Scolytocis insularis, Souza-Gonçalves & Lopes-Andrade, 2017

Souza-Gonçalves, Igor & Lopes-Andrade, Cristiano, 2017, Taxonomy of Xylographellini (Coleoptera: Ciidae) from the Australian and Oriental regions with descriptions of new species of Scolytocis and Xylographella, Zoologia (e 13730) 34, pp. 1-7 : 4-6

publication ID 10.3897/zoologia.34.e13730

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scientific name

Scolytocis insularis

sp. nov.

Scolytocis insularis sp. n. A16E8CB3-2403-495E-AD46-34B12386ED83

Figs 6–10, 24

Type locality. Kolonia , Pohnpei Island, state of Pohnpei,

Federated States of Micronesia (6°57’N, 158°12’E) GoogleMaps .

Diagnosis. Scolytocis insularis sp. n. can be distinguished from other Australian and Oriental species of Scolytocis by combination of the following features: pronotum with interspaces of punctures microstriated and posterior edge devoid of a rugose border; metatibiae without a clear distinction between outer and apical edges, the outer edge being slightly rounded.

Description, holotype ( Figs 6–10). Adult apparently not fully pigmented but in good condition, except for lacking the right antenna and one tarsus. Measurements in mm: TL 1.08, PL 0.35, PW 0.48, EL 0.73, EW 0.48, GD 0.48. Ratios: PL/PW 0.74, EL/EW 1.53, EL/PL 2.07, GD/EW 1.00, TL/EW 2.26. Body elongate, convex; dorsum and venter yellowish brown; antennae, palpi and tarsi yellowish; dorsal vestiture of minute setae, smaller than a puncture-width and barely discernible even in high magnification (150×), except for the posteriormost portion of elytra with conspicuous setae (easily seen in lateral view); venter subglabrous. Head with anteriormost portion visible from above; dorsum with shallow, coarse, fine punctures, separated from each other by a puncture-width or less and with microreticulate interspaces. Antennae bearing nine antennomeres, as follows (in mm, left antenna measured): 0.06, 0.03, 0.04, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.03, 0.03, 0.05 (FL 0.07, CL 0.11, CL/FL 1.57). Eyes finely facetted, each bearing about 70 ommatidia; GW 0.11. Gula 0.47 times as wide as head. Pronotum with shallow, single punctation; punctures irregular, fine, separated from each other by a distance of one to two puncture-widths on disc and one puncture-width close to the laterals; interspaces transversely microstriated on disc, diagonally microstriated near lateral edges; anterior edge broadly rounded; lateral edges smooth, not explanate and not visible when seen from above; posterior edge without a rugose border along it. Scutellar shield triangular, bearing small punctures; BW 0.12. Elytra with confuse, shallow punctation; punctures coarsely and irregularly distributed, with somewhat rugose interspaces; elytral apex truncate; apical declivity (posterior one-fourth of elytra) with conspicuous cuticular globules ( Fig. 9, arrows). Hind wings developed, apparently functional. Hypomera with coarse, shallow punctation; each puncture bearing a fine decumbent seta; interspaces transversely microstriated. Prosternum in front of coxae biconcave; interspaces transversely microstriated. Prosternal process laminate, as long as prosternum at midline, apex acute. Pro-, meso- and metatibiae ( Fig. 10, left metatibia) with similar shape and length, approximately three times as long as broad, expanded from base to basal two-thirds; tibiae with outer edge slightly rounded, devoid of a clear distinction of outer and apical edges; outer edge with about 15 spines, a bit sparser near tibial base and getting closer until apex. Metaventrite with coarse, small punctures; interspaces transversely microstriated; discrimen about two-fifths the length of metaventrite at midline. Abdominal ventrites with coarse, small punctures, separated from each other by a puncture-width or less; interspaces transversely microstriated; length of ventrites (in mm, from base to apex at the longitudinal midline) as follows: 0.12, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.09.

Measurements (in mm) and ratios (n = 2, including the holotype): TL 1.05–1.15, PL 0.35–0.38, PW 0.48–0.48, EL 0.73–0.78, EW 0.48–0.53, GD 0.48–0.49, PL/PW 0.74–0.79, EL/ EW 1.48–1.53, EL/PL 2.07, GD/EW 0.95–1.00, TL/EW 2.19–2.26.

Material examined. Federated States of Micronesia: holotype ( ANIC) labeled “ PONAPE ISLAND: Colonia, iii.1998, H. S. Dybas, FMHN [printed]\ Scolytocis insularis Souza-Gonçalves & Lopes-Andrade HOLOTYPUS [printed on red paper]”. Paratype: one female ( CELC, dissected), same locality data as holotype and additionally labeled\ Scolytocis insularis Souza-Gonçalves & Lopes-Andrade PARATYPUS [printed on yellow paper] .

Etymology. The species name is a Latin adjective in the genitive singular and means relative or belonging to an island, in reference to the insular distribution of this species.

Remarks. This new species is known only from the type locality, Kolonia, a coastal town and capital of the state of Pohnpei in the Federated States of Micronesia ( Fig. 24). The species does not fit in any previously proposed species-group of Scolytocis . Here, we propose the Sc. insularis species-group to encompass this single species, the group defined by the combination of the following features: biconcave prosternum; outer edge of metatibiae slightly rounded, without a clear distinction between outer and apical edges. The prosternum is also biconcave in species of the Scolytocis danielssoni and the Scolytocis fritzplaumanni species-groups. However, in the Sc. danielssoni species-group the species are comparatively larger and have a rugose border along the posterior pronotal edge. In the Sc. fritzplaumanni group the species are also larger than Sc. insularis and bear a smooth border along the posterior pronotal edge. Metatibiae with slightly rounded outer edge are also seen in species of the Scolytocis bouchardi and the Scolytocis lawrencei species-group, but they have triconcave and tumid prosternum, respectively, and are exclusively neotropical.


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