Didymium difforme (Pers.) Gray, Nat.
publication ID |
https://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.624.1.1 |
https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10247665 |
persistent identifier |
https://treatment.plazi.org/id/8D7C4C67-FFB3-FFE7-FF7E-F7BAA117FD9C |
treatment provided by |
Plazi (2023-11-17 19:19:30, last updated 2023-12-08 13:56:47) |
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Didymium difforme (Pers.) Gray, Nat. |
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63. Didymium difforme (Pers.) Gray, Nat. arr. Brit. pl. 1: 571 (1821)
Specimens examined. PERU. Ancash: Asunción, Chacas, Huascaran N.P., Punta Olímpica, 4874 m, 9º08′04.3”S, 77º30′38.4”W, 21 Apr 2013, living and dead plant of Xenophyllum dactylophyllum, Lado 22973 (MA-Fungi 95148, USM), Lado 22974 (MA-Fungi 95149), Lado 22978 (MA-Fungi 95153), Lado 22979 (MA-Fungi 95154), Lado 22986 (MA-Fungi 95159). Punta Olimpica, route AN-107, km 51, 4628 m, 9º08′23”S, 77º30′17”W, 23 May 2014, leaves and stems of Lupinus paniculata, Lado 23768 (MA-Fungi 95421), Lado 23769 (MA-Fungi 95422), Lado 23777 (MAFungi 95430), Lado 23779 (MA-Fungi 95432, USM), Lado 23781 (MA-Fungi 95433), Lado 23788c (MA-Fungi 95442), herb debris and bryophytes, Lado 23798 (MA-Fungi 95454), leaves of Lupinus weberbaueri, Lado 23802 (MA-Fungi 95458). Chacas, Huaillin, route AN-107, km 70, 3035 m, 12°30′35”S, 74°58′43”W, 10 May 2018, debris of Puya sp. inflorescence (mc, 3 Jan 2020, pH 6.79), Treviño Myx 648 (HSP). Bolognesi, Mojón, route PE-3N, km 15, at junction to Chiquian, 4313 m, 10º05′33.7”S, 77º10′56.4”W, 10 May 2018, twigs of Senecio rufescens living and dead, Lado 23092 (MA-Fungi 95252), branches and leaves of Astragalus garbancillo, Lado 23097 (MA-Fungi 95259, USM), Lado 23099 (MA-Fungi 95261, USM). Aquia, Abra Yanashalla, Huascaran N.P., Ichic Potrero sector, 3 km Southeast Abra Yanashalla, 4845 m, 9º50′27.7”S, 77º06′14.7”W, 10 May 2018, leaves and stems of Nototriche antoniana alive, Lado 23116 (MA-Fungi 95277), branches of Senecio evacoides, Lado 23121 (MA-Fungi 95279). Pachapaqui, Abra Yanashalla, route PE-3N, km 60, 4696 m, 9º51′36.2”S, 77º04′40.4”W, 10 May 2018, leaves of Senecio comosus, Lado 23126 (MA-Fungi 95283, USM). Pachapaqui, route PE-3N, km 45 trail to Yanashalla, 4164 m, 9º55′01”S, 77º04′20”W, 20 May 2014, bryophytes, Lado 23669 (MA-Fungi 95342), herb debris and Lupinus paniculata, Lado 23672 (MA-Fungi 95344), leaf litter of Lupinus paniculata, Lado 23677 (MA-Fungi 95349), Lado 23678 (MAFungi 95350), Lado 23679 (MA-Fungi 95351), Lado 23680 (MA-Fungi 95352, USM), Lado 23681 (MA-Fungi 95353, USM), Lado 23682 (MA-Fungi 95354, USM). Huallanca, Chiquian, route AN-1263 towards Huallanca, km 28, Abra Cuncush, 4580 m, 10º05′45”S, 76º56′29”W, 15 May 2018, leaves and stems of Lupinus sp. , Lado 26732 (MA-Fungi 97502), Lado 26733 (MA-Fungi 97503). Huallanca, towards Antamina, route AN-1279, km. 77, 4378 m, 9º49′23”S, 77º02′24”W, 16 May 2018, stem and leaf litter of Lupinus sp. , Lado 26861 (MA-Fungi 97626), Lado 26873 (MAFungi 97635). Aquia, Abra Yanashalla, Huascaran N.P., Ichic Potrero sector, 3 km southwest Abra Yanashalla, 4845 m, 09º50′28”S, 77º06′15”W, 23 Apr 2013, Stangea henrici leaf litter, (mc, 21 Apr 2014, pH 8.32), dwb 3684. Carhuaz, route AN-107, km 35, descending from Punta Olimpica towards Carhuaz, 4050 m, 9º07′24”S, 77º31′59”W, 23 Apr 2013, leaves and twigs of Lupinus paniculatus, Lado 23816 (MA-Fungi 95471), Lado 23818 (MA-Fungi 95473), Lado 23819 (MA-Fungi 95474), Lado 23820 (MA-Fungi 95475), Lado 23821 (MA-Fungi 95476), Lado 23822 (MA-Fungi 95477, USM), Lado 23824 (MA-Fungi 95479). Huaraz, Jirac, route PE-14, km 97, 3529 m, 9º33′04.0”S, 77º40′23.9”W, 17 Apr 2013, herb debris, Lado 22684a (MA-Fungi 94940, USM), leaves, Lado 22691 (MA-Fungi 94946), Lado 22693b (MA-Fungi 94950), Lado 22694a (MA-Fungi 94951), twigs, Lado 22698 (MA-Fungi 94955, USM), leaves of Tillandsia sp. , Lado 22708 (MA-Fungi 94967), Lado 22722 (MA-Fungi 94977). Huaraz, Abra Punta Callán, route PE-14, km 113, 4233 m, 9º32′48.4”S, 77º37′11.4”W, 17 Apr 2013, branches and leaves of Cirsium sp. , Lado 22732 (MAFungi 94986, USM). Laboruri, Abra Punta Callán, route to Coris, km 10, 4542 m, 9º36′38.2”S, 77º37′39.8”W, 23 Apr 2013, herbs alive, Lado 23087 (MA-Fungi 95248). Huari, Chavín de Huantar, route AN-110, km 39, 4306 m, 9º41′26”S, 77º14′39”W, 11 May 2018, grasses and woody debris, Lado 26367 (MA-Fungi 97156). Huari, Challhuyacu, Huamantanga, 7 km south of Huamparán, 3238 m, 9º18′13”S, 77º10′16”W, 12 May 2018, woody debris, Lado 26462 (MA-Fungi 97246), stems of Rubus sp. , Lado 26472 (MA-Fungi 97257), herbs, Lado 26474 (MA-Fungi 97259), bryophytes, Lado 26477b (MA-Fungi 97263), leaf litter, Lado 26485 (MA-Fungi 97270). Huantar, 3292 m, 9º26′48”S, 77º11′00”W, 13 May 2018, leaves and woody debris of Rubus sp. , Lado 26531 (MA-Fungi 97313). Huantar, Anyanga, 7 km north of Huantar, 3035 m, 9º25′43”S, 77º11′17”W, 13 May 2018, leaf litter and woody debris, Lado 26561 (MAFungi 97337, USM). Tambillos, route AN- 110, 22 km south of Chavín course to Cahuish tunnel, 4072 m, 9º40′43”S, 77º13′27W, 22 May 2014, Polylepis sp. leaf litter, (mc, 27 Oct 2014, pH 6.76), dwb 3727. Yungay, Yungay, Huascaran N.P., Llanganuco sector, Abra Portachuelo, route AN-106, km 42, 4579 m, 9º02′38.5”S, 77º35′48.9”W, 19 Apr 2013, leaves of Senecio comosus, Lado 22797 (MA-Fungi 95010), Lado 22798 (MA-Fungi 95011, USM).Yungay, Huascaran N.P., Llanganuco sector, Abra Portachuelo, route AN-106, km 39, 4416 m, 9º02′49.6”S, 77º35′51.5”W, 19 Apr 2013, floral scape and leaves of Lupinus weberbaueri, Lado 22850b (MA-Fungi 95058, USM), Lado 22854 (MA-Fungi 95062), Lado 22856 (MA-Fungi 95064). Yungay, Huascaran N.P., Llanganuco sector, Chinancocha lagoon, route AN-106, km 25,500, 3844 m, 9º04′41.6”S, 77º39′06.9”W, 19 Apr 2013, bark of Polylepis sp. , Lado 22915 (MA-Fungi 95118). Apurimac: Abancay, Tamburco, Abancay, Ampay National Sanctuary, Angasqocha lagoon, 3271 m, 13º35′39”S, 72º52′50”W, 20 Apr 2016, canopy leaf litter (aereous), Lado 24590 (MA-Fungi 95866), Lado 24591 (MAFungi 95867). Arequipa: Arequipa, Chiguata, route PE-34C, 31 km east of Chiguata, 4075 m, 16º23′18.1”S, 71º18′59.9”W, 10 Oct 2012, leaves of Senecio sp. , Lado 22316 (MA-Fungi 94846). Caylloma, Tuti, Caylloma-Chivay community, route Chivay-Sibayo km 15, Tuti, 3750 m, 15º33′37”S, 71º34′18”W, 23 Apr 2016, leaf litter, Lado 24705 (MA-Fungi 95966), Lado 24706 (MA-Fungi 95967). Ayacucho: Huamanga, Quinua, route PE-28B, km 30, Quinua, 3926 m, 13º00′19”S, 74º06′27”W, 23 Apr 2016, leaves of Polylepis racemosa, Lado 24865 (MA-Fungi 96068), twigs and leaves of Polylepis racemosa, Lado 24870 (MA-Fungi 96074), leaves of Saracha punctata, Lado 24882 (MAFungi 96085, USM). Ocros, route PE-3S, km 470, Ocros, 3863 m, 13º22′41”S, 73º57′09”W, 21 Apr 2017, stems of Lupinus mutabilis, Lado 24897a (MA-Fungi 96095), fruits of Lupinus mutabilis, Lado 24904 (MA-Fungi 96103), stems and fruits of Lupinus mutabilis, Lado 24910 (MA-Fungi 96109, USM), leaves and stems of Otholobium pubescens, Lado 24920 (MA-Fungi 96119, USM), Lado 24921 (MA-Fungi 96120). Chiara, route PE-3S, km 424, Abra Toccto, 4171 m, 13º20′59”S, 74º11′03”W, 21 Apr 2017, leaves of Baccharis sp. , Lado 24960 (MA-Fungi 96157). Chiara, route PE-3S, km 415, Chiara, 3850 m, 13º18′49”S, 74º13′27”W, 21 Apr 2017, stem of Senna sp. , Lado 24975 (MA-Fungi 96173). La Mar, Tambo, route PE-28B, km 40, Tambo, Apacheta lagoon, 4150 m, 12º58′03”S, 74º05′38”W, 20 Apr 2017, leaves of Senecio sp. , Lado 24839 (MA-Fungi 96043, USM). Cusco: Calca, Calca, Puente Totora II, km 11, 3557 m, 13º15′10”S, 71º54′49”W, 16 Apr 2016, Tillandsia capillaris litter, (mc, 26 Nov 2017, pH 6.5), dwb 3832. Canas, Languí, route to El Descanso, Km 29, 3813 m, 14º21′03”S, 71º17′41”W, 22 Apr 2016, leaves of Baccharis sp. , Lado 24656 (MA-Fungi 95926), twigs of Baccharis sp. , Lado 24660 (MA-Fungi 95929), leaves of Baccharis sp. , Lado 24663a (MA-Fungi 95932), Lado 24666 (MA-Fungi 95936). Espinar, Ocouro, route PE-42J, km 108, 4253 m, 15º01′25”S, 71º17′36”W, 13 Apr 2016, leaf of Asteraceae, Lado 24260 (MA-Fungi 95604). Huancavelica: Angaraes, Lircay, route PE-26B, km 60, Lircay, 4001 m, 12º57′45”S, 74º44′22”W, 24 Apr 2017, leaves and twigs of Baccharis sp. , Lado 25167 (MA-Fungi 96352, USM), leaves of Cyrsium sp., Lado 25168 (MA-Fungi 96353, USM), Lado 25169 (MA-Fungi 96354, USM). Castrovirreyna, Santa Ana, route PE-3A, km 151, San Juan de Astobamba, 4480 m, 