Badhamia affinis Rostaf., Sluzowce

Treviño-Zevallos, Italo, García-Cunchillos, Iván, Basanta, Diana Wrigley De & Lado, Carlos, 2023, Diversity of Myxomycetes from Peru Part III: The high Andes and the altiplano, Phytotaxa 624 (1), pp. 1-92 : 11

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Plazi (2023-11-17 19:19:30, last updated 2023-12-08 13:23:53)

scientific name

Badhamia affinis Rostaf., Sluzowce


10. * Badhamia affinis Rostaf., Sluzowce View in CoL monogr. 143 (1874)

Specimens examined. PERU. Ancash: Asunción, Chacas, route AN-107, km 75, 3332 m, 9º09′39”S, 77º23′05”W, 10 May 2018, woody debris, Lado 26230 (MA-Fungi 97034, USM). GoogleMaps Bolognesi, Huallanca, towards Antamina, route AN-1279, km. 77, 4378 m, 9º49′23”S, 77º02′24”W, 16 May 2018, stem and leaf litter of Lupinus sp. , Lado 26868 (MAFungi 97631) GoogleMaps . Arequipa: Caylloma, Cabanaconde, Colca valley , Pinchollo , route PE-1SE, 17 km east of Cabanaconde , 3685 m, 15º36′32.7”S, 71º52′22.3”W, 9 Oct 2012, debris of Corryocactus sp. , Lado 22268 (MA-Fungi 91209) GoogleMaps . Ayacucho: Cangallo, Paras, route PE-28A, km 259, Niñobamba , 3902 m, 13º20′27”S, 74º34′11”W, 9 Oct 2012, bark of Polylepis sp. , Lado 24828a (MA-Fungi 96033). GoogleMaps Huamanga, Vinchos, route PE-28B, km 296, Casacancha, 4 km north of Arizona , 3451 m, 13º17′39”S, 74º19′29”W, 23 Apr 2017, branches of Baccharis sp. , Lado 25067 (MA-Fungi 96255) GoogleMaps . Cusco: Canchis, Marangani, Aguas Calientes , route PE-3S, Km 1137, 4057 m, 14º27′01”S, 71º04′36”W, 22 Apr 2016, leaves of Baccharis sp. , Lado 24644b (MA-Fungi 95914), GoogleMaps Lado 24645a (MA-Fungi 95915), living stem of Baccharis sp. , GoogleMaps Lado 24648 (MA-Fungi 95918), leaves and twigs of Baccharis sp. , GoogleMaps Lado 24650 (MA-Fungi 95921) GoogleMaps . Huancavelica: Huaytara, Pilpichaca, route PE-28A, km 170, Chaupi , 4347 m, 13º27′43”S, 75º01′59”W, 19 Apr 2017, branch of Baccharis tricuneata, Lado 24799b (MA-Fungi 96006), Lado 24800 (MA-Fungi 96007), GoogleMaps Lado 24802 (MAFungi 96008, USM), Lado 24807a (MA-Fungi 96013, USM), leaves of Festuca sp. , Lado 24816 (MA-Fungi 96023). GoogleMaps Tayacaja, Ñahuimpuquio, route PE-3S, km 160, Acostambo, Imperial, 3700 m, 12º19′22”S, 75º04′37”W, 25 Apr 2017, leaves of Baccharis sp. , Lado 25271 (MA-Fungi 96431) GoogleMaps . Junin: Jauja, Canchayllo, Nor Yauyos-Cochas Landscape Reserve , Zona de Puya raimondii , 3734 m, 11º49′33”S, 75º41′58”W, 25 Apr 2017, leaves of Puya raimondii, Lado 25588 (MA-Fungi 96741). GoogleMaps Yauli, Chacapalpa, route PE-3S, km 35, Chacapalca, 3623 m, 11º43′37”S, 75º45′18”W, 29 Apr 2017, leaves of Agave americana, Lado 25555a (MA-Fungi 96710) GoogleMaps . Pasco: Pasco, Ninacaca, route PE-3N km 99, Carhuamayo-Oxapampa , 4092 m, 10º50′59”S, 76º09′53”W, 30 Apr 2017, living twigs of Senecio sp. , Lado 25638 (MA-Fungi 96793) GoogleMaps . Puno: San Román, Cabanilla, route PE-34A, km 253, 15 km east of Santa Lucía , 3950 m, 15º39′55.2”S, 70º28′43.0”W, 8 Oct 2012, twigs of Azorella diapensoides, Lado 22215 (MA-Fungi 94760), Lado 22216 (MA-Fungi 94761); Azorella diapensioides leaf bases, (mc, 10 Jan 2013, pH 6.09), dwb 3540 GoogleMaps .

Notes. This species is very variable morphologically, and some authors distinguish among three varieties according to the spore diameter ( Poulain et al. 2011): var. affinis , (12)13–15(17) µm, var. armillata , (15)17–18(19) µm, and var. microspora , 8–10 µm. Peruvian specimens matched the description of var. armillata , with the spores ranging from 15–17 µm and with a conspicuous pale band ( Yamamoto 1998).

Poulain, M., Meyer, M. & Bozonnet, J. (2011) Les Myxomycetes. Federation Mycologique et Botanique Dauphine-Savoie, Delemont, 1119 pp.

Yamamoto, Y. (1998) The Myxomycete Biota of Japan. Toyo Shorin Publishing Co., Tokyo, 700 pp.











