Lamproderma scintillans (Berk. & Broome) Morgan,
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Plazi (2023-11-17 19:19:30, last updated 2023-12-08 13:56:47) |
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Lamproderma scintillans (Berk. & Broome) Morgan, |
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86. Lamproderma scintillans (Berk. & Broome) Morgan, View in CoL J. Cincinnati Soc. Nat. Hist. 16(4): 131 (1894)
Specimens examined. PERU. Ancash: Asunción, Punta Olimpica, route AN-107, km 51, 4628 m, 9º08′23”S, 77º30′17”W, 23 May 2014, leaves and stems of Lupinus paniculata, Lado 23770 (MA-Fungi 95423), Lado 23773 (MA-Fungi 95426), Lado 23774 (MA-Fungi 95427, USM), Lado 23776a (MA-Fungi 95428), Lado 23778 (MA-Fungi 95431), Lado 23783 (MA-Fungi 95435, USM), Lado 23785 (MA-Fungi 95438, USM), Lado 23786 (MA-Fungi 95439), Lado 23788a (MA-Fungi 95440), Lado 23789 (MA-Fungi 95443), Lado 23790a (MA-Fungi 95444), Lado 23791 (MA-Fungi 95447), Lado 23792b (MA-Fungi 95449), herb debris, Lado 23796 (MA-Fungi 95453). Bolognesi, Mojón, route PE-3N, km 15, at junction to Chiquian, 4313 m, 10º05′33.7”S, 77º10′56.4”W, 23 Apr 2013, leaf litter and shrub branches, Lado 23090 (MA-Fungi 95250), Lado 23091 (MA-Fungi 95251), twigs of Baccharis sp. , Lado 23093b (MA-Fungi 95254), branches of shrub, Lado 23094b (MA-Fungi 95256, USM), Lado 23095 (MA-Fungi 95257). Trail to Pampam town, Aynin bridge, route PE-3N, km 459, 3089 m, 10º07′30”S, 77º09′28”W, 20 May 2014, branches of Baccharis sp. , Lado 23657 (MA-Fungi 95334). Huallanca, Chiquian, route AN-1263 towards Huallanca, km 28, Abra Cuncush, 4580 m, 10º05′45”S, 76º56′29”W, 15 May 2018, leaves of Senecio candollei, Lado 26736 (MA-Fungi 97506). Huasta, Chiquian, route AN-1263 towards Huallanca, km 31, 3 km south of Abra Cuncush, 4320 m, 10º07′03”S, 76º56′09”W, 15 May 2018, stems of Senecio rudbeckiaefolius, Lado 26756 (MA-Fungi 97524), Lado 26757 (MAFungi 97525), Lado 26759b (MA-Fungi 97528). Huallanca, Abra Yanashaya, route AN-1279, km 60, 4677 m, 9º51′31”S, 77º04′44”W, 16 May 2018, leaves of Senecio bolivarianus, Lado 26842 (MA-Fungi 97608). Carhuaz, route AN-107, km 28, Pampa de Ulta, 3817 m, 9º09′17”S, 77º34′07”W, 16 May 2018, leaves of Gynoxys sp. , Lado 23838 (MA-Fungi 95492). Huaraz, Jirac, route PE-14, km 97, 3529 m, 9º33′04.0”S, 77º40′23.9”W, 17 Apr 2013, leaves of Tillandsia sp. , Lado 22709 (MA-Fungi 94968), Lado 22725 (MA-Fungi 94980). Independencia, Huaraz, trail to Llaca lagoon, km 1 at the juntion to route AN-139, km 15, 3826 m, 9º28′54”S, 77º28′01”W, 9 May 2018, leaves of Nordenstamia longystila, Lado 26138 (MA-Fungi 96942). Independencia, Huaraz, Cojup ravine, route AN-139, km 17, 3825 m, 9º28′51”S, 77º26′59”W, 9 May 2018, grasses and leaves, Lado 26157b (MA-Fungi 96964, USM), leaf litter, Lado 26159c (MA-Fungi 96968). Huari, Huantar, 3292 m, 9º26′48”S, 77º11′00”W, 13 May 2018, leaves and woody debris of Rubus sp. , Lado 26530a (MA-Fungi 97311). San Marcos, route AN-111 towards Antamina mine, km 22, Antonina lagoon, 4019 m, 9º30′22”S, 77º05′06”W, 13 May 2018, leaves and stems of Perezia multiflora, Lado 26583b (MA-Fungi 97360).San Marcos, route AN-111 towards Antamina mine, km 16, 3960 m, 9º30′49”S, 77º07′06”W, 13 May 2018, leaf litter, Lado 26589 (MA-Fungi 97366), Lado 26590 (MA-Fungi 97367), Lado 26598 (MA-Fungi 97376), grasses, Lado 26602 (MA-Fungi 97379). Chavín de Huantar, Tambillos, route