylindrical gland spigot. FL: flagelliform gland spigot. LT: lateral tracheae. MAP: major ampullate gland spigot. mAP: minor ampullate gland spigot. MT: median trunks. PI: piriform gland spigots TAG: tracheal atrium gland.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 130. Distribution of G. boraceia new species, G. lacteovittata and G. florezi new species.


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Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais


American Museum of Natural History


Sao Paulo, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo


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Museu de Ciencias


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Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales Bernardino Rivadavia