12º56′28”S, 75º06′00”W, 23 Apr 2017, leaves of Perezia multiflora, Lado 25146 (MA-Fungi 96334). Huancavelica, Yauli, route PE-26B, km 34, Pachacclla, 4280 m, 12°53′25”S, 74°50′16”W, 25 Sep 2012, leaves of Perezia multiflora, Lado 25177 (MA-Fungi 96360), Lado 25179 (MA-Fungi 96362), Lado 25181 (MA-Fungi 96365). Yauli, route PE-26B, km 19, Cunyac, 4403 m, 12º50′30”S, 74º52′48”W, 25 Sep 2012, leaves and stems of Perezia multiflora, Lado 25183 (MA-Fungi 96367). Huaytara, Huaytara, route PE-28A, km 120, Jatunhuatas bridge, 3119 m, 13º36′27”S, 75º19′38”W, 19 Apr 2017, leaves and stems of Perezia multiflora, Lado 24773 (MA-Fungi 95971), leaf of Puya sp. , Lado 24780 (MA-Fungi 95979). Pilpichaca, route PE-28A, km 170, Chaupi, 4347 m, 13º27′43”S, 75º01′59”W, 19 Apr 2017, branch of Baccharis tricuneata, Lado 24803a (MA-Fungi 96009), twig of Perezia multiflora, Lado 24810 (MAFungi 96016). Tayacaja, Acraquia, route PE-3SC, km 7, 7 km from Pucara, Sapallanga, 4260 m, 12º19′53”S, 74º57′56”W, 26 Apr 2017, leaf litter and stone, Lado 25334 (MA-Fungi 96496, USM), branch of shrub alive, Lado 25336 (MA-Fungi 96498), leaves of Valeriana sp. alive, Lado 25348 (MA-Fungi 96509, USM). Ñahuimpuquio, route PE-3S, km 160, Acostambo, Imperial, 3700 m, 12º19′22”S, 75º04′37”W, 25 Apr 2017, leaves of Baccharis sp. , Lado 25272 (MA-Fungi 96432). Huanuco: Dos de Mayo, Shunqui, La Unión, Chalcan, route PE-3N, km. 362, 3150 m, 9º46′43”S, 76º48′20”W, 24 Sep 2012, leaves of Solanum sp. , Lado 26887 (MA-Fungi 97648), Lado 26888 (MA-Fungi 97649), Lado 26889 (MA-Fungi 97650), Lado 26890 (MA-Fungi 97651), Lado 26891 (MA-Fungi 97652), Lado 26892 (MA-Fungi 97653), Lado 26894 (MA-Fungi 97655, USM), Lado 26895 (MA-Fungi 97656), Lado 26899 (MAFungi 97657), Lado 26900a (MA-Fungi 97658), Lado 26901 (MA-Fungi 97660), leaf litter, Lado 26903 (MA-Fungi 97661). Huánuco, Margas, route HU-111, km. 31, 3574 m, 9º59′59”S, 76º31′23”W, 17 May 2018, leaf litter and bark of Agave americana, Lado 26912a (MA-Fungi 97668). Junin: Concepción, San José de Quero, route PE-24, km 225, 6 km south of San José de Quero, 4235 m, 12º06′41”S, 75º35′01”W, 28 Apr 2017, twigs, Lado 25509 (MA-Fungi 96663). San José de Quero, route PE-24, km 231, 3965 m, 12º05′42”S, 75º32′51”W, 28 Apr 2017, leaves of Cirsium sp. , Lado 25512 (MA-Fungi 96666). Chambara, route PE-24, km 249, 8 km west of Roncha, 3465 m, 11º59′49”S, 75º28′22”W, 28 Apr 2017, leaf of Viguiera sp. , Lado 25528 (MA-Fungi 96686). Huancayo, El Tambo, route 108, km 17, 1 km southwest of Acopalca, 3790 m, 11º59′38”S, 75º06′49”W, 27 Apr 2017, leaves of Polylepis sp. , Lado 25403a (MA-Fungi 96561). Cullhuas, route PE-3A, km 142, 3450 m, 12°11′60” S, 75°10′38” W, 24 Sep 2012, Cylindropuntia pachypus epidermis, (mc, 01 Oct 2013, pH 7.4), dwb 3624. Yauli, Santa Bárbara de Carhuacayan, laguna Huascacocha, route PE-20A, km 