Sternaulopius macrophthalmos Sheng & Chen, 2019

Han, Yunjong, van Achterberg, Cornelis & Kim, Hyojoong, 2024, Four genera of the subfamily Opiinae Blanchard (Hymenoptera, Braconidae) new for Japan, with the description of two new species, ZooKeys 1206, pp. 207-229 : 207-229

publication ID 10.3897/zookeys.1206.125662

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scientific name

Sternaulopius macrophthalmos Sheng & Chen, 2019


Sternaulopius macrophthalmos Sheng & Chen, 2019

Figs 48 View Figure 48 , 49–57 View Figures 49–57

Sternaulopius macrophthalmos Sheng & Chen, 2019: 595–598.


1 ♂ ( OMNH), “ Japan (Honshu): Oyamada-chou, Kawachinagano, Osaka, 34.4509 ° N, 135.5504 ° E, 4. xii. 2018, SW [= collected by sweeping], Shumei Fujie leg., OMNH ”.


Antenna with 24 segments (Fig. 53 View Figures 49–57 ); hypoclypeal depression distinct (Fig. 54 View Figures 49–57 ); malar space depressed (Figs 50 View Figures 49–57 , 54 View Figures 49–57 , 56 View Figures 49–57 ); dorsope slightly impressed (Figs 50 View Figures 49–57 , 51 View Figures 49–57 ); precoxal sulcus and sternaulus distinctly crenulate, absent posteriorly and subparallel posteriorly (Fig. 50 View Figures 49–57 ); medio-posterior depression rather large and round (Fig. 51 View Figures 49–57 ); length of eye in dorsal view 2.2 × temple (male; Fig. 55 View Figures 49–57 ); mesoscutum shiny and densely setose (Fig. 51 View Figures 49–57 ); vein 1 - M of fore wing slightly curved (Fig. 49 View Figures 49–57 ).


Male; length of body 2.1 mm, of fore wing 2.2 mm.

Head. Antenna with 24 segments and 1.1 × longer than body (Fig. 53 View Figures 49–57 ); third segment 1.3 × longer than fourth segment; eye 2.2 × longer than temple (Fig. 55 View Figures 49–57 ); vertex, frons and occiput smooth and glabrous; face faintly and moderately punctate and sparsely setose (Fig. 54 View Figures 49–57 ); median keel present on face, smooth; clypeus 1.8 × wider than its maximum height; clypeus faintly punctate, and its ventral margin pointed downward; hypoclypeal depression present; maxillary palp 0.7 × longer than height of head; malar space with a wide depression; occipital carina interrupted dorsally (Figs 55 View Figures 49–57 , 56 View Figures 49–57 ); mandible gradually widened basally.

Mesosoma. Mesosoma 1.4 × longer than its height (Fig. 50 View Figures 49–57 ); pronope elliptical (Figs 51 View Figures 49–57 , 55 View Figures 49–57 ); crenulate carina wide posteriorly on pronotal side (Fig. 50 View Figures 49–57 ); propleuron smooth and moderately setose; mesopleuron largely smooth with setae dorsally and ventro-posteriorly, but precoxal sulcus crenulate and wide, oblique, reaching anterior part (wide and crenulate carina in epicnemial area); sternaulus crenulate and subparallel with precoxal sulcus (Fig. 50 View Figures 49–57 ); epicnemial area crenulate; mesopleural sulcus wide and crenulate; mesosternum rather moderately setose; anterior groove of metapleuron crenulate and rather densely setose, remaining area rugose and setose; notauli narrowly crenulate on disc of mesoscutum and partly absent posteriorly, not reaching medio-posterior depression of mesoscutum (Fig. 51 View Figures 49–57 ); medio-posterior depression of mesoscutum rather large, round and shallow; mesoscutum more or less densely, superficially punctate and densely setose; scutellar sulcus wide and crenulate; scutellum superficially punctate and slightly convex in lateral view, but not protruding above level of mesoscutum; propodeum rugose with indistinctly short medio-longitudinal carina, two diverging oblique transverse carinae behind medio-longitudinal carina, and remaining area reticulate-rugose (Fig. 51 View Figures 49–57 ).

Wings. Fore wing (Fig. 49 View Figures 49–57 ): Pterostigma wide, wide elliptical; vein 1 - M of fore wing slightly curved basally; vein 1 - SR + M almost straight; vein r angled with vein 3 - SR; vein 3 - SR distinctly longer than vein 2 - SR (1.3 × longer than vein 2 - SR); vein 2 - SR slightly sinuate; r: 3 - SR: SR 1 = 1: 5: 8; vein SR 1 slightly curved upward; vein m-cu distinctly postfurcal and sublinear with vein 2 - M; second submarginal cell relatively long (Fig. 49 View Figures 49–57 ); first subdiscal cell closed; vein CU 1 b present. Hind wing: vein 1 r-m 0.7 × as long as vein 1 - M; vein m-cu short, oblique, pigmented and straight; vein 2 - M pigmented.

Legs. Length of hind femur 4.2 × its maximum width (Fig. 48 View Figure 48 ).

Metasoma. First metasomal tergite 1.3 × longer than its apical width, its surface rugose with striae, convex medially in lateral view (Fig. 51 View Figures 49–57 ); dorsope present (Figs 50 View Figures 49–57 , 51 View Figures 49–57 ); second tergite shiny and smooth, with pair of narrow depressions basally; third tergite convex posteriorly in lateral view; following tergites shiny and smooth, with band or row of setae posteriorly.

Colour. Body generally black (Fig. 48 View Figure 48 ); socket of antenna, mandible, tegulae and legs, brownish-yellow; palpi, light yellow; basal part of second metasomal tergite, brown; antenna, pterostigma and veins of wings, dark brown; wings, hyaline.


Japan (new record), China (Sichuan and Jilin).




This species runs to Sternaulopius Fischer in the key by Sheng et al. (2019), specifically to S. macrophthalmos , but it differs by having the mesoscutum more setose and less shiny than in the holotype of S. macrophthalmos , the somewhat smaller medio-posterior depression of the mesoscutum and less distinct posterior part of notauli, length of eye 2.2 × temple in dorsal view (2.8 × longer than temple according to description but 2.6 × in fig. 34 of the original description), the less curved vein 1 - M of fore wing, hind femur 4.2 × longer than its width (4.8 × longer than its width according to description but 4.3 × in fig. 36 of the original description) and second tergite and following tergites shiny and smooth with band or row of setae posteriorly (without distinct band or row of setae). The holotype of S. macrophthalmos was collected in alcohol in a Malaise trap and later treated by the AXA method (specimens were chemically treated with a mixture of xylene + alcohol 96 % and amyl acetate, respectively ( van Achterberg 2009; van Achterberg et al. 2010). The collecting method and the chemical treatment explain the cleanness of specimen, as well as the shinier appearance and loss of dorsal setae. The relative size of the eyes and legs may be related to the difference in sex (the holotype is female); the other differences are not enough to assign the specimen from Japan to a separate species.


Osaka Museum of Natural History














Sternaulopius macrophthalmos Sheng & Chen, 2019

Han, Yunjong, van Achterberg, Cornelis & Kim, Hyojoong 2024

Sternaulopius macrophthalmos

Sheng Y-Y & Wu Q & van Achterberg C & Chen X-X 2019: 598