Komarekiella sp.

Da Anunciação, Raylane R., Paulino, Jonatas M., Moura, Ariadne N., Iv, H. Dail Laughinghouse & Gama, Watson A., 2024, Morphometric Characterization And The First Taxonomic Synthesis Of Terrestrial Cyanobacteria From The Atlantic Forest In Northeastern Brazil, Phytotaxa 646 (1), pp. 1-31 : 16

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.646.1.1

persistent identifier


treatment provided by


scientific name

Komarekiella sp.


Komarekiella sp. ( Fig.10O–R View FIGURE 10 ; 11A–C View FIGURE 11 ).

Filaments entangled, uniseriate or multiseriate, forming sub-colonies with numerous cells. Sheath firm, 6.75–13.11 µm wide, non-lamellated, hyaline, rarely conspicuous. Trichomes moniliform, not branched. Cell spherical, oblong or sub-quadratic, 2.5–8.15 µm wide. Cell content granulated, blue-green. Basal heterocyte spherical to semi-spherical, 2.42–3.49 µm wide. Germination of akinetes is asymmetric or in two vegetative cells.

Habitat: —Tree bark and wooden bench.

Notes: —This morphotype differs from Komarekiella atlantica Hentschke, Johansen et Sant’Anna by the filaments being multiseriate only when in division and by not have intercalary heterocytes.

Studied material: — PEUFR 56639, PEUFR 56643


Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco

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