199, 4608 m, 11º04′32”S, 76º23′49”W, 21 May 2018, ground litter Lado 27150 (MA-Fungi 97898), Lado 27151 (MA-Fungi 97899). Lima: Huarochiri, Chicla, Casapalca, Abra Anticona, route PE-22, km 130, 4761 m, 11º36′19”S, 76º11′42”W, 1 May 2017, twigs of Senecio sp. , Lado 25730 (MA-Fungi 96885). Chicla, Morococha, Abra Anticona, route PE-22, km 131, 4805 m, 11º35′55”S, 76º11′35”W, 1 May 2017, leaves of Senecio comosus, Lado 25739 (MA-Fungi 96890), Lado 25740 (MA-Fungi 96891), Lado 25742 (MA-Fungi 96893). Moquegua: Mariscal Nieto, Torata, Pontón Cuellar, route PE-34D, km 69, 3815 m, 16º59′54.8”S, 70º41′54.7”W, 7 Oct 2012, twigs and leaf litter of Baccharis glutinosa, Lado 22165a (MA-Fungi 94706), Lado 22166a (MA-Fungi 94708), Lado 22169a (MAFungi 94714, USM), Lado 22169c (MA-Fungi 94716, USM). Pasco: Damiel Alcides Carrión, Chacayan, Goyllarisquizga, route PA-102 towards Yanahuanca, km 15, 4336 m, 10º35′03”S, 76º20′35”W, 7 Oct 2012, leaves of Perezia multiflora, Lado 27029 (MA-Fungi 97777), stems and leaves of Perezia multiflora, Lado 27030a (MA-Fungi 97778, USM), Lado 27032 (MA-Fungi 97781), Lado 27034 (MA-Fungi 97783), Lado 27037 (MA-Fungi 97786), Lado 27038a (MA-Fungi 97787), Lado 27047 (MA-Fungi 97798). Pasco, Ninacaca, route PE-3N km 99, Carhuamayo-Oxapampa, 4092 m, 10º50′59”S, 76º09′53”W, 30 Apr 2017, living twigs of Senecio sp. , Lado 25642 (MA-Fungi 96797, USM), leaves of Perezia multiflora, Lado 25643 (MA-Fungi 96798), Lado 25644b (MA-Fungi 96800), Lado 25645 (MA-Fungi 96801), Lado 25646 (MA-Fungi 96802). Yanacancha, route PE-3N, km 122, 3 km south of Cerro de Pasco, 4354 m, 10º42′00”S, 76º14′07”W, 30 Apr 2017, grasses and debris of Baccharis sp. , Lado 25652 (MA-Fungi 96808, USM). Yanacancha, Pariamarca, route PE-3N, km 141, 3701 m, 10º38′46”S, 76º10′06”W, 18 May 2018, woody debris, Lado 27009 (MA-Fungi 97761), woody debris and leaves of Perezia multiflora, Lado 27012 (MA-Fungi 97764). Huayllay, route PE-1NC, km 120, Santo Rosario, 4611 m, 11º02′11”S, 76º30′21”W, 20 May 2018, woody debris and leaves of Perezia multiflora, Lado 27113 (MA-Fungi 97866). Huayllay, Huarón mine, route PE-1NC, km 130, 4571 m, 11º01′12”S, 76º25′30”W, 20 May 2018, stems of Senecio sp. , Lado 27131 (MA-Fungi 96809). Huayllay, route PE-20A, km 214, 4323 m, 11º00′21”S, 76º22′20”W, 20 May 2018, stems and leaves of Perezia multiflora, Lado 27142 (MA-Fungi 97892), Lado 27145 (MA-Fungi 97894), Lado 27146 (MA-Fungi 97895), Lado 27148 (MA-Fungi 97896). Simón Bolivar, Pacoyan, laguna Ruquicocha, route PA-100, km 33, 4444 m, 10º40′21”S, 76º26′50”W, 19 May 2018, stems and leaves of Perezia multiflora, Lado 27063 (MA-Fungi 97814), Lado 27066 (MA-Fungi 97818), Lado 27067a (MA-Fungi 97819), Lado 27075 (MA-Fungi 97827).
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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