Rhamphichthys hahni (Meinken, 1937)

Vera-Alcaraz, Héctor S., Rios, Gabriela & Emhart Vuletich, Jimmy D., 2017, Confirmation of the occurrence for seven fish species in Paraguay., Ichthyological Contributions of PecesCriollos 49, pp. 1-9 : 6

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.11558306



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scientific name

Rhamphichthys hahni (Meinken, 1937)


Rhamphichthys hahni (Meinken, 1937) View in CoL

Synonyms. Sternarchorhamphus hahni Meinken, 1937 .

Morphology. Body compressed, elongated; tail slender, acuminated. Head long; snout long; eye minute, covered by skin; mouth small, subterminal; nares anterior. Dorsal profile of head concave, dorsal profile of body convex; ventral profile of head and body concave. Pectoral fin long, pectoral-fin insertion high, about middle of flank; anal fin base long, anal-fin insertion anterior just posterior to gill openings. Body scales small.

Measurements. Based in one specimen. Head length 13.9% in TL. Preanal distance 10.2% in TL. Snout length 50.0% in HL.

Counts. Based in one specimen. Anal-fin rays 378.

Coloration in alcohol. Body color ground pale brown with irregular dark brown marks on flanks, forming inverted transversal Y shaped bands reaching anal fin, marks on dorsum darker. Head color ground dark brown with irregular pale brown dots ventrally.

Remarks. First listed in Paraguay by Neris et al. (2010), in the Río Manduvirã, Departamento de Cordillera, no record of specimens.

Examined material. All from Paraguay: Departamento de Alto Paraguay: MNHNP 2299 View Materials , alc. 1, 257.0 mm TL, Río Negro , aprox. 2 km aguas arriba de la desembocadura .

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