Trypogeus pygmaeus Miroshnikov, 2018

A. I., Miroshnikov, 2018, The longicorn beetle genus Trypogeus Lacordaire, 1869 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in Vietnam, with descriptions of three new species, Caucasian Entomological Bulletin (Caucas. entomol. bull.) 14 (1), pp. 33-35 : 34

publication ID 10.23885/1814-3326-2018-14-1-33-35


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scientific name

Trypogeus pygmaeus Miroshnikov

sp. nov.

Trypogeus pygmaeus Miroshnikov View in CoL , sp. n.

(Color plate 1: 1–3, 8)

Material. Holotype, ♂ (cAM): S Vietnam, Dong Nai Prov., Nam Cat Tien Nat. Park , 17– 30.11.2004, window trap (leg. D. Fedorenko).

Diagnosis. Based on male characters, this new species seems to be especially similar to T. superbus and T. gressitti (Color plate 1: 6), but differs very clearly from both by the significantly more strongly convex and more strongly developed eyes, the shorter genae, the peculiar sculpture and the distinctly less strongly developed setation of the submentum, the somewhat longer antennae, the coloration of the tarsi, including the last tarsomere, the generally paler coloration of the light areas of the body, antennae and legs, and thesmaller body. Besides this, T. pygmaeus sp. n. differs from the former species by the more contrasting coloration of the base of the elytra and that of their remaining parts (reminding of T. gressitti in this respect), while it differs from the latter species by the less sharp impression in front of the discal tubercles at the base of the pronotum and the elytra being less strongly diverging along the suture at the apex (resembling T. superbus in this respect).

Description. Male. Body length 7.5 mm, humeral width 2.35 mm. Coloration of integument mainly combines yellow and brown tones; head dorsally, pronotum (except for two dorsal tubercles at base), scutellum completely, base of elytra in the form of fascia, metasternum mostly, apex of abdomen, coxae almost entirely, femora (except for apex and spots near the middle), antennomere 1 almostcompletely,last antennomere,last tarsomere and tarsomere 3 almost entirely or partly yellow or yellowish; eyes completely and mandibles partly black; antennomeres 2–10 combines brown and reddish, partly yellow tones, thereby brown coloration predominates dorsally, while reddish and yellowish colorations prevail ventrally; tarsomeres 1–2 and tarsomere 3 partly reddish; remaining parts of body and legs with brown tones.

Head at level of eyes subequal to pronotum at level of lateral tubercles; with a well-expressed median groove between bases of antennae and eyes; with moderately developed antennal tubercles; with a dense weakly expressed puncturation dorsally; mandibles long, strongly curved; right mandible, like in all congeners, with a large tooth at inner margin; eyes deeply emarginate, relatively strongly convex, with not too large but distinct ocelli; genae rather short; submentum with coarse and rough, heterogeneous, partly arc-shaped folds; gula with gentle, poorly visible, transverse wrinkles; antennae long, nearly reaching apex of elytra by apex of antennomere 8; length ratio of antennomeres 1–11, 19: 4: 22: 23: 23: 21: 21: 20: 19: 18: 25; antennomere 2 barely transverse.

Pronotum at level of lateral tubercles 1.21 or 1.19 times as wide as width at base and length, respectively; at apex slightly narrower than at base; lateral tubercles well-developed, sharpened apically; disc with clear tubercles, two at base and further two in the middle; with a weakly expressed puncturation.

Scutellum triangular, narrowly rounded apically, with a very small unclear puncturation.

Elytra 2.14 times as long as humeral width; strongly narrowed towards apex; slightly diverging along suture at apex; each elytron rounded at apex; with a small, predominantly weak, in places unclear, puncturation.

Prosternal process very narrow between coxae; mesosternal process rather broad, about 3 times as wide as gula at apex; mesosternum with a small rugose puncturation; metepisterna very wide, moderately narrowed towards apex; metasternum and sternites with a small dense puncturation, most sharp on sternites; last (visible) sternite with a wide well-expressed emargination at apex.

Legs robust, moderately long; femora thickened but not claviform; metatibiae clearly emarginate at apex; metatarsomere 1, 1.5 times as long as metatarsomeres 2 and 3 combined.

Recumbent setation well-developed; its silky looks and location on elytra being there contrasting iridescent like in other similar congeners.

Etymology. The name of this new species is associated with its smallest body amongst congeners.

Distribution. Southern Vietnam.













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