Xylographella frithae, Souza-Gonçalves & Lopes-Andrade, 2017

Souza-Gonçalves, Igor & Lopes-Andrade, Cristiano, 2017, Taxonomy of Xylographellini (Coleoptera: Ciidae) from the Australian and Oriental regions with descriptions of new species of Scolytocis and Xylographella, Zoologia (e 13730) 34, pp. 1-7 : 8-10

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.3897/zoologia.34.e13730

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scientific name

Xylographella frithae

sp. nov.

Xylographella frithae sp. n.

http://zoobank.org/ 3500CFF5-B5D1-41F6-8520-8E8C173E0BDB

Figs 16–24

Xylographella sp. in Lawrence (2016: 198).

Type locality. Paluma , state of Queensland, northeastern Australia (18°56’S, 146°10’E) GoogleMaps .

Diagnosis. Xylographella frithae sp. n. differs from X. punctata in possessing longitudinal raised keels at elytral declivity and in the smooth interspaces of pronotal punctures. It is closely related to X. speciosa , but differs in possessing six longitudinal raised keels at elytral declivity, rather than twelve, and in being comparatively smaller (TL less than 1.90 mm).

Description, holotype ( Figs 16–20). Adult fully pigmented. Measurements in mm: TL 1.65, PL 0.60, PW 0.75, EL 1.05, EW 0.80, GD 0.73. Ratios: PL/PW 0.80, EL/EW 1.31, EL/PL 1.75, GD/EW 0.91, TL/EW 2.06. Body elongate, convex; dorsum and venter dark reddish brown; antennae, palpi and tarsi a bit lighter; dorsal vestiture of minute setae, smaller than a puncture-width and barely discernible even in high magnification (150×), except for the posteriormost portion of elytra with conspicuous setae (easily seen in lateral view); venter subglabrous. Head concealed by pronotum and not visible from above; dorsum with shallow punctures, separated from each other by a puncture-width or less and with microreticulate interspaces. Antennae bearing 10 antenommeres, as follows (in mm; left antenna measured): 0.09, 0.04, 0.06, 0.03, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.04, 0.04, 0.06 (FL 0.15, CL 0.14, CL/FL 0.93). Eyes finely facetted, each bearing about 80 ommatidia; GW 0.15. Gula 0.42 times as wide as head. Pronotum with moderately deep, single punctation; punctures irregular, separated from each other by a puncture-width or less and with smooth interspaces; anterior edge broadly rounded; lateral edges finely crenulate, not explanate and not visible when seen from above. Scutellar shield triangular, bearing a few punctures near lateral edges; BW 0.11. Elytra with coarse, deep, dual punctation; large punctures coarsely and irregularly distributed, deeper than those on pronotum, about twice as large as small punctures; small punctures sparsely and irregularly distributed; interspaces of punctures, smooth; elytral apex truncate; apical declivity (posterior one-third of elytra) bearing six raised keels (three in each elytron) converging to apex ( Fig. 19, arrows). Hind wings developed, apparently functional. Hypomera with coarse, shallow punctation; each puncture bearing a fine decumbent seta; interspaces, microreticulate. Prosternum in front of coxae biconcave; interspaces, microreticulate. Prosternal process laminate, as long as prosternum at midline. Protibiae about three times as long as broad and expanded near apex; outer edge with spines extending from apex to almost its base; inner facet with a conspicuous tuft of long bristles along the apical two-fifths of the inner edge. Meso- and metatibiae ( Fig. 20, left metatibia of a paratype) about four times as long as broad; outer edge with spines extending from apex to almost its base. Metaventrite with coarse, small punctures; interspaces, microreticulate; discrimen apparently absent. Abdominal ventrites with coarse, large punctures, separated from each other by a puncture width or less; interspaces, microreticulate; length of ventrites (in mm, from base to apex at the longitudinal midline) as follows: 0.22, 0.09, 0.08, 0.08, 0.17. Male terminalia in paratypes ( Figs 21–23): sternite VIII ( Fig. 21) with posterior margin rounded, bearing long setae medially; anterior portion with spiculum relictum. Tegmen ( Fig. 22, tegmen alone; Fig. 23, tegmen with penis) about 4× as long as wide, sides straight and almost parallel; posterior half membranous and bearing a short median emargination at apex; anterior half sclerotized. Penis ( Fig. 23, together with tegmen) about twice as long as tegmen; about 10× as long as wide; bearing paired longitudinal baculi more visible at the posterior portion and united near apex, forming a narrow arch posteriorly; apicalmost portion membranous, slightly expanded and bearing several sensilla at apex.