AN-110, km 46, 3986 m, 9º40′37”S, 77º13′10”W, 14 May 2018, leaves of Nordenstamia sp. , Lado 26618 (MA-Fungi 97395, USM), leaf litter, Lado 26622 (MA-Fungi 97399), Lado 26631 (MA-Fungi 97408), Lado 26633 (MA-Fungi 97410), Lado 26635 (MAFungi 97412), Lado 26639 (MA-Fungi 97416). Recuay, Catac, route AN-110, km 11, 3865 m, 9º44′57”S, 77º22′48”W, 24 May 2014, leaf litter of Buddleja sp. , Lado 23893 (MA-Fungi 95541), Lado 23895a (MA-Fungi 95543), Lado 23896a (MA-Fungi 95545). Ticapampa, Catac, route AN-110, km 35, west exit of the Chavín tunnel, 4457 m, 9º41′21”S, 77º15′18”W, 11 May 2018, woody debris of Asteraceae, Lado 26347 (MA-Fungi 97137), leaves and woody debris, Lado 26352 (MA-Fungi 97142), Lado 26355 (MA-Fungi 97145), grasses, Lado 26357 (MA-Fungi 97147). Yungay, Yungay, Huascaran N.P., Llanganuco sector, Abra Portachuelo, route AN-106, km 42, 4579 m, 9º02′38.5”S, 77º35′48.9”W, 19 Apr 2013, leaves, Lado 22809 (MA-Fungi 95021, USM), Lado 22812 (MA-Fungi 95022). Yungay, Huascaran N.P., Llanganuco sector, Abra Portachuelo, route AN-106, km 39, 4416 m, 9º02′49.6”S, 77º35′51.5”W, 19 Apr 2013, leaves of grasses, Lado 22823 (MA-Fungi 95030), floral scape and leaves of Lupinus weberbaueri, Lado 22846 (MA-Fungi 95053), Lado 22849 (MA-Fungi 95056). Yungay, Huascaran N.P., Llanganuco sector, route AN-106, km 35,500, 4201 m, 9º03′33.1”S, 77º35′55.4”W, 19 Apr 2013, leaves of Polylepis sp. , Lado 22873 (MA-Fungi 95077). Arequipa: Arequipa, Chiguata, route PE-34C, 31 km east of Chiguata, 4075 m, 16º23′18.1”S, 71º18′59.9”W, 10 Oct 2012, leaves of Senecio sp. , Lado 22309 (MA-Fungi 94839), Lado 22310a (MA-Fungi 94840), Lado 22312 (MA-Fungi 94842, USM), Lado 22314 (MA-Fungi 94844), Lado 22317 (MA-Fungi 94847, USM), Lado 22318 (MAFungi 94848). Chiguata, route PE-34C, 31 km east of Chiguata, 10 Oct 2012, 4053 m, 16º23′35.6”S, 71º19′07.2”W, branches, leaves and bark of Polylepis rugulosa, Lado 22368 (MA-Fungi 94891). Chiguata, Symbral, 4050 m, 16°23′19”S, 71°19′05”W, 4 Jan 2019, on debris of Senecio, Treviño Myx 617 (HSP). Castilla, Orcopampa, Panahua waterfall, 4309 m, 15°21′39”S, 72°17′30”W, 3 May 2017, on leaf litter of Buddleja coriacea, Treviño Myx 118 (MAFungi 97928, HSP). Ayacucho: Huamanga, Acocro, route PE-3S, km 452, towards Sachamamba Km 204, 4062 m, 13º25′25”S, 74º02′27”W, 21 Apr 2017, leaves of Festuca orthophylla , puna vegetation, Lado 24947 (MA-Fungi 96144). Vinchos, route PE-28B, km 296, Casacancha, 4 km north of Arizona, 3451 m, 13º17′39”S, 74º19′29”W, 23 Apr 2017, leaves and branches of Eucalyptus sp. , Lado 25090 (MA-Fungi 96279). La Mar, Tambo, route PE-28B, km 40, Tambo, Apacheta lagoon, 4150 m, 12º58′03”S, 74º05′38”W, 20 Apr 2017, cow dung, Lado 24850 (MA-Fungi 96052), leaves and twigs of Buddleja incana, Lado 24854a (MA-Fungi 96056). Lucanas, Santiago de Vado, route PE-30A, km 105, 3850 m, 14º38′24.3”S, 74º17′28.2”W, 27 Sep 2012, branch of Asteraceae, Lado 21808a (MA-Fungi 94578). Cajamarca: Cajamarca, route PE-08, km 161, Abra Gavilán, 3187 m, 7º14′53.4”S, 78º28′13.5”W, 15 Apr 2013, leaves of Cortaderia sp. , Lado 22581 (MA-Fungi 94923), leaves of Eucalyptus sp. , Lado 22587 (MA-Fungi 94929). Cusco: Anta, Chinchaypujio, Chinchaypujio, Km 28, 3475 m, 13º36′46”S, 72º13′11”W, 17 Apr 2016, leaves, Lado 24462 (MA-Fungi 95798). Canas, Layo, Abra la Raya, route PE-3S, Km 1141, 4140 m, 14º28′09”S, 71º02′36”W, 22 Apr 2016, leaves of