Marsupella koreana Bakalin & Fedosov, 2019

Bakalin, Vadim A., Fedosov, Vladimir E., Fedorova, Alina V. & Nguyen, Van Sinh, 2019, Integrative taxonomic revision of Marsupella (Gymnomitriaceae, Hepaticae) reveals neglected diversity in Pacific Asia, Cryptogamie, Bryologie 20 (7), pp. 59-85 : 67-68

publication ID 10.5252/cryptogamie-bryologie2019v40a7

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scientific name

Marsupella koreana Bakalin & Fedosov

sp. nov.

Marsupella koreana Bakalin & Fedosov View in CoL , sp. nov.

( Figs 4 View FIG A-G; 5H-K)

Plants strongly distichous, brownish green to deep green. Leaves distichously arranged, transversely to subtransversely inserted, narrowly canaliculate, divided by gamma-shaped sinus into two strongly unequal gibbous lobes, slightly revolute in margins. Dioicous. TYPE. — Republic of Korea. KyongNam Province, Chiri Mts. National Park, south-eastern part of the park, the stream descending southward of the main peak, 35°19’42”N, 127°43’07”E, 1300-1600 m alt., moist cliff in part shade in mixed coniferous ( Picea abies )-broadleaved deciduous forest in steep slope, field no. Kor-28-4-15, 7.V.2015, leg. Bakalin V. A. (holo-, VBGI; iso-, MW)

PARATYPES. — Only selected specimens are cited, the full list will be completed in the treatment of Korean Gymnomitriaceae : Republic of Korea. KyongNam Province, Chiri Mts. National Park, 35°19’54”N, 127°44’03”E, 1500-1600 m alt., 5.V.2015, Bakalin V. A. (MW, VBGI). — Chuncheonnam-do Province, Mt. Daedun, 36°08’02.9”N, 127°18’29.1”E, 343 m, 31.III.2009, S. S. Choi 3407 (JNU). — Gyeongsangnam-do Province, Mt. Gaya, 35°49’14.8”N, 128°07’27.5”E, 1313 m, 8.IX.2009, S. S. Choi (JNU). — Jeju-do Province, S. S. Choi 111147 (JNU). — Jeollabuk-do Province, Mt. Deogyu, 22.V.2008, S. S. Choi 509 (JNU). — Jeollanam-do Province, Mt. Dureun, 5.II.2009, S. S. Choi 3058 (JNU).


Plants in loose mats, more or less rigid, strongly distichous, brownish green to deep green, brownish greenish and yellowish brownish, rarely brown with rusty tint to brown-purple, 500-1100 Μm wide and 10-25 mm long. Rhizoids absent or very few, but common in geotropic stolons, colorless to grayish, obliquely to erect spreading. Stem rarely produces normal ventral branches, more commonly with ventral geotropic leafless stolons, almost always with 1-2 subfloral ventral or dorsal innovations; stem cross section differentiated into strata, nearly rounded to slightly transversely elliptic, with outer layer cells 10-20 Μm along margin, mostly thin, rarely slightly unequally thickened, but with thin and easily destroying external side, with moderate to small concave trigones; scleroderm well developed, in 2-3 layers, walls very thick, sometimes with visible median lamina, 7-10 Μm in diameter, but with lumen only 3-6 Μm in diameter, trigones moderate to large, concave; inner cells irregular in shape, 10-15 Μm in diameter, walls thickened, trigones moderate, concave. Leaves distichously arranged, transversely to subtransversely inserted, obliquely spreading and subtransversely oriented, margins commonly narrowly recurved in the both (dorsal and ventral) sides, narrowly canaliculate (but not distinctly conduplicate) with “keel” line slightly arched or nearly straight (in poorly developed phases), divided by gamma-shaped sinus into two strongly unequal gibbous lobes, lobe apices acute to obtuse. Cells in the midleaf mostly oblong, rarer subisodiametric, 7-20 × 7-13 Μm, walls thickened, trigones large, triangle to convex, cuticle smooth, cells along lobe margin 5-10 Μm, with unequally thickened walls, trigones small to moderate in size, concave, cuticle smooth; cells in the lobe middle 7-15 × 7-12Μm, with walls thickened to thin, trigones large and convex, sometimes confluent; oil-bodies (1-)2(-3) per midleaf cell, nonbiconcentric, finely granulate, spherical to oblong, c. 5-7.5 × 5 Μm. Dioicous. Androecia intercalary,

with 2-3 pairs of bracts (but adjacent 1-2 pairs of leaves are similar with bracts that gives expression of more long androecious part), spicate, bracts cupped to spoon-shaped, with recurved margin, suborbicular and lacerate when flattened in the slide, divided by gamma-shaped sinus into two almost equal gibbous lobes, 750-875 × 825-1050 Μm, 2-3-androus, antheridium stalk biseriate, 100-200 Μm long, body nearly spherical c. 100-120 Μm in diameter. Perianth hidden within bracts or shortly exerted, onion-shaped, c. 250 × 600 Μm; perigynium well developed, 600-800 Μm long (when archegonia fertilized), with two pairs of bracts, bracts sheathing perianth, with lobes incurved to perianth or very narrowly spreading. Elaters entirely bispiral, c. 200 × 7-8 Μm, with narrowed (sometimes even homogenous as in “ Plectocolea - type ”) ends. Spores brown, papillose, spherical, 10-11 Μm in diameter.

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