Measurements (in mm) and ratios (n = 17, including the holotype): TL 1.48–1.88 (1.64 ± 0.10), PL 0.50–0.60 (0.54 ± 0.03), PW 0.65–0.80 (0.70 ± 0.04), EL 0.95–1.28 (1.09 ± 0.08), EW 0.68–0.85 (0.76 ± 0.05), GD 0.65–0.85 (0.71 ± 0.05), PL/PW 0.74–0.81 (0.78 ± 0.02), EL/EW 1.31–1.61 (1.44 ± 0.07), EL/PL 1.75–2.29 (2.01 ± 0.16), GD/EW 0.87–1.00 (0.94 ± 0.04), TL/EW 2.03–2.32 (2.17 ± 0.08).

Material examined. Australia: holotype ( ANIC) labeled “ 19.00S 146.12E, Paluma, QLD, 900 m, 11-vii-80, D. W. Frith [printed]\ J. F. Lawrence, Lot 80–56, Phellinus pectinatus [printed]\ Xylographella frithae Souza-Gonçalves & Lopes-Andrade HOLOTYPUS [printed on red paper]”. Paratypes: 18 specimens (2 males and 2 females) as follows: 3 specimens ( CELC), same locality data as holotype; 5 specimens (3 ANIC; 2 CELC) “Paluma, QLD, 11 GoogleMaps

July 1980, D. Frith [printed]\J. F. Lawrence, Lot 80–56, Phellinus pectinatus [printed]”; one male ( CELC, dissected) “ Paluma, QLD, 11–12 Dec. 78, D. Frith [printed]\ J. F. Lawrence, Lot 78–203, Nigrofomes melanoporus [printed]” ; one specimen ( QMBA) “NEQ: 16°31’S x 146°16’E, Mt Lewis Rd ( Hut ), 14 July 1996, 1200 m, G. B. Monteith, Pyrethrum , trees [printed]\ QUEENSLAND MUSEUM LOAN DATE: March 2001 No. LE 01.11” GoogleMaps ; one female ( CELC, dissected) “ Mt. Lewis, 8 Km NW of Julatten, N. QLD, 8 Jan. – 2 Feb. 1987, R. Storey & H. Howden [printed]” ; one specimen ( ANIC) “ Mt. Lewis , 800 m, QLD, 26 Dec. 1986, H. & A. Howden, flight intercept trap [printed]” ; one specimen ( CELC) ” 17.27S 145.29E QLD, Hugh Nelson Rg. GS3 1150 m, 1 Dec. 1994 – 3 Jan. 1995, P. Zborowski, FI Trap JCU (East) [printed]” GoogleMaps ; one male ( ANIC, dissected) “ Hugh Nelson Ra. , 21 Km S Atherton, N. Qld, 1.xii.1983 – 9.1.1984, Storev & Brown [printed]\ MDPI Intercept Trap. Site No. 16 [printed]\On loan from: Dept. Prim. Industries Mareeba, Qld. Aust. [printed on green paper]” ; one specimen ( QMBA) “ Mossman Bluff Track, 5–10 Km W. Mossman N. Qld, 20 Dec 1989 – 15 Jan 1990, Monteith , Thompson & ANZSES Site 6,860 m, flt. intercept [printed]\ QUEENSLAND MUSEUM LOAN DATE: Dec. 2001 No. LE 01.29 [printed on green paper]” ; 3 specimens (one CELC, dissected female; 2 ANIC) “ Mossman Gorge, NP QLD, 6 Km SW of Mossman 50 m, 11 July 1982, S. & J. Peck, SBP6 [printed]\ J. F. Lawrence, lot 82–28, Nigroporus [printed]”. All paratypes are additionally labeled “ Xylographella frithae Souza-Gonçalves & Lopes-Andrade PARATYPUS [printed on yellow paper]” .

Host fungi. Phylloporia pectinata (Klotzsch) Ryvarden ( Hymenochaetaceae ), two records; Nigrofomes melanoporus (Mont.) Murrill ( Polyporaceae ), one record; Nigroporus Murrill ( Polyporaceae ), one record.

Etymology. The new species is named in honor of the ornithologist Dawn Whyatt Frith, who collected all specimens from the type locality. The species name is Latinized from “Frith” using the feminine suffix in the genitive singular (- ae).

Remarks. This is the first described species of Xylographella from the Australian region. The genus encompasses only two other species: X. punctata Miyatake, 1985 and X. speciosa Lopes-Andrade, 2008 , the former from the Japanese islands of Honshu and Shikoku, and the latter from the provinces of Mindanao and Luzon in the Philippines. Images of X. frithae were recently provided by Lawrence (2016).


Australian National Insect Collection














Xylographella frithae

Souza-Gonçalves, Igor & Lopes-Andrade, Cristiano 2017

Xylographella sp.

Lawrence JF 2016: 198
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