Baccharis sp. , Lado 24613 (MA-Fungi 95885). Canchis, Marangani, Aguas calientes, route PE-3S, Km 1137, 4057 m, 14º27′01”S, 71º04′36”W, 22 Apr 2016, leaves of Baccharis sp. , Lado 24641 (MA-Fungi 95909), grasses, Lado 24653 (MA-Fungi 95924). Huancavelica: Angaraes, Julcamarca, route PE-26B, km 146, Julcamarca, 3492 m, 13º00′45”S, 74º26′18”W, 22 Apr 2017, leaves of Baccharis sp. , Lado 24992 (MA-Fungi 96187), aereous leaf litter, Lado 25001 (MA-Fungi 96195). Lircay, route PE-26B, km 60, Lircay, 4001 m, 12º57′45”S, 74º44′22”W, 24 Apr 2017, twigs of Calceolaria sp. , Lado 25150 (MA-Fungi 96338, USM), Lado 25152a (MA-Fungi 96340, USM). Huancavelica, route PE-3A a Castrovirreyna, km 87, 3812 m, 12º48′02.5”S, 75º02′42.1”W, 25 Sep 2012, leaves of Asteraceae, Lado 21790 (MA-Fungi 94555). Acoria, route PE-26, km 39, Ccaccasiri, 3875 m, 12º38′32”S, 74º55′06”W, 25 Apr 2017, legume of Senna sp. , Lado 25218 (MA-Fungi 96402). Huaytara, Huaytara, route PE-28A, km 120, Jatunhuatas bridge, 3119 m, 13º36′27”S, 75º19′38”W, 19 Apr 2017, leaf of Puya sp. , Lado 24785 (MA-Fungi 95987). Tayacaja, Acostambo, route. PE-3A, km 173, 3333 m, 12º23′12.8”S, 75º03′41.2”W, 24 Sep 2012, grasses, Lado 21785 (MA-Fungi 94550). Ñahuimpuquio, route PE-3S, km 160, Acostambo, Imperial, 3700 m, 12º19′22”S, 75º04′37”W, 24 Sep 2012, leaves of Baccharis sp. , Lado 25265 (MA-Fungi 96424), Lado 25267 (MAFungi 96426), Lado 25274 (MA-Fungi 96434). Acraquia, route PE-3SC, km 7, 7 km from Pucara, Sapallanga, 4260 m, 12º19′53”S, 74º57′56”W, 26 Apr 2017, leaves and twigs of Baccharis sp. , Lado 25320 (MA-Fungi 96478, USM), Lado 25322a (MA-Fungi 96481), Lado 25329 (MA-Fungi 96491), Lado 25330 (MA-Fungi 96492), Lado 25333 (MAFungi 96495), leaves of Valeriana sp. , Lado 25342b (MA-Fungi 96504), leaves of Valeriana sp. alive, Lado 25350 (MA-Fungi 96511, USM). Junin: Concepción, San José de Quero, route PE-24, km 231, 3965 m, 12º05′42”S, 75º32′51”W, 28 Apr 2017, leaf of Polylepis sp. , Lado 25515c (MA-Fungi 96671), Lado 25516b (MA-Fungi 96673). Huancayo, Huancayo, route 108, km 15, 3 km southwest of Acopalca, 3719 m, 12º00′20”S, 75º07′23”W, 27 Apr 2017, leaves and catkins of Alnus acuminata, Lado 25420 (MA-Fungi 96578). Yauli, La Oroya route PE-3S, km 20, Huari, 3596 m, 11º37′49”S, 75º49′07”W, 29 Apr 2017, bark of Polylepis sp. , Lado 25571b (MA-Fungi 96728), Lado 25574 (MA-Fungi 96731). Morococha, Morococha, route PE-22, km 149, 4230 m, 11º35′31”S, 76º03′23”W, 1 May 2017, leaves of Buddleja incana, Lado 25716 (MA-Fungi 96869), leaves and bark or Polylepis racemosa, Lado 25722a (MA-Fungi 96874), Lado 25724 (MA-Fungi 96877). Moquegua: Mariscal Nieto, Torata, route PE-34D, km 76, 4130 m, 16º58′45.0”S, 70º41′29.9”W, 7 Oct 2012, leaf litter of Polylepis rugulosa, Lado 22180 (MA-Fungi 94734, USM), Lado 22183b (MA-Fungi 94736), Lado 22194 (MA-Fungi 94742). Puno: Lampa, Santa Lucía, Lagunillas, Puente Cañuma, route PE-34A, km 208, 4190 m, 15º41′36.3”S, 70º48′50.3”W, 7 Oct 2012, leaf litter of Baccharis tricuneata, Lado 22233 (MA-Fungi 95327), Lado 22234b (MA-Fungi 94776, USM). San Román, Cabanilla, route PE-34A, km 253, 15 km east of Santa Lucía, 3950 m, 15º39′55.2”S, 70º28′43.0”W, 8 Oct 2012, twigs and leaf litter of Baccharis tricuneata, Lado 22210b (MA-Fungi 94756, USM), Lado 22214b (MA-Fungi 94759).